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Topic 17. Budgeting and controlling


17.1. The concept of controlling, its essence and meaning. The concept of controlling and its essence. The emergence and development of controlling. The subject and methods of controlling. The purpose and objectives of controlling. Controlling functions. Place controlling in the enterprise management system. The system of controlling and modern business. The expediency and necessity of controlling in the activities of domestic enterprises.

17.2. Characteristics of controlling objects. The costs of the enterprise as the main object of management in the controlling system. Cost classification. Cost of products and its types. Cost formation by location, cost center and
responsibility centers.

17.3. The system of planning and budgeting in the enterprise. Planning, its goals, types and use in controlling. Budgeting as a tool for operational controlling, its advantages and disadvantages. Types of budgets, their characteristics and scope. The method of budgeting. The concept of standards, their types and connection with budgets. The influence of factors on the deviation of standard costs

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Часть 1 Topic 17. Budgeting and controlling


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