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Diffraction loss


Diffraction loss

  Diffraction loss

  Diffraction loss .

The magnitude of the diffraction loss depends on the geometric dimensions of the resonator, the type of field distribution.

  Diffraction loss

The mode distribution coincides with the field distribution in the waveguide:

  Diffraction loss ,

if the field is round, it is described by the Bessel formulas,   Diffraction loss - wave numbers, n, m - the number of field variations along x or y.

  Diffraction loss ,   Diffraction loss .

  Diffraction loss ,   Diffraction loss .

  Diffraction loss - the number of Frinel.

  Diffraction loss

Obviously, with increasing cavity length, diffraction losses increase. With an increase in a (mirror size), diffraction losses will decrease.

Diffraction mode loss in an open resonator.

  Diffraction loss ,

  Diffraction loss ,

  Diffraction loss .

  Diffraction loss   Diffraction loss

Singlemode mode is achieved by changing the aperture.

  Diffraction loss


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Quantum electronics

Terms: Quantum electronics