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Psychophysiology introduction


Psychophysiology - explores the physiological processes of mental phenomena (local processes in the GM, the behavior of the brain), the role of molecular effects, the search for indicators of local processes in the GM.

The link between psychology and physiology was noticed by Wundt.

There is a widespread misconception that biologists claim

a) that biological processes are strictly determined by genes;

b) that the only function of genes is the transmission of hereditary information from generation to generation,

c) that genes cannot be modified by external factors.

Phenotype reflects the influence of genes and the external environment.

5 basic principles of Kendel :

1) behavior and the brain are connected by bilateral ties;

2) genes control the connections between neurons and their functioning and, therefore, affect the psyche and behavior - a factor of innateness;

3) gene expression, which alters synoptic contacts, also changes behavior, ensuring its diversity — an acquisition factor;

4) behavior change, individuality, including pathological forms, through the expression of genes, possibly as a result of learning;

5) behavior and personality change through gene expression is possible as a result of psychotherapy and psychological counseling.

DNA transcription - RNA - translation - protein

Structural changes in synapses are determined by the molecular mechanism of protein synthesis. Genes determine not only the genotype, but also the phenotype due to the mechanism of gene expression.

Research methods of brain mechanisms of behavior and mental activity:

1) behavioral motor responses;

2) vegetative reactions;

3) changes in electrical and magnetic brain activity (EEG, MEG, VP, brain activity mapping);

4) the method of dipole analysis;

5) electrical and biochemical activity of neurons;

6) modern tomographic methods for the study of the brain (PET, functional and anatomical MRI, the method of local cerebral blood flow);

7) processes at the molecular level.

Objective study of the psyche was started by Pavlov at the discovery of a conditioned reflex. Pavlov showed that there is an expectation of the stimulus after the conditioned signal (extrapolation, foresight).

EEG is a real objective indicator of human vitality. The amplitude of brain activity is mapped. D - 1 to 3.5, T - 4-7 Hz, 8-13 - A, 14-20 - B1, 20-30 - B2, more than 30 - G. The more channels, the more accurate and complete information. Alpha rhythm depression is an important indicator of attention or reaction to a positive stimulus.

Anxiety as a stable characteristic is well defined by ECG (frequency analysis).

EEG - subcortical structures, MEG - cortical structures.

MEG - cap has no contact with the head, the sensors are raised.

created: 2014-10-08
updated: 2021-03-13

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