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Topic 14. Production Management


14.1. Production research methodology.
Methods and organization of the research project. Essence, content and types of production efficiency. Production efficiency: a system of indicators.
Classification of factors for improving production efficiency. Classification of essential characteristics. The focus of activities and the use of factors to improve production efficiency.

14.2. Analysis of production efficiency.
Characteristics of the object of study. Features of the technological process of production. Technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise. The main technical and economic indicators. Analysis of production efficiency. Generalizing indicators of economic efficiency of production. Labor efficiency indicators. Indicators of efficiency of use of fixed assets, working capital and capital investments. Indicators of efficiency of use of material resources. Additional indicators of the system of indicators of production efficiency. Analysis of capacity utilization. Determination of the level of production mechanization. Conclusions of the analytical part.

14.3. Development of measures to improve production efficiency. A set of measures to improve production efficiency. Events increase the level of production mechanization. Activities NOT (scientific organization of labor). Measures to improve the use of fixed assets and production capacity. The effect of events in production.


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