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Test questions and tests on the "economy and business"


Other peoples correct answered (level of difficulty) 40% questions

test questions

1. What is the essence of personnel management?
2. What types of personnel policy exist in enterprises?
3. What are the stages of staff selection can be distinguished?
4. plays a key role in personnel management?
5. What is the essence of the theory of motivation?
6. What is the meaning of the concept of "social partnership"?
7. What is the structure of motivation applied in enterprises?
8. Identify the main differences and common features inherent in different
types of economic accounting.
9. Give a description of the processes of operating activities and
operational cycle.
10. Give a general description of the components of the method of
tersky accounting.
11. What are the basic principles of the preparation of financial statements,
P (C) BU 1.
12. Expand the purpose and essence of balance as a method.
accounting and reporting forms.
13. What changes in the balance cause various business transactions?
14. Determine the essence of the relationship between balance and accounts.
15. Give a description and determine the structure of the active, passive and
active-passive accounts.
16. Give a description of the sections and components of the Chart of Accounts.
17. What are the requirements for the content and basic details
of documents?
18. What are the main cases of inventory, its value?
19. Identify the main differences between different forms of accounting.
accounting - memorial-order, Journal-Home, journal-order and
20. Describe the main ways to correct errors.
in the accounts.
21. Is it true that the most important
source of state budget revenues are VAT, excise and land charges?
Justify your answer.
22. Is it true that the main part of income
state budget account for non-tax revenues? Justified
lead your answer. What are the main non-tax revenues in
23. What are the signs classify budget revenues? In what
is the economic need to classify budget revenues?
24. What are the signs classify budget expenditures? In what
is the economic need to classify budget expenditures?
25. Is it true that the main source of
local budget revenues are local taxes and fees?
Justify your answer. What are the main types of local taxes and
26. Is it true that reducing the deficit of der
budget may affect: a) an increase in the size of government
debt; b) to increase sales of government securities on
financial market; c) to reduce the size of domestic state
investment. Justify your answer.
27. What are the differences of domestic public debt
from the outside? What is included in the internal debt of Ukraine?
28. In what case is the budget sequestration mechanism introduced? AT
what is its essence?
29. What is an organization and what common features do all organizations have as
management objects?
30. What factors determine the need to manage the organization?
31. What is the external and internal environment of the organization? Of which
component they consist?
32. By what criterion the external environment of the organization is divided
on the medium of direct and indirect impact?
33. What are the main models of organization emerged in the process of their evolution?
Give a general description of each of them.
34. What are the management concepts formed on the basis of
organization models?
35. What do you know the main approaches to determining the category
36. Marketing communications complex. The essence of its components.
37. Factors affecting the effectiveness of marketing
38. Stages of development of a marketing communications program.
39. Requirements for key communicators. Methods
apply for their search?
40. Personal and non-personal communication channels, their application.

Test part
1. A specific branch of economics and academic discipline that
based on the knowledge and conscious use of economic laws,
patterns of functioning and development of social production -
a) economic theory;
b) enterprise economics;
c) organization management.

2. Organizationally allocated and economically independent main link
production sector of the national economy, which manufactures products
(Performs work or provides paid services) is:
a) enterprise;
b) structural unit;
c) industry.

3. In the global economy, the general (main) goal of the enterprise,
there is a clearly delineated reason for its existence, called.

4. The management structure, between the elements of which there is only one
channel interaction is called:
a) functional organizational management structure;
b) linear-functional organizational management structure;
c) linear organizational structure of management.

5. Management structure based on deepening separation
managerial labor, called:
a) divisional organizational structure of management;
b) functional organizational management structure;
c) linear-functional organizational management structure.

6. What is the organizational structure of management along with linear
enterprise executives, functional unit for managing
There are also temporary specialized units - project groups:
a) with a linear-functional organizational structure of management;
b) when the divisional organizational structure of management;
c) with a matrix organizational structure of management.

7. The main functions of enterprise management include:
a) forecasting, planning, organization of work;
b) motivation, coordination and regulation;
c) control, accounting, analysis;
d) all listed management functions.

8. Implementation of marketing functions includes:
a) the maintenance and operation of equipment;
b) selection of target markets and their segmentation;
c) production program planning.

9. The spatial-temporal structure of production factors and their interaction in order to obtain maximum qualitative and quantitative results in the shortest possible time and at the minimum cost of production factors is called:
a) enterprise model;
b) organization;
c) the system of production relations.

10. The type of division of labor in production management is:
a) the organizational structure of the management apparatus;
b) the system of production relations of the enterprise.

11. The system of techniques and methods of influencing the performers through a specific comparison of costs and benefits (material
incentives and sanctions, financing and lending, salary, cost, profit, price) is:
a) enterprise management functions;
b) enterprise management methods;
c) enterprise management policy.

12. The main economic management methods are:
a) the system of wages and bonuses;
b) meeting the needs of performers;
c) the motivation of the performers.

13. Direct impact methods that are prescriptive, binding, are based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion, are called:
a) social and psychological methods;
b) organizational and administrative methods;
c) economic methods.

14. Organizational methods include:
a) organizational design;
b) regulation;
c) rationing;
d) all of these methods.

15. The danger of a wrong decision is:
a) the threat when making a decision;
b) risk when making a decision.

16. There are the following types of decision-making risk:
a) common (threatens the enterprise as a whole);
b) a special factor (raw materials, equipment, energy,
personnel, capital);
c) special in the manufacture of products (marriage, not those ways in
R & D, in storage);
d) special in the evaluation of products (in sales, in shops, guarantees, in
e) all listed types of risk.

17. Based on changes in data, the decision is classified into:
a) rigid, flexible;
b) autonomous, complementary;
c) simple and complex.

18. When independence decisions are classified into:
a) rigid, flexible;
b) autonomous, complementary;
c) simple and complex.

19. Marketing is a science that studies:
a) the market;
b) decision making process;
c) the economic activity of the enterprise.

20. Marketing keywords are:
a) system, element, communication;
b) management, process, decision making;
c) need, need, product, market.

21. A person’s feeling of something is called:
a) need;
b) need.

22. The main components of the product are:
a) a set of physical and consumer properties;
b) related products (shoelaces, computer floppy disks
c) brand name, high-quality packaging;
d) related services, guarantees;
e) all of the above.

23. Sources of transfer (promotion) of culture in the company in the process of its
Development are:
a) social tactics, signs, symbols, history of the enterprise;
b) rituals, ceremonies, norms and values ​​of the enterprise;
c) enterprise promotion;
d) all listed sources.

24. The control function is:
a) a tool for the implementation of the objectives of the company and the guarantee of the system
b) a type of activity based on the division and cooperation of management and is characterized by a certain homogeneity, complexity and stability of the effects on the object by the management entity;

25. Dispositional methods are implemented in the form of:
a) order, resolution, order;
b) instructions, team, recommendations;
c) all of the above.

Continue the phrase
1. Basic production assets are:
2. The capital intensity of production is:
3. List the main management functions.

Practical part
Determine the average annual cost of OF and the capital ratio of products.
The output of marketable products 156 thousand. UAH. The cost of OF at the beginning of the year - 245 thousand. UAH. Introduced throughout the year: in 1 quarter - 12 thousand UAH, in 3 quarter - 16 thousand UAH, in 4th quarter - 23 thousand UAH. Out during the year: in 1 square. - 14 thousand. UAH, in the 2nd quarter - 12 thousand. UAH, in the 3rd quarter - 18 thousand. UAH.

created: 2015-04-14
updated: 2024-11-14

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