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3. Continuity of function 2.3.1. Continuous and discontinuous functions


Let function   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions defined around the number   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions . Function   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions called continuous at the point   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions , if a:

  • function   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions defined in some neighborhood of a point   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions ;
  •   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions .

Function   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions called continuous on the interval   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions if it is continuous at every point of this interval. If they say that the function   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions continuous on segment   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions , it implies that the function   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions continuous at some interval   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions containing a segment   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions .

Elementary functions are continuous in their domain of definition, more precisely, on the largest open set contained in the domain of definition. For example, the function   3. Continuity of function 2.3.1.  Continuous and discontinuous functions defined on the segment [-1; 1], and is continuous on the interval (1; 1).


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Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus

Terms: Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus