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Theme 6. Strategic management: model, strategy, technology, strategic planning


6.1. Features of strategic management.
Adaptation to change, development management, organization capacity management. The content of strategic management. Background of the modern concept of strategic management. Strategic management model.

6.2. General sense of strategy.
Factors determining the strategy of the enterprise. Strategy as a long-term plan. Strategy as a direction of development. Mintzberg's concept of defining the content of the strategy is “5P”. The factors that determine the strategy.
Basic organizational strategy level. Corporate content, business
strategies, functional and operational strategies.

6.3. Strategic economic zones and strategic economic zones
The concept of strategic economic zones and strategic economic centers. The relationship between strategic hosting zones and strategic business centers. Strategic flexibility. Factors affecting the strategic choice of the enterprise. Elements of a strategic set.

6.4. Methods and technologies of strategic analysis. Directions of strategic analysis. Strategic analysis of the macroenvironment: PEST-analysis, industry analysis. Strategic analysis of the microenvironment: analysis of enterprise resources, analysis of key competencies and competitive advantages of an enterprise, SWN analysis.

6.5. Situational analysis of the enterprise.
Evaluation of the reach of the chosen strategy, gap analysis method (gap analysis), strategic cost analysis, SWOT analysis, competitive position evaluation.

6.6. Forming a single business strategy.
Competitive strategies and their characteristics. Strategies of price leadership, differentiation, focusing, optimal costs. Investment strategies, the factors of their choice. The practice of competition in the field.

6.7. Growth strategies and enterprise development.
Concentrated growth strategies: strengthening market position, market development, product development. Integration strategy: full integration, horizontal integration, vertical integration, reverse integration, direct integration. Business Contraction Strategies: Outsourcing and Disintegration. The content of the strategy of diversification, the conditions for its effective use.

6.8. Analysis and management of the enterprise’s portfolio.
Criteria for choosing a portfolio strategy. Content of the main models of portfolio management: BCG matrix, McKinsey matrix, evolution of strategic management areas, ADL matrix, Shell / DPM matrix


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