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Booger law


Booger law

The body is represented as a solid homogeneous substance. For this are determined Booger law and Booger law , and Booger law :

Booger law .

Booger law

Figure 2.

Basically Booger law can be represented as frequency wave numbers, according to the law of Bouguer:

K = ReK + ImK, Booger law .

According to Bouguer's law, the convenience of this law is that the input and output intensities consider the primary parameters, and the secondary parameters Booger law and Booger law considered as a quadruple.

Booger law .

From this expression it follows that the wave, having passed through the medium, has some attenuation and phase shift:

Booger law

Figure 3.

Booger law ,

where the right expression falls into two conditions: the balance of the amplitudes and the balance of the phases, and will be equal to one if:

one) Booger law - amplitude balance;

2) Booger law where m = 0,1,2,3 ..., and 2l is the full pass in the laser device.

Types of transitions.

1. Induced transitions.

In the transition from the lower to the upper level, light absorption occurs. In the reverse transition - induced radiation.

Booger law

Figure 4.

The frequency, phase of the excited field completely coincides with the excited radiation (spontaneous emission of the input signal). For a two-level system, active absorption and excitation will occur with probability Booger law . Induced radiation is possible in the presence of an external field.

2. Spontaneous transitions.

Booger law

Figure 5.

This is not related to the external field, but is determined by the probability of the particle’s natural life at the upper level. Booger law . Time constant Booger law determines the width of the spontaneous emission zone Booger law Spontaneous radiation affects the frequency of the spectrum.

3. Radiating transitions.

Booger law

Figure 6.

They are characterized by the fact that the excited particles touch the limited volume of the discharge tube and give it energy. Their temperature drops. The optimal ratio of the diameter of the tube and plasma for geleleonovogo tube has 8 mm. To get more power, the laser is compressed by a magnetic field.


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Quantum electronics

Terms: Quantum electronics