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Lecture questions:

1. Stages of the formation of qualimetry

2. Qualimetry as an independent

the science

3. Basic principles and objectives


4. The scope of qualimetry

1. Stages of the formation of qualimetry

Measuring and evaluating quality has always been one of the most important

most directions in the sphere of industrial activity.

The first known cases of product quality evaluation include

by the 15th century BC Then the potters of Crete labeled

their products with a special sign testifying to the

and the high quality of their products. It was a score

quality on the so-called "scale of names", or on "ad-

resale scale. Brand names as well as other quality marks

and now serve as a guideline, an indicative sign of quality

products. Later, as a kind of expert method

assessing product quality, used a method based

on the generalized experience of consumers, - the method of "collective

wisdom. " The oldest example of expert quality assessment

is a wine tasting.

The development of international trade required classifications

product quality categories, and for that

It was not only to measure individual product properties, but also

Honorly evaluate its quality on the aggregate of all major

consumer properties. In this regard, in Europe and the United States,

XIX century - early XX century. they began to widely use assessment methods

product quality with points.

For the first time in Russia, he substantiated and applied analytical

A well-known shipbuilder’s product quality assessment method.

Academician A.M. Krylov. He using the appropriate coefficients

individuals, taking into account the severity of each of its

of the ship and their inequality, assessed the quality of the

lagged ship building projects. Bringing these

coefficients in a single system (map) allowed the number

to evaluate the quality of the projects under consideration. At 20-30

In the years of the twentieth century, in the USSR and in other countries, methods of quantitative

assessment of the quality of goods successfully developed and

enjoyed in practice. For example, in 1922, P. Bridgeman

He proposed a method of reducing to one indicator of several

qualitative estimates of various parameters characterizing

quality. In 1928, M. Aranovich solved the same problem. At the same

time P. Florensky proposed new ways of processing

ki data in the quantitative assessment of product quality.

Qualimetry as an independent science of assessing the

The quality of any objects was formed in the late 60s XX

century. Her appearance was due to the urgent need

more efficient and scientifically based quality management

production of products.

During the years of the “cold war” of two social systems (capital

lism and socialism) was especially aggravated not only by the military

political but also competitive economic struggle of various

countries and firms, the victory in which depended largely on

quality of manufactured (competitive) products.

In the first half of the last century,

Western countries, various empirical and

new statistical and expert methods of numerical evaluation

quality of various products. Similar methods and techniques

quality ratings were used in the USSR. However, to solve

Many practical problems needed uniform techniques

allowing more reliable and accurate determination of the levels of

honors and on this basis to take adequate managerial,

engineering and technological and other decisions regarding the

product quality.

In addition, solutions to various special problems.

technology, such as reliability, manufacturability, safety,

ergonomics, environmental friendliness, aesthetics, etc., let down

scientists to realize the need for united,

comprehensive quality assessments for all critical parameters

properties of technical systems: machines, equipment, instruments and

etc. On the other hand, quantitative techniques were required.

quality assessments of various (homogeneous and heterogeneous) volumes

ektov. All this led to the fact that then a group of Soviet scientists

as part of the military civil engineer G. G. Azgaldov,

Z.N. Krapivensky, Yu.P. Kura-

Chenko and D.M. Shchektorova, economists in the field of aviation

A.V. Glicev and V.P. Panov, as well as architect M.V. Fedoro

va, having convinced of a methodical generality of the existing

innovative ways to quantify the qualities of different

objects, decided to carry out a theoretical generalization of these

ways by developing an independent scientific discipline

lina called "qualimetry".

This is essentially a historical decision for science.

adopted in November 1967 at an informal meeting called

a group of enthusiasts in the Moscow restaurant "Budapest".

Already in the January issue of the following 1968 journal

you and quality ”was an article presenting a collection of

tive position of the “group” where qualimetry was presented

as an independent science, within the framework of which the problems are studied

math measurement of qualities and developed a methodology and

Methods for quantifying the quality of objects of any nature:

material and intangible (social, ideal, spiritual

sensitive, emotional, etc.); animate and inanimate;

items and processes; products of labor and products of nature


In 1971, in our country, the first “Methodology of Evaluation

level of quality industrial products. Same year on

The 15th International Conference of the European Organization for

Quality Control (EOCC), one of five sections was dedicated to

qualimetry issues. The main presentations were made by

Siy authors. In 1972, the first all-

union scientific conference on qualimetry. 1979 - State

USSR Standard publishes the RD 50-149-79 Guidance Document under

by name

"Guidelines for the evaluation of technical

level and quality of industrial products ". Since 1979


"Qualimetry" is standardized in GOST

15467-79 “Product Quality Management. Basic concepts.

Terms and Definitions".

2. Qualimetry as an independent science

The term "qualimetry" comes from the roots of two words:

“Quali” - quality and “metry” - measurement and quantitative

evaluation of something.

It is known that quality is the most common scientific category.

a mountain whose meaning expresses a certainty of the essence or

essential certainty of any object. Quality of character

is implemented by the cumulative assessment of all its properties, characteristics and attitudes

with other objects.

Qualimetry is an independent science that is part of the

becoming a quality science - an integrated science of quality (Fig. 1).


Fig. 1. The structure of quality studies

Qualimetry - scientific field and academic discipline

methods for the quantitative evaluation of the qualities of various objects

Comrade Numerical estimates of the qualities and individual properties of objects

are used in the justification and adoption of managerial re-

for further support and improvement of the essence

objects, phenomena and other processes, as well as to manage

quality management related activities.

The object of qualimetry can be anything that represents

is something whole that can be singled out for study,

investigated and cognized.

The subject of qualimetry is quality assessment in the number

his expression.

The qualimetry structure consists of three parts:

1 - general qualimetry or general theory of qualimetry,

which addresses issues and questions as well as methods

measurement and evaluation of qualities;

2 - special qualimetry of large groups (class

sov) objects, for example, qualimetry of products, processes

(in a broad sense), services, social security,

tania and so on down to the quality of life of people;

3 - subject qualimetry of certain types of products,

processes or services, such as qualimetry engineering

products (definition of the technical level of machines),

Limetry of construction sites, qualimetry of petroleum products,

qualimetry of electricity, qualimetry of food

var, qualimetry production processes, qualimetry

labor, qualimetry education, etc. etc.

3. Basic principles and objectives of qualimetry

Qualimetry has its own methodological principles:

1. Priority in choosing determinative indicators for evaluation

product quality is always on the consumer side. Product

tion is created for the sphere of consumption, therefore, in qualification

Consumer indicators are preferred.


2. Qualimetric assessment of product quality can not be

obtained without a reference for comparison - without basic

values ​​of indicators of defining properties and quality in order to


3. Indicator of any level of generalization, except the lowest

(source) level is predetermined by the corresponding

indicators of the previous hierarchical level. Under

the lowest hierarchical level of indicators follows

take single indicators of the simplest properties

Peace of quality. Higher hierarchical level

make the generalized indicators of quality. Indicator of

higher hierarchical level is an integral

high rate

4. When using the method of integrated assessment of the quality of

all different sizes of properties should be

transformed and reduced to the same dimension or expression

in dimensionless units.

5. In determining a comprehensive quality indicator, each

individual property must be adjusted

coefficient of its weight (significance).

6. The sum of the numerical values ​​of the weight coefficients of all

quality indicators at any hierarchical grades

ki has the same value (in fractions of a unit or by

defined point scale).

7. The quality of the whole object (in particular, the products or

process) due to the quality of its components.

8. In the quantitative assessment of quality, especially by

lexical indicator, it is unacceptable to use mutual

words and, therefore, duplicate indicators of one

of the same property.

9. The quality of products that are capable of

perform useful functions in accordance with its designation


The main tasks of qualimetry :

1) give the practice of economic activities of people

socially beneficial methods of credible qualification

and quantify the quality of various objects of research


2) to develop such methods, techniques and means of assessing

quality products that take into account public

interests, i.e. consumer and producer interests:

- justification of the nomenclature of quality indicators;

- development of methods for determining quality indicators

production and optimization;

- optimization of standard sizes and parametric series


- development of principles for constructing generalized

quality objectives and the rationale for their use in

Challenges for standardization and quality management.

4. The scope of qualimetry

Initially, qualimetry was defined as the science of measurement

and product quality assessment. And it was quite natural

because the problem of the quality of the national economy

tion - one of the most important problems. In the second half of the XX century.

the main scientific categories related not only to technical

but also to the natural sciences and even the humanities

Penno begin to undergo first formalization, and then -

and quantification (quantification).

Currently comprehensive quantification

qualities are increasingly being introduced into various areas

human activities. In domestic and foreign

scientific and technical, popular science and even social

political literature often addresses the problems of com-

plex assessment of the quality of all kinds of objects that are not

products of labor, or assess the quality of the flow of various


Modern methods of quality assessment (despite

that the object of their assessment is the most heterogeneous) are characterized

inner unity. It lies in the fact that these techniques

based on the general principles of qualimetry. Consequently,

in terms of theoretical qualimetry, these techniques are one

are native and can be described by one algorithm.

Thus, we can assume that:

- methods of comprehensive quantitative assessment of the quality of

all new areas, often far from the first

the initial scope of their application - only to the products of labor;

- the algorithm of these methods and the principles on which they base

they are practically the same as those adopted

in theoretical qualimetry;

- the scope of many of these methods, for example,

assessment of the quality of professionals is extremely important.

Expanding the scope of qualimetry will help to bring scientific

base for a whole range of methods for solving evaluation problems

qualities of various processes and non-prod

labor, which will certainly have a large social

economic value.

Therefore, at present, qualimetry is beginning

combine not only quality assessment methods for different types

products, but also methods for assessing the quality of items that are not

products, as well as various processes.

The contiguity of qualimetry and marketing research

implementation in a number of areas: methodological and

left aspects.

In the methodological aspect: in the field of building a system

we scale and form a system of qualimetric methods


In the target aspect: in solving the problems of economic

subjects, in particular, in the field of the quality of goods, services,

personal work and activities.

Traditionally in marketing research

Common methods are used in the process:

1) risk assessment in the design, production and sale of


2) assessment of the quality of manufactured products;

3) assessment of the competitiveness of a product or company;

4) assessment of consumer popularity of products or


5) evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising and PR;

6) determining various ratings;

7) segmentation and positioning of the company and its

products on the market.

See also


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Qualimetry reliability and quality

Terms: Qualimetry reliability and quality