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Some applications of operational calculus


1. Solution of the Cauchy problem for a linear differential equation with constant coefficients

  Some applications of operational calculus

Applying the Laplace transform and using the theorem on the differentiation of the original, we arrive at the equation

  Some applications of operational calculus

Where   Some applications of operational calculus

Transforming, we obtain the equation of the form   Some applications of operational calculus from where   Some applications of operational calculus

From the last relation, we get the opportunity to find the original x (t) from its image X (p) .

Initial task   Some applications of operational calculus reduced by replacing   Some applications of operational calculus to described.

2. Solution of the Cauchy problem for systems of linear differential equations with constant coefficients. The scheme of application of the Laplace transform is the same as in paragraph 1.


  Some applications of operational calculus

Applying the Laplace transform, we arrive at an algebraic system:

  Some applications of operational calculus

from where   Some applications of operational calculus   Some applications of operational calculus   Some applications of operational calculus   Some applications of operational calculus

3. Solution of Voltaire integral equations of convolution type

  Some applications of operational calculus

Applying the Laplace transform, we obtain

  Some applications of operational calculus

Where   Some applications of operational calculus

From the last equation, we express X (p) and, by X (p), we find the original x (t) —the solution of the integral equation.

4. Calculation of improper integrals.

If f = F , g = G , then

  Some applications of operational calculus

(Parseval formula).


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Comprehensive analysis and operational calculus

Terms: Comprehensive analysis and operational calculus