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3.2. Break points and their classification


If at any point   3.2.  Break points and their classification function   3.2.  Break points and their classification not defined either   3.2.  Break points and their classification and (or)   3.2.  Break points and their classification , the point is called the point of discontinuity of the function, and the function itself is discontinuous at this point.

If a   3.2.  Break points and their classification - break point function   3.2.  Break points and their classification and finite limits exist   3.2.  Break points and their classification and   3.2.  Break points and their classification then the point   3.2.  Break points and their classification called the break point of the first kind.

Break points of the first kind are divided into:

  • points of a removable gap if   3.2.  Break points and their classification ;
  • jump points if   3.2.  Break points and their classification ;

If at least one of the one-sided limits is not finite, then a point   3.2.  Break points and their classification there is a break point of the second kind.


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Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus

Terms: Mathematical analysis. Differential calculus