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2.4. Derivative 2.4.1. Derivative Definition


Let function   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition defined on interval   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition .

Let the number   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition . Give x increment Δx so that   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition . Incrementing the argument Δx will cause the function to increment   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition . The limit (if it exists) of the ratio of the increment of the function Δy to the increment of the argument Δx as Δx → 0 is called the derivative of the function   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition and is denoted by   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition i.e.   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition

At the same time, the function itself   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition called differentiable .
The following symbols are also used to denote a derivative:   2.4.  Derivative 2.4.1.  Derivative Definition .


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Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus

Terms: Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus