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Topic 16. Human Resource Management


16.1. The essence of personnel management.
HR management system. The strategy of personnel management. The role and importance of personnel management of science and academic discipline. Human resource management is a partial management function. Stages of the historical development of personnel management. Personality: essence, structure, organizational behavior. The structure and number of personnel of the enterprise. Requirements for the professional qualification level of workers. Employee competence: nature, types.

16.2. The structure of personnel management.
The team as a social group. Stages of creation and development of the workforce. The structure and efficiency of the workforce. Corporate culture in the personnel management system of enterprises. The cohesion of the team: the essence of the stage. Socio-psychological characteristics of the collective as an object of management. Social roles and team relationships. Collective creativity. The concept and value of modern personnel policy of enterprises. HR management strategies. The content of personnel policy at different stages of the life cycle of the enterprise. Organization of the personnel service of the enterprise. Office work in the personnel service of the enterprise.

16.3. The content of the personnel management process.
Staff planning. Personel assessment. Hiring staff in the enterprise. Attracting staff. Staff selection. Professional orientation in the personnel management system. Management of labor adaptation. Training and professional development. Certification and rotation of personnel. Motivation of staff. Social partnership. Ways to release staff. The organization of the liberation process. Management of staff turnover in the enterprise. Personnel security management.


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