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5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.


Annotation: The lecture presents the minimization of incompletely defined functions, provides a synthesis of functions in Sheffer bar and Pierce arrow bases, gives approaches to the minimization of conjunctive forms.

Very often, if not in most cases, the operation of a particular device is described using an incompletely defined function, since some combinations of input signals are not given or are prohibited.

Definition An incompletely defined function is such a switching function, the values ​​of which on some sets of arguments can be arbitrary (that is, equal to "0" or "1").

Definition Let the function f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ) not be defined on the "p" sets of arguments. Then a fully qualified function   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. We will be considered equivalent to f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ), if its values ​​on those sets on which f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ) is defined coincide.

Obviously, there are 2 p different functions equivalent to f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ).

The minimization problem f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ) is to choose such an equivalent   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. which has the simplest form.

We introduce two auxiliary equivalent functions.   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. ,   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. which take on forbidden argument sets the values ​​0 and 1, respectively.

THEOREM . PDNF incompletely defined f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ) coincides with the disjunction of the shortest implicant   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. that co-cover all the constituents of the unit   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. and none of which is superfluous.

Example :

Let f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ) be given in the following table:

f (x 1 , x 2 , ... x n ) one - - - 0 one 0 0 one 0 - 0 one - - one
Numeric equivalents of sets 0 one 2 3 four five 6 7 eight 9 ten eleven 12 13 14 15


  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. ,


  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Find simple implicants   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Constituent units   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. one Gluing marks Implicants Gluing marks Implicants
  00- -
 00- -
* *
* *
* -
* *
* *
* *
  eleven- - 

Simple implicants   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Construct an implicant matrix.

Constituent units   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. 0000 0101 1000 1100 1111
Simple implicants   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.
0-01 +
-101 +
110- +
11-0 +
00-- +
-0-0 + +
1--0 + +
eleven-- + +

Perform optimal coverage of the constituent unit   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. simple implicants   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. and we get the minimal form of the function f (x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 )

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Minimization of incompletely defined functions with the help of Veitch diagrams in a visual and convenient form allows finding minimal forms.

Example :

Consider the function f (x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 ) and find its minimal form. Fill in the Veitch diagram according to the following rules: put in the cells of the diagram units that correspond to the constituents of the unit, zeros for the absent constituents and the symbol of uncertainty - “*” (asterisk) - to the others.

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

It can be seen that the cells for the constituents: x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 , x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 , x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 it is advisable to “put” units instead of symbols of uncertainty, since in this case the correct rank 2 configuration, which is covered by the product x 2 x 3 .

Similarly, in the cell x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 you need to "put" one.

So,   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. .

Remark Everything that has been said about minimizing the function represented in the PDNF or DNF is valid for the function specified in the CNF or CNF.

In this case, you need to find the correct configuration formed by zeros.

Synthesis of switching functions in a one-element basis

Operation (arrow) Pierce

  , x 
x 1 0 0 one one
x 2 0 one 0 one
f 8 one 0 0 0

This function can be represented by writing down the "units":

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.


  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Based on the principle of superposition:

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Applying the de Morgan rule:

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.


  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.


  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Consider some relationships for Pierce's operation:

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. ,

those. Pierce operation does not have the property of associativity

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

In this case, the order of operations in the formulas, where there is a Pierce operation is as follows:

  1. brackets are revealed
  2. inversion operations are performed
  3. Pierce operations are performed

Synthesis of logical functions in the Pierce basis is convenient to produce, having a function entry in the CNF.

Suppose that the FAL is given in conjunction form

f = Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 . . . Q n

Substitute the term Q i in the form:

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Take double negation from both sides of this equality, applying the de Morgan rule

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Applying a ratio derived from the superposition principle:

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Or, applying this transformation to the original form, we get:

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

So: to move from the CNF to the Pierce basis and inversion, you need:

  1. replace disjunction operations with Pierce operations
  2. replace conjunction operations with Pierce operations
  3. put in brackets all those groups of letters that correspond to conjunctive members.

Example :

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

Remark Since in these works the number of letters does not increase, and if the initial form of the function was minimal, then the newly obtained will also be minimal (in fact, the situation is more complicated, since we are not considering a basis "   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. "and the other, that is"   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. "and" - "- Pierce operation and inversion).

Fundamentally, you can get rid of the negatives by applying the ratio:   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. , but then it will not be possible to say that the form obtained will be minimal!

Scheffer's stroke operation

x 1 0 0 one one
x 2 0 one 0 one
f 14 one one one 0

Note that this function is dual with respect to f 8 , therefore all properties are essentially dual duality of the considered ones.

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. (write functions by zeros)

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

based on the principle of superposition:

x 1 | x 2 | . . . | x n = x 1 x 2 ... x n

Consider some equivalences:

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

x 1 | x 2 | x 3 = (x 1 x 2 ) | x 3 = x 1 | (x 2 x 3 )

x 1 | x 2 | x 3 | x 4 = (x 1 x 2 ) | (x 3 x 4 )

We formulate the rules for the transition from a DNF function to an expression using the operation "Sheffer Stroke".

  1. replace all disjunction operations with Schaeffer operations
  2. replace all conjunction operations with Schaeffer operations
  3. groups of letters that correspond to disjunctive members, enclose in brackets.

Example :

  5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

The same can be said about the minimal form.

In conclusion, it should be noted that at present the issues of the synthesis of functions in the singleton basis are of great importance, since the corresponding elements use the operation of Pierce and Schaeffer. However, the theoretical methods of synthesis are not fully developed in such detail as they were made in the basis of the “and”, “or”, or “inversion”.

Minimal conjunctive normal forms

As noted, in order to obtain the minimum form of the function, both MDNF and MISP should be constructed.

Consider the construction of the MCF.

Basically, the methods of obtaining MCPF are similar to the methods of obtaining MDNF and therefore we formulate only the rules for obtaining MCPF:

  1. Submit FAL to SKNF. If it is specified by the table, then write the function by zeros, as it was formulated earlier. If the PDNF is given, then it is easy to get SKNF from it:

      5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. ,

    those. the function must be represented in the form of a conjunction of the missing number of disjunctive members with corresponding negatives.

  2. When specifying a function in an arbitrary conjugative form, applying

    deployment formulas:

      5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

    . . . . . . . . . . . .

    get SKNF.

  3. Perform all partial gluing operations:

      5: Minimize incompletely defined functions.

    and absorption:   5: Minimize incompletely defined functions. , get abbreviated CNF.

  4. Apply any of the minimization methods: test members, Veitch diagrams, implicative matrix method.
    • When performing the method of testing members, it is necessary to equate each conjunctive member to zero. Find the values ​​of the arguments that vanish it, remove it from the function expression, and find the function value with the found values ​​of the arguments. If the function vanishes, then the conjunctive term is redundant.

      If possible, discard several members at once, act as if minimizing the function of the DNF.

    • When using the Vache diagrams, the correct configurations formed by zeros are searched.
    • When using the method of implicant matrices, they act as in the case of DNF, only the columns are assigned the names of the constituents "0" of the function recorded in the SKNF, and the horizontal rows - the simple implicant. Next, look for the best coverage.


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Digital devices. Microprocessors and microcontrollers. computer operating principles

Terms: Digital devices. Microprocessors and microcontrollers. computer operating principles