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Lecture questions:

1. Technical level

2. The main stages of evaluation

quality level

3. Characteristics of regulatory

documents used

for quality assessment

4. Graduation of technical products

by quality levels

1. Technical level

The quality of technical products is estimated by

mi of its technical level (quality level, level of technical

perfection) at all stages of the product life cycle:

design and construction, in the manufacture and production

the process of operation.

In accordance with the official wording, under the technical

the cus level (TU) of products refers to the relative

product quality characteristic based on matching

(ratio) of the values ​​of indicators of properties, reflecting the

perfection of products, with appropriate

best domestic and foreign (basic) samples

technology. Evaluation of the technical level of the product consists of

product compliance with world, regional

(for example, European), national quality level or

quality level of the industry. Compliance with the process

world or other level is established on the basis of

comparing the values ​​of technical indicators

properties (quality) of the product being evaluated and basic samples

Evaluation of technical conditions and, consequently, product quality is

It is designed to objectively solve the following main tasks:

- quality assurance and management;

- certification of products by quality categories;

- selection of the best (or optimal) option


- planning the quality indicators of the created equipment;

- quality control;

- analysis of changes in the level of quality.

2. The main stages of assessing the level of quality

Since the quality of the object is manifested primarily

through its properties, i.e. through the objective features of the object,

it is considered that for quality assessment it is necessary: ​​first,

to determine the list (nomenclature) of those properties, the totality

which fully characterizes the quality;

secondly, measure properties, i.e. determine their numerical values

chenii; third, analytically compare the data

with similar characteristics of another object being taken

for a sample or quality standard.

The result will be with a sufficient degree

comradely characterize the quality of the object.

At the stage of metrological measurement of properties (speed,

weights, forces, etc.) receive objective information about them. but

already the next qualimetric stage in quality research

The object is largely subjective. Subject-

tivnost is in the choice of the standard of quality or

“Base sample”, with data about which are compared with the

deniya about the properties of the object.

When evaluating quality, it is sometimes recommended to use

image of the “ideal”, necessary useful quality, which

This rarely corresponds to the chosen standard. Even ide-

The overall quality standard cannot satisfy everyone, since

interests, needs, views on the values ​​of objects for all

dei different.

So, the quality assessment ( Q ots ) is the result of the interaction

four components, namely:

Qoc = <O, C, B, Al>,

where O is the estimated object;

C - assessing object;

B - assessment base (quality standard);

Al - algorithm (logic and techniques) estimation.

Thus, in general terms, the assessment of the quality level of

management decisions are made up of

following main stages (Fig. 5).


Fig. 5. The main stages of assessing the level of product quality

3. Characteristics of regulatory documents

used for quality assessment

In assessing the level of product quality they rely on

following regulatory documents.


"Methodological guidelines for the assessment of the technical level and

of industrial products "(RD 50-149-79), M .: Publishing house

standards, 1979, 120 p.

2. GOST 22732-77 "Methods for assessing the level of quality of industrial

Lenna products. The main provisions.


“Guidelines. Establishing baseline samples for

assessment of the technical level and quality of industrial

Ductions ”(RD 50-451-84), M .: Publishing House of Standards, 1984, 23 p.


"General guidelines for the evaluation of technical

the level of industrial production »State Committee on Science and Technology of the USSR from 10.24.89

No. 665.

5. GOST 22851-77 "Choice of quality indicators nomenclature

industrial products. The main provisions.

6. GOST 2.116-84 "Card of the technical level and quality of

ductions ”or in the comparative“ Table of quality ”.


"General guidelines for the evaluation of technical

the level of industrial production "State Comitat

theta on science and technology of the USSR, 11.24.89, № 665.

4. Graduation of technical products

by quality levels

In accordance with the adopted regulations, industrial samples

Lena products are divided into a number of quality categories (Table 3).



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