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1. Methods for assessing the level of quality

Methods for determining the value of quality indicators dependent

from the design and technological features of the products

or services.

The most common methods are:

- instrumental, using various measurements

ritelnyh and control devices;

- settlement and analytical - methods for calculating indicators and

establish relationships between them (for example, the definition

productivity of machine equipment in terms of supply);

- experienced, allowing by test to establish

and in some cases to check the value of the indicators

using other methods (for example, testing vehicles for

test site, accelerated engine tests, etc.);

- laboratory, used to determine indicators

through analysis and testing;

- organoleptic, consisting in determining the

through the senses (for example, control of color

skis, scratches, etc.);

- social, allowing to determine the quality by

questionnaire survey of consumers;

- points, allowing to evaluate individual indicators,

not having generally accepted dimensions, with the help of points;

- expert - methods that use experts in questionnaires

surveys in order to obtain more accurate values ​​of

our indicator.

Usually several methods are applied simultaneously for

determine the same indicator. In fig. 7 are presented

main methods of qualimetric assessment of product quality


Fig. 7. Methods of qualimetric assessment of product quality

2. Homogeneous and dissimilar products

In the Russian legislation there is a clear

the concept of homogeneous and heterogeneous goods.

Homogeneous goods which, although not identical

in all respects, have similar characteristics and

are made of similar components, which allows them to perform the same

functions as the goods being valued, and being commercially interoperable

replaceable. In determining the homogeneity of the goods, the

The following signs are: quality, presence of a trademark and

reputation in the market, country of origin of goods, manufacturer

Products are not considered homogeneous with estimated, if

have not been produced in the same country and if their designs

development work on them, their art

design, designs, sketches, drawings, etc. were

performed in the Russian Federation. In other words,

native goods are not identical in quality, in recruitment

basic characteristics.

Recall that in marketing depending on the degree

product interchangeability is divided into four levels of competition.


1 level. General competition : with it, the firm sees

each manufacturer participating in the fight for the day

gi consumers. (All firms present on the market).

2nd level. Formal competition : the firm considers the

cents of all those who produce products that are designed to

create the same needs. (For example, the need for

The movement - a bicycle, car, motorcycle).

Level 3 Sectoral (species) competition : competitive

firms that produce the same product or

product group. (Cars - Ford, Nissan, Audi, Merce

Des, VAZ, GAZ).

4th level. Brand competition : takes place in

If the firm regards as its competitors

Rent firms offering similar product and / or theme services

same target buyers at reasonable prices (Coca-Cola, Pepsi).

Thus, under the category of homogeneous goods throughout

visibility are those products that are characters for the fourth

That and the third level.

However, in assessing the quality of industrial products

recommendations to rely on a specific document, regulations

rules and assessment procedure: “Methodological guidelines

assessment of the technical level and quality of industrial

products. RD 50-149-79 ". In accordance with this document

Uniform understand products of one type, one class.

and destination. In assessing the quality level of such products,

It is recommended to use differential, complex,

shanny and integral methods. To evaluate the technical

level (quality level) of dissimilar products apply the method

based on indexing qualities. Sometimes applied to one

native or heterogeneous products use the method of expert-

quality assessment

3. The formalization procedure

To assess product quality, it is necessary to take into account

opportunities, all its properties. Usually the product has some

There are many different and significant properties that

have a different impact on the final quality level indicator

estimated product.

Available data on various properties of the assessed and

base (reference) objects must be brought to match

common quantities, i.e. to such quantities, operating with which

You can get the desired value of the quality level of the investigated


The procedure for bringing different essentially (physical, chemical)

technical, environmental, economic, etc.)

indicators of the properties of the objects in question are mathematics

chesky action

(conversion) and data presentation

properties of the analyzed objects to their comparability in the form

dimensionless relative values. This procedure is sometimes

called the formalization or normalization of a heterogeneous information


There are several methods for normalization. In general,

even normalized, comparable values ​​of indicators of different

properties of a certain set of objects are found by the formula:



Yi j is the reduced value of the i -th property of the j -th object from the set J ;

Pij is the quantitative value of the i- th property of the j -th object;

min Pij is the minimum value of the i- th property of the j -th object from the entire initial set J of indicators of this property;

max Pi– maximum quantitative value of the i -th property

j-th object of the entire original set J;

n is the number of considered properties;

J - the number of analyzed objects.

Thus obtained normalized values ​​match

set properties of objects are expressed in dimensionless form

share or relative level ( Y ) of i -th, properties relative to

to the highest value of this property

j object.

In qualimetry, the reported values ​​of all

properties of the evaluated object to their comparable form are called

are formalized or comparable data system. For

calculating a particular formalized (reduced) element

system of comparable data use one or other

mathematical formulas.

Provided min Pi 0

use simplified formulas




- the relative level of the i- th property, the level of mappable


indicators or the level of a specific property indicator in relation to

to the indicator of the corresponding property of the base (reference)

object (sample);

Piоts - and the indicator of the i- th property of the evaluated object;

Pibaz is an indicator of the i- th property of the base or reference sample;

i = 1, 2, 3 ... n, and n is the number of properties taken into account when assessing the levels of properties


here ai and bi are the weighting factors (significance) of the corresponding

The i-th indicator of the property of both the evaluated and the base objects.


where k is the exponent, entered under the condition when the indicators

properties of the evaluated and base objects have almost identical


The use of formulas 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 or 6.4 depends on

Ractera (patterns) changes in individual parameters. So,

For example, if the Pioc or PiBaz values ​​differ by a minor

but, their relations are close to unity, which does not allow to give ad-

quatt estimate of levels of compared indicators. In such

case for comparative analysis is recommended formally

Call parameters by formulas 6.4.

4. Features of the application expert assessment methods

An expert is a specialist competent in solving this


(from Latin glory


- experienced). Com-

the tendency of the expert in relation to the object of study -

professional competence, and with respect to the methodology

Experiences of solving an investigated problem are expert

competence. The expert must be impartial and

tive when evaluating the object of study.

The expert method is a method for solving problems

based on the use of generalized experience and intuition

expert sheets. Expert method of assessing the level of quality

products used in cases where it is impossible or

It is very difficult to use the methods of objective determination.

division of values ​​of single or complex indicators

properties by methods such as instrumental, empirical

sky or settlement.

Expert method

(or expert method, i.e. method

expert assessments) is a combination of several different

methods that are varieties that can

method of examination expertise.

Known varieties of expert method apply-

wherever the decision is based on a collective decision

competent people (experts).

The need and legitimacy of expert assessment of quality


1. A person is able to solve certain logical problems.

giving faster computer due to the inclusion of intuition, insight,

etc. methods.

2. For some objects (drugs, perfumes), with

the current level of development of technology, man is

is the only “instrument” that allows

lead organoleptic evaluation of the quality of the goods.

3. In cases involving uncertainty of the situation,

its probabilistic nature, it is impossible to get accurate

data available to date assessment methods

quality. Therefore, the heuristic solution given by the expert,

it often turns out to be more correct than the resulting

in an even way using mathematical formulas

Expert methods for evaluating product quality can

used in the formation of a general assessment immediately (without details

the level of product quality, as well as when solving many

these particular questions related to the definition of indicators

properties of something. Therefore, expert methods find

application at:

- general (generalized) assessment of product quality;

- classification of the product being evaluated;

- determining the nomenclature of indicators of the properties of

your product;

- determination of weight factors

product properties;

- evaluation of the quality index of organolep-

tic method;

- selection of base samples and dimensionless values ​​of

Call quality indicators;

- determining the final complex indicator of quality

based on a combination of individual and complex (generalized

general and group indicators;

- product certification and certification.

Expert method of assessing the level of product quality is not

can be used if it is possible to assess the quality

other analytical or experimental methods

dami with greater accuracy or with less cost.

The results of the general expert assessment of such a complex

complex properties, which is the quality of products, have

elements of uncertainty and groundlessness. Therefore, ex-

The first assessment of the quality of products as a whole is a preliminary

informational, unsaturated and only in the first

near; roughly describes the quality of the assessed

products. Based on such an expert quality assessment, it is obvious

no opportunity to take any engineering and technical

solutions. This method can, for example, be used in com-

merchant transactions when there are no specific (numerically

information about the level of quality of the purchased products and


However, it should be noted that the expert method for assessing

Key indicators of many properties of technical and other products

is the only possible, sufficiently wide

It has been developed for this purpose.

Expert methods are appropriately applied in the following


1. When other methods can not solve the problem.

2. Other methods are more laborious or less accurate.

3. When it is necessary to determine the nomenclature of

quality assurance and structural or hierarchical construction


4. Organoleptic evaluation - only by expert.

5. Determination of weight coefficients.

6. Determination of the values ​​of a number of quality indicators for

which there are currently no methods tools


Subject to all necessary procedures and rules

conducting an expert survey, its error is in

limits of 5-10%, which is comparable with the methods of technical



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