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Structure of a quantum device


Structure of a quantum device

  Structure of a quantum device

Figure 1 - Structural diagram of a quantum device

  • AE - the active element

  • LN - pumping lamp,
  • PI - power supply,
  • 3 - feedback element.

  Structure of a quantum device

K F is the full gain.

  Structure of a quantum device

  Structure of a quantum device

The postulates of Einstein. Quantum two-tier


  Structure of a quantum device

Figure 1-Quantum two-level system.

N 1, N 2 - level population,

p is the volume specific gravity.

  Structure of a quantum device

The first postulate of Einstein.

The probability of induced transitions is different from 0 only for the external field at the frequency   Structure of a quantum device

  Structure of a quantum device

The second postulate of Einstein.

The quanta of the electromagnetic field, emitted during induced transitions, will be completely identical (coherent) to the quanta of the external field in terms of frequency, phase, direction.

  Structure of a quantum device

where W 12 is the probability of absorption,

W 21 - the probability of radiation,

B 12 - absorption coefficient

B 21 - emissivity.

The induced absorption and radiation is related to the external field. The probability of spontaneous radiation does not depend on the external field, but is determined by the expression:

  Structure of a quantum device

We will find out under what conditions the induced radiation takes place:

  Structure of a quantum device

  Structure of a quantum device

  Structure of a quantum device

  Structure of a quantum device


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Quantum electronics

Terms: Quantum electronics