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Lecture questions:

1. Quality indicators

2. Classification

key indicators

3. Applicability of indicator groups

to assess product quality

1. Quality indicators

Currently, the market has a large number of

different products with different prices. Every consumer you

picks up the product that represents the greatest for him

value, based on his ideas about the quality of the goods

price and possible costs of operation. Turns out that

the use value of the goods is not the same for

all buyers, it is highly individualized, although in its

mass, according to the laws of mathematical statistics, the average

the weighted market value of the goods always approaches

its true consumer value.

Consumer value of products depends not only on

performance indicators, but also from a number of other

gich consumer values, directly or indirectly characterized by


All consumer values ​​can be conditionally classified

be divided into several categories that differ from each other

temporary factors of action: basic, permanent, temporary

values, accompanying, introduced, universal.

Baseline values ​​are customer values, embraced

products at the design stage and characterized

performance indicators, to which

include performance indicators (functional), reliability

(reliability, durability, maintainability, preserving

bridge), technical aesthetics

(integrity of the composition, perfect

sales appearance), environmental (physical, chemical,

microbiological), ergonomic (compliance with ergonomics

requirements in the work area), patent law (patent

cleanliness, patent protection), security and transportation


The listed indicators characterize products on

throughout its life cycle. They can perfect

change, but their initial nomenclature does not change. These

indicators determine the basic consumer quality that

is the basis for comparison with competitors' products.

The basic values ​​include the cost of production

tion characterizing the production and technological base

manufacturer and its resource potential. Sebe-

the cost of manufacturing products is actually the sum

the cost of creating and selling products with given bases

quality indicators, i.e. there is a high correlation

between the basic quality of the product and the cost of its


Permanent, temporary, related and introduced

consumer values ​​complement the base. Additional

values ​​do not change the underlying quality

ektirovaniya products, but reinforce or shade its action

in the eyes of the consumer, which translates into an increase in consumer

Tel cost of production.

Permanent values ​​are such additional needs.

rebellious values ​​that are valid throughout

product life cycle, but have to the basic values

direct and indirect relationship. For example, the image of the firm

product manufacturer, store prestige, system certificate

quality topic, brand popularity, etc. These values

have a different rating. Their impact on the buyer allows

There is a lot to increase the use value of products.

In some cases, the influence of only these values ​​provides

em long-term liquidity of products, even if it is

benchmarks inferior competitors. Image of the firm,

The example also acts as the signature of a famous artist.

Temporary values ​​are additional values

direct relation to the type and quality of products, but

temporarily, sometimes seasonally, usually less vital

product cycle: novelty, fashion, prestige. These values ​​are ruled by

lo, for some time allow you to keep the shock prices of pro-

duction. Ideal when the product life cycle is commensurate with

the duration of the temporary values. Temporary prices

are realized by the potential margin to the

the cost of the goods, decreasing in time (due to its

Rally wear).

Related values ​​- additional consumer

values ​​not directly related to products but

facilitating or impeding the conditions for its acquisition or

exploitation: seasonal demand for products, inflation rate

(for exported or imported goods). Soputst-

these values ​​can both contribute to liquidity

and to impede its implementation. Markup to products for

action scores associated values ​​can significantly

dick in time.

Values ​​brought in - informational values:

llamas, exhibitions, contests that by themselves have neither

direct or indirect relation to the product, but at the expense of the new

or repetitive value-related information.

products significantly increase its consumer

cost in the eyes of many buyers. To the added value

Stages also include rumors, opinions, life experiences. Impact

The added value can be both temporary and

permanent (for example, advertising). Value added in

time act similarly concomitant. Oscillatory

nature of the markup caused by the weakening in time of exposure

informational activities (until it is resumed).

Most products, as a rule, have no additional

consumer values. This especially applies to

materials, semi-finished products, components,

which are professionally evaluated by consumers by

basic characteristics, so their value in the market can

with a high probability to be predicted even in the period of

work Since additional values ​​are expressed as a surcharge

to cost, then the share of this margin can be considered profitable

the value of products due to specific customer value

Universal Values ​​- Market Value of Products

or price. Price is the main value, which, like a mirror, is adequate.

on consumer properties, but with some error, you

driven by the stochastic nature of the dependence of price and quality

va. At the same time, the price, whatever the product, has

universal dimension (in monetary terms), i.e. by her

You can compare the value of different in appearance and quality of products.

Successful promotion to the market of a new product in many

This will depend on the proper consideration of all factors influencing

on the liquidity of products, and especially on the possibility

manufacturer to identify or form additional

consumer values ​​that enhance the basic quality


Thus, quality indicators are the main

category of consumer values, create a base for

price, the cost of production depending on its

original quality. Based on basic values ​​(shown by

quality assurance) all subsequent values ​​are formed,

giving the composition of the consumer value of products. Only not

who have no connection with basic values, they

were noted above.

Quantitative characteristic of one or several

properties of products that make up its quality, is called

product quality.

High quality of products is predetermined by various

factors, the main ones are:

- factors of a technical nature (constructive, technical

nological, metrological, etc.);

- economic factors (financial, norm

mativnymi, material, etc.);

- social factors (organizational, legal,

new, personnel, etc.).

2. Classification of key indicators

All industrial products in order to assess its level

quality is divided into two classes: 1 - consumable when using

nii; 2 - consuming its resource. In fig. 6 shows the total

classification of industrial products.


Fig. 6. Classification of industrial products

Indicators of properties that reflect product quality

depending on the goals and nature of the tasks to be solved,

sifify by various signs (Table 4).

Table 4

Classification indicators of product properties


3. Applicability of indicator groups

to assess product quality

To determine the quality level of technical products

All indicators of its properties are grouped. Group classification

indicators and their applicability are presented in table. five.

Table 5

Applicability of product performance groups


Note. - inapplicability; + applicability; (+) limited

inclinability; * instead of maintainability - recoverability. Groups 1, 2, 3 -

products consumed during use. Groups 4, 5 - production costs

blowing its resource.

Guided table. 5, first determine the groups of

properties taken into account when assessing the level of excellence

the quality of the product being evaluated, and then establish a

Manklatura relevant indicators.


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Qualimetry reliability and quality

Terms: Qualimetry reliability and quality