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vector coding of information in NA


Sokolov: vector coding of information in NA, the basic characteristic is the dimension of production.

The motor cortex is not a histologically literal system.

When performing a movement, it is important to have an image of movement.

- motor and command neurons;

- neurons of target movements - are formed during life, experiment with a roller: pressed with the paw and received a carrot - the same neurons were excited;

-neurons targets;

-neurons places;

-neurons categorization;

-neurons of working memory - a person receives information and works with it, or extracts information from long-term memory;

- neurons of novelty and identity;

- modulatory neurons - can change the state of other neurons, regulate the work of the brain as a whole or its individual sections;

Neuron intentions (intentions) - initiate movement.

You need to have an image (representation), you need to update it and then through it the action will begin


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Terms: Psychophysiology