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Topic 12. Financial Management


12.1. Financial diagnostics of the enterprise.
Essence and features of financial diagnostics of enterprises. Systematization of financial problems of enterprises. The concept of financial diagnostics of enterprises. The structure of the system of information support for decision making in financial diagnostics of enterprises. The mechanism for identifying financial problems of enterprises. The mechanism for diagnosing financial problems of enterprises. The mechanism for diagnosing management decisions. The mechanism for predicting financial problems

12.2. Cost management of the enterprise and determine the break-even production.
Search and identification of resource saving factors. Rationing resource costs. Planning resource costs by type. Accounting and cost analysis of resources. stimulation of saving resources and reducing their costs.

12.3. Financial planning and development of the enterprise budget. Organization of financial planning in an enterprise Formation of financial planning in Ukraine in modern conditions. The essence and importance of the enterprise budget. The role of budgeting in making management decisions. Budget period. Budget cycle. Infrastructure budget process. Analytical, accounting, organizational and software technical components. The role of budgets in making financial decisions.

12.4. Development and evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects. Approaches to assessing the effectiveness of investments. Investment performance indicators. Approaches to calculating the profitability of investment projects Cost and profitability of shares. Shares and their profitability. Yield of common and preferred shares. Methods for calculating the value of shares. Definition of stock prices. The profitability of operations with shares. Determination of bond yield. Bonds and their yield. The course and price of the bond. Coupon, current and full yield of bonds. Annual rate of return on bonds.

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Часть 1 Topic 12. Financial Management


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