Lecture questions:
1. Modern views
about quality
2. Quality from the perspective of the developer,
producer and consumer
3. Quality management in modern
1. Modern ideas about quality
The word “quality” is derived from the words “how”, “what”, “about
which properties "and designates" existence of
features, properties, features that distinguish one
object or phenomenon from others ”1.
Goods, services can be considered quality if they are
meet their purpose. "Product quality" in this
communication is understood as a set of essential consumer-
properties of this product that are significant to the consumer. Set
of these properties laid the basis for product specifications, this
lov, standards.
In the literature there are more complex, interdisciplinary
understanding of the nature of the category of "quality". So by
A.I. Subetto2, quality is a complex philosophical, economic,
social, systemic category, the full definition of which
in all its multidimensionality, it can be revealed only through generalized
system of the following judgments reflecting the
personal aspects of the category "quality":
- quality is a set of properties (aspect of the property);
- quality is structural, it is a hierarchy
system of properties, or qualities, of parts of an object or process
ca (structural aspect);
- quality is a dynamic property system (aspect
- quality is the intrinsic certainty of an object or
process, expressing in the natural connection the components of
these and elements (aspect of certainty);
- quality is the basis of the existence of an object or process
having a double conditionality, expressed in unity
external and internal, potential and real as a
ect or process (aspect of externally - internal conditionality);
- quality determines the singularity of the object or process
ca, its specific response to external influences,
ness, orderliness, stability (specification aspect);
- the quality of objects and processes created by man,
unlike the qualities of other natural phenomena, conditions
value (axiologism) of relevant objects and processes,
their suitability and fitness for certain
goals, objectives, conditions put forward by man.
Analysis of the presented definitions allows you to divide
them into two groups:
1) reflecting the structural and informative aspect of quality
object properties;
2) expressing the quality of an object in the aspect of its social
value, demand and functionality.
The group of structural and meaningful definitions of
quality in terms of its components and their interconnection
Zey. Thus, the quality of an object is determined only by its inherent
internal and external properties determined by the organization
her these properties. Quality is a collection of object properties.
(product). This definition is reflected structurally -
quality aspect. At the same time, the quality of the object is not
is the sum of its properties, and is a conversion
integral property, which is expressed by the term “inte-
gral quality.
Another group of object quality definitions is based on
social context of its understanding. According to this approach,
some object has quality if the properties of this
object meet the expectations of the consumer, user, i.e. ka-
honor is a measure of satisfaction of needs. For example, the quality
A property is a combination of the characteristics of an object (product or
process) relating to its ability to satisfy
new and perceived needs. Evaluating the quality
any object, we thereby assess the degree of satisfaction
creations by this object of the corresponding individual or
public need. Moreover, the significance of this need
This will determine the significance of the quality of the object.
As a conclusion on this section, we note that with
dialectical positions “quality” as a scientific category
It is an aggregate of the general (complex of features,
who exist for all kinds of market goods) and a single , special
(a set of features inherent only in a particular product and
distinguishing it from others).
2. Quality from the perspective of the developer,
producer and consumer
The study of the general problems of "quality goods" is devoted
many works in Russia and abroad, where this category
mainly considered from the standpoint of qualimetry,
darting and certification as well as sectoral management
production of goods or services. In other words, in the very
quality is determined by the measure of conformity of goods,
works, services to the conditions and requirements of standards, contracts, contracts
paths and consumer needs3.
Various authors ascertain many signs of
qualities of any product, among which we single out as the most
The following are more significant:
- the presence of certain properties (attributes);
- consideration of their values from the standpoint of the designer
- consideration of their values from the standpoint of the manufacturer;
- consideration of their values from the perspective of the consumer.
It is important to emphasize that quality is a very relative concept.
pertinent and not identical from the standpoint of the development
ka, producer and consumer. The main difference of these three
Approaches are as follows: 4
First, for the developer, the quality of the future product
represents the “degree of conformity of the project aggregate
properties of conditions of consumption. And not the requirements of
consumer, namely the conditions of consumption ... because
batel is not always able to formulate requirements for
the aggregate of properties necessary to satisfy the needs of
nosti ”5.
In other words, for a designer, the quality of potential
general goods
(services) is a collection
properties of products capable of satisfying both reality
therefore strictly strictly deterministic
needs and potential, which are not necessarily
can be realized, embodied in the goods (services) in the presence of
current level of development of social production on the current
the moment.
Secondly, for the manufacturer, the quality of the goods
is a two-unity of the following factors:
first, the degree of compliance with the actual set of properties
produced goods (services), due to regulatory
documentation. Secondly, the set of product properties,
allowing to produce goods (services) the most technologically advanced,
with minimal cost.
Thirdly, for the consumer, the quality of the goods (services) is
a set of product properties that are most fully satisfied
pursuing his tastes, preferences, desires. Important to emphasize
that “quality of the goods” from the point of view of the consumer is not “the degree
excellence ”or“ top quality ”6, but“ pro
one hundred goods that you like, i.e. meets preferences and
Denmark target group ”7. In other words, the quality of the goods (
meadows) for the consumer there is a set of properties, attributes of
Warrior desired for the consumer.
Developing this statement, J.M. Grukok8 defines
quality of goods as the degree of compliance of two quantities: 1)
vokupnosti characteristics and properties of the product; 2) aggregate
the needs and expectations of the consumer, given the price that
he is willing to pay. In this case, the comparison of goods (services)
quality can only make sense if you are satisfied
identical needs and price level
on them because customer satisfaction from buying
there is a function of the degree of correspondence between his expectations of
(services) and the perception of the real possible goods
(services) 9.
3. Quality management
in a modern organization
Quality management is a management activity.
all stages of the product life cycle, as well as the interaction
with the external environment. As a result, the world over
battling product quality systems
moment there are already several hundred. Their common task
is the release of goods that meet the requirements of
Biteley in all respects.
In the theory of product quality management, the following
following categories:
control object - product quality, which can
include both the entire set of properties, and their specific
a part, group, or individual property;
the goal of management is to maintain the level and state of quality
products in accordance with economic interests
(cost, profitability) and consumer
(level of wealth, fashion, etc.), as well as requirements
safety and environmental products;
subject of management - governing bodies at all levels
and persons designed to provide the required level of quality
methods and controls - the ways in which
Ghana management affects the elements of production
process, ensuring the achievement and maintenance of the planned
state and level of product quality.
In Russia, the development of quality systems began in the middle
XX century, but all of them were ineffective, as was paid
poor attention to employee motivation. Since 1997, began to develop
battling quality systems in accordance with the requirements of
International Organization for Standardization ISO. This organization
Niziya began its activities in 1946, but to systems
quality started relatively recently. In standards 9000-
9004 of the international ISO system provides general requirements for
developing quality systems. These standards are authentic
written in Russian and are called GOST R / ISO 9001
(2000). In accordance with ISO 9000-9004, if
an enterprise cannot master the entire system completely; it can
to implement it in stages, i.e. apart for each process.
The introduction of certified quality systems gives
significant benefits.
The fundamental principle of any quality system
is a continuous improvement in product quality, so
how else would the cost of it be meaningless due to the constant
The increasing demands of customers. The greatest
spread both around the world and in Russia received such
quality systems like QMS (Quality Management System or
Quality Management System - QMS) and TQM (Total Quality
Management or Total Quality Management).
Quality Management System (QMS) - a management system
the quality of the products produced in any
In general, the QMS corresponds to a specific edition.
standard and is a documented "image"
enterprises as an organism, i.e. self-regulating mechanism
ma adapted to life in a specific economic environment
de. Naturally, for life it must produce services
and / or products are not worse than a certain level of quality, and for
good life - good quality.
The purpose of the QMS is:
- achieving long-term success by maximizing
meet the needs of consumers, employees, owners
and societies;
- the compliance of the results of the company's processes with
to the needs of the consumer, organization and society (compliance, as
explicit requirements as well as implied needs).
In general, the main components of the management system
Quality of the following10:
Establishing the needs and expectations of consumers and other
Quality stakeholders in the organization
manufactured products or services.
The presence of the organization’s policies and objectives (or a dedicated part of
these organizations), corresponding to the satisfaction of
consumer needs (external and internal
Setting processes and responsible for them, necessary
to achieve the objectives of the organization (or a dedicated part of the or-
ganization). The implementation of the process approach when achieving
these goals.
Determining the necessary resources and ensuring their response
responsible for the processes to achieve the objectives of the organization (or
dedicated part of the organization).
The development and application of methods for measuring performance
effectiveness and efficiency of each process based on key
quality indicators.
Identify the mechanisms required for prevention
inconsistencies and eliminate their causes. And data implementation
mechanisms in the QMS processes.
Development and application of the process for continuous improvement
the whole QMS.
As can be seen from the definition, the primary element of the QMS is
The needs and expectations of consumers (domestic and
external products or services, business owners,
sonala and society. The organization’s policies and objectives are
volume on the needs and expectations of interested parties.
And the subsequent process approach completes the path description.
achieving goals and implementing long-term policies. Each
of the above points is key for any QMS,
who are in constant cyclic interaction on
the path to the highest quality.
Total Quality Management - Corporate
method of continuous quality improvement of all organizational
Philosophy of total quality management, successful
started many years ago in Japan and the United States from the practice of
awards judgments to companies that have reached the highest quality
waste products, says the following.
A modern company should work not only on
products, but also on the quality of work in general, including
the work of the staff. Continuous parallel improvement
these three components: product quality, quality of organization
process and skill level of the staff allows
achieve faster and more efficient business development. Quality
property is defined by such categories as the degree of implementation
customer requirements, the growth of the company's financial indicators and
increasing the satisfaction of the company's employees with their
The principle of operation of TQM can be compared with the retention of meat
cha on an inclined plane. In order for the ball not to roll,
it must either be propped up from below or pulled from above.
TQM includes two mechanisms: Quality Assurance (QA) -
quality control and Quality Improvements (QI) - quality improvement
Quality control - maintains the required level
quality and is to provide the company a certain
guarantees that give the customer confidence in the quality of this
product or service.
Quality Improvement - assumes that the quality level
it is necessary not only to maintain, but also to increase, in accordance with
raising the level of guarantees. Two mechanisms: control
quality and quality improvement - allow you to “keep the ball in
game ", that is, constantly improve, develop business.
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Qualimetry reliability and quality
Terms: Qualimetry reliability and quality