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The design elements of the IC main parameters IC


Chip design elements
The body is a part of the IC design that is intended to protect the MS from external influences and to be connected to external electrical circuits by means of leads.

The substrate is a dielectric blank, designed to apply elements, inter-element joints and contact pads to it.

The board is a part of the substrate or the entire substrate, on the surfaces of which are applied film elements of MC, inter-element connections and contact areas.

A semiconductor wafer is a semiconductor material blank for the manufacture of an IC;

A crystal is a part of a plate, in the volume and on the surface of which elements of a semiconductor MS are formed; inter-element connections and contact pads;

Contact area - a metallized area on the board or on the chip, or on the IC case, used to connect the terminals of the components and crystals, jumpers, as well as to control its electrical parameters and modes;

Bulkless IC - MC MC, designed for installation in a hybrid IM or microassembly;

The output is a conductor electrically connected to the contact pad of the crystal and mechanically with its surface to ensure electrical contact with external electrical circuits.

The main parameters of the IC
Packing density - quantity per unit volume
The degree of integration - the number of elements that make up the IC in 1 cm3
1st degree of integration - up to 10 e / cm3
2nd degree of integration - 10-100 el / cm3
3rd degree of integration - 100-1000 el / cm3
4th degree of integration - up to 100,000 e / cm3

IC classification according to manufacturing technology

Semiconductor - All elements of the MS are obtained in a single technological cycle, all elements are made in the volume and on the surface of the semiconductor crystal. Semiconductor PIPs *** consume 50–200 MW.

Hybrid - IM, containing in addition to the elements of simple and complex components (several PIMS). Passive elements are made by applying various films on the surface of a dielectric substrate made of glass, ceramics, sitall or sapphire, and the active elements are unpackaged semiconductor devices.

Film - all elements and inter-element compounds of which are made only in the form of films of conductive and dielectric materials


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Digital devices. Microprocessors and microcontrollers. computer operating principles

Terms: Digital devices. Microprocessors and microcontrollers. computer operating principles