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Preface Qualimetry. Examples of problem solving


In recent decades, the most developed in the scientific

countries in relation to the most diverse


methods and methods of quantitative measurement and quality assessment

different types of products.

Currently, qualimetry has reached this stage of development

tia, when inside it are clearly beginning to stand out two branches:

theoretical and applied. Theoretical qualimetry of abstra

is generated from specific objects (objects or processes) and

studies only general patterns and mathematical models,

related to quality assessment. The object of theoretical qualification

The philosophical and methodological problems of quantitative

quality assessment. The task of applied qualimetry is to

development of specific methods and mathematical models for

quality assessment of specific objects of different types and purposes.

In domestic and foreign scientific and technical, scientific

popular and even socio-political literature all

problems of complex assessment of quality of

non-labor objects, or

quality of the flow of various processes. Complex ko-

quantitative quality assessments are being introduced more and more

in various spheres of human activity. Existing

methods of quality assessment (despite the fact that the object of assessment

they are the most heterogeneous) are characterized by internal

vom. It lies in the fact that these techniques are based on

general principles of qualimetry. Therefore, in terms of

theoretical qualimetry, these techniques are uniform and can

be described by one algorithm. Differential valuations are not

only are tools of qualimetry, but without them

can get a comprehensive assessment. In fact, the estimates are

individual indicators on which the complex assessments are based

ki, is nothing but differential estimates.

In the manual (course of lectures and practical classes)

discusses the main theoretical and practical issues

ssy related to methods of substantiating quality requirements

products and services.

The main issues of the authors include: the stages of becoming

qualimetry; basic principles and objectives of qualimetry;

measurement methods.

The content of the parts suggests that the concept

about the methods of quantitative evaluation of the qualities of various

ektov, implemented in the textbook, involves the development of

the course in its interdisciplinary version, in order to prepare

masters and bachelors able to embody theoretical

knowledge in practice.

The tutorial is intended to help educate

in self-training

"Qualimetry" and can also be used in the preparation

Ke to the state exam and in the process of the graduation project


Objective: to form the ability to apply methods of assessment level

ki quality.

Tasks of undergraduates in the course:

1) to identify the relationship of qualimetry;

2) determine the quality assessment of the economic effect


3) to be able to assess quality through the integral method;

4) conduct an examination of the quality level using


Having studied the course, the undergraduate must


- qualimetric scales and features of their use;

- measurement methods;

- generalized indicators of quality assessment;

- differential quality assessment method;

- integral evaluation method;

be able to:

- determine the quality assessment by the economic effect


- determine the assessment of the quality level of dissimilar products


- determine a comprehensive quality assessment;

- to conduct an examination of the quality level with the help of


The theoretical and practical parts are provided with the necessary

we didactic and methodological materials, list

basic concepts, skills and abilities that must be

to wage during training. A suggested list of recommended

terature. The information included in the practical part has

the widest range of complexity and depth, with a clear structure

tour and a single integrity aimed at achieving integration


The relationship of classroom and independent work

Masters in the course

The theoretical material of the course “Qualimetry” is studied by

independently. According to the results of the development of theoretical knowledge

It is necessary to perform practical tasks aimed at

verification of the results of mastering the course content. Lectures-

focused on the formation of knowledge about basic concepts and laws

number management quality. Mode and duration

the student chooses the work according to his or her ability to

specific conditions, which requires not only

mental, but also organizational independence. Self-

independent activities as a condition for the development of self-study and

self-realization depends on the quality of educational and methodical

baking under certain conditions.

Independent work is intended to form a professional

national tasks aimed at the acquisition of competencies:

- the ability to find (choose) optimal solutions

when creating a new high-tech products with the requirements

quality, cost, deadlines, competitiveness

and environmental safety (PC-4);

- the ability to critically analyze modern

problems of innovation, quality management set tasks and

develop a research program, select the appropriate

experimental methods for solving experimental and theoretical

tasks, interpret, represent and apply

results (PC-9).

The overall result is presented to the final control of the

course content

Evaluation requirements

self master activity

When doing independent work, it is very important

Vilna evaluate its results. To assess the results of an independent

telnoy activities use criteria such as:

- the level of student mastering educational material;

- the student’s ability to use theoretical knowledge

performing practical tasks;

- the formation of general educational skills;

- reasonableness and clarity of the response;

- registration of material in accordance with the requirements.

Independent work influences the formation of such

mobility, the ability to predict the situation, the

but influence it and give an independent assessment. This will allow

Masters see the positive results of their labor and

transform their success in learning.

Homework assignment example

Homework number 1

1. For example, a study book.

2. To study the literature on this type of product in order to identify

properties characterizing its quality. Flip to reveal

Lenny properties in the table. No

Preface Qualimetry.  Examples of problem solving

Preface Qualimetry.  Examples of problem solving

3. Draw as a diagram the hierarchy of properties of each of your


Preface Qualimetry.  Examples of problem solving

4. To prepare a conclusion about the features of various types of goods

ditch, indicators characterizing their quality and methods of

definitions of indicators.

Thus, in determining the quality of such a product,

as a study book, you must consider the following properties:

dimensions, etc. We believe that since most notebooks

usually have standard sizes, the most significant

quality characteristics are the appearance of the notebook,

paper material quality, etc. etc. The numerical values ​​of

set properties can be defined as instrumental, so

and expertly

Homework number 2

1. Solve the problem:

The most important indicator of the provision of Internet services -

it is its continuity (no interruptions in communication). For

to determine the percentage of uninterrupted service provision

logs, you need to know the number of hours of lack of communication by

various reasons for a certain period of time.

In this example, we took six months. Normative

period of non-communication due to technical reasons for the half year

is 3 hours

Preface Qualimetry.  Examples of problem solving

2. Determine the level of quality of services provided.

3. Bring the calculation.

4. Write a conclusion.

1) Find the actual level of lack of communication for half


0.5 + 1 + 0.5 + 1.5 = 3.5 hours

2) Find the level of quality of communication services provided by


UK = QiFact / QiBaz.

Due to the fact that our indicator of the quality of communication services at

its growth, is characterized by a decrease in the level of quality, then

I eat inverse relationship:

MC = QiBase / QiFact = 3 / 3.5 = 0.857 x 100% = 85.7%.

3) Thus, the quality of communication services is not

meets the standard value of 14.3%.

See also

created: 2017-07-20
updated: 2024-11-14

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