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5.2. Function asymptotes


The line L is called the asymptote of the curve.   5.2.  Function asymptotes , if the distance from a certain point of the curve M (x, y) to the straight line L tends to zero with an unlimited distance of this point along the curve from the origin (that is, if at least one of the coordinates of the point M tends to infinity).

Asymptotes are divided into vertical and oblique.

Straight   5.2.  Function asymptotes called the vertical asymptote curve   5.2.  Function asymptotes , if a   5.2.  Function asymptotes and (or)   5.2.  Function asymptotes .

Straight   5.2.  Function asymptotes called the sloped asymptote curve   5.2.  Function asymptotes if there are finite limits:
  5.2.  Function asymptotes ;   5.2.  Function asymptotes . If it turns out that k = 0, then the asymptote is called horizontal.



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Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus

Terms: Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus