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1. What is called a game?
2. What is called matrix game?
3. What is called mn × matrix game?
4. What game is called a zero-sum game?
5. What is called pure strategy?
6. What is the lower price of the game?
7. What is the top price of the game?
8. What is the price of the game?
9. What is the principle of minimax?
10. What game is called a saddle point game?
11. What is a saddle point?
12. What is a mixed strategy called?
13. What is the solution of the game in mixed strategies?
14. What is called a useful strategy?
15. What does the main theorem of game theory say?
16. What is the scheme of the analytical solution of the type 2 2 × game?
17. What is the scheme of the graphical solution of a 2 × n game?
18. What is the scheme of the graphic solution of the game of type m × 2?


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Mathematical methods of research operations. The theory of games and schedules.

Terms: Mathematical methods of research operations. The theory of games and schedules.