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Theme 9. Analysis of financial and economic activity of the enterprise


9.1. Indicators of the results of financial and economic activity
enterprises. The economic essence of income, two interpretations of its content. Sources of education income and profits of the enterprise. Main factors
financial results.

9.2. Analysis of the availability and effectiveness of the use of working capital of the enterprise. Task statistics of revolving funds The study of the presence and
the composition of working capital. The system of indicators of use of working capital.

9.3. Analysis of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise. Methods for assessing the solvency of the enterprise. The method of calculating indicators to assess solvency. The reasons affecting the change in liquidity and solvency.

9.4. Analysis of profit (profitability) of the enterprise. Economic study of profit. Distribution of profits in the enterprise. Factors that influence the formation of profit margins. Economic study of the profitability of the enterprise.


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