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Functional classification of neurons.


Functional classification of neurons.

1) by modalities

2) sensory and motor

Neural detectors selectively select a parameter, that is, they only react to it (experiment with different colors).

The neurons of the sensory system are neurons that detect simple and complex traits: gnostic neurons respond to object signs (an experiment on the Bill Clinton neuron); it is a product of life experience.

Neuron detectors are not subject to learning. Ready systems begin to rebuild only in a sensitive period immediately after birth, its duration is different.

Hubel and Wiesel: experiment with a kitten.

The kitten lived in a top hat painted in black and white vertical stripes for a month from the moment the eyes were opened. After he was released, it turned out that the behavior was violated. He never learned to climb stairs and overcome other horizontal obstacles, but he never ran into vertical ones. This was due to the fact that the neuron detectors were reduced, and the sensitive period passed.

Apaptosis is genetically programmed death.

Neo-Darwinists also study neurons.

Singer closed one eye to the test animals during the sensitive period, and they lived in the ordinary world. There was no convergence mechanism providing volumetric spatial vision. The neurons of the open eye in monocular deprivation lost their binocular properties. After opening from the second eye, no signals were received. A similar effect is observed with strabismus.

A kitten has a sensitive period of 3 weeks to 3 months, at which time the character for binocular plasticity is laid.

The modulatory system of the brain - creates activation, is presented at different levels of the brain (stem, cortex). Singer broke this system in a kitten - cutting some moves to norepinephrine and acetylcholine mediators. Binocular vision persisted despite the sensitive period.

Gnostic neurons are a product of learning, based in the temporal associative cortex.

Types of memory:

-explicable or long-term - what is it? - Gnostic neurons are the essence of this memory;

-implicate or procedural - how is it? - habits, lifestyle;


Konorsky: the Gnostic neuron, having received information is not retrained.

Rolls: the Japanese forced to memorize monkeys 99 different pictures (+ reinforcement) and found the neurons corresponding to these pictures.

Sample Questions and Answers

What is meant by the concept of "neural efficiency"?

Neural efficiency is “high speed and accuracy of information processing in the nervous system, providing optimal conditions for productive cognitive activity” [3, C. 113].

The neural efficiency hypothesis suggests that “biologically effective” individuals process information faster, so they must have shorter time parameters (latency) of the components of evoked potentials.

These assumptions were repeatedly tested, and it was found that a similar connection is found under certain conditions: the bipolar method of registering EP and the use of visual stimuli. In addition, there are other factors that influence its manifestations, for example, the level of activation.

The greatest correspondence between short latencies and high IQs occurs with a moderate level of activation, therefore, the “latent periods of evoked potentials — IQ indicators” correlation depends on the level of activation. In addition to temporal characteristics, many other parameters of evoked potentials are also used for comparison with IQ indices: various amplitude estimates, variability, asymmetry.

Bibliography for answering questions

2. Kondakov, I.M. Psychological dictionary. - M., 2000. - 427 p.

.Maryutina, TM Psychophysiology. - M .: Publishing house MGPPU, 350 p.

.Pryazhnikov, N.S. The psychology of labor and human dignity. - M .: Academy, 2004. - 318 p.

.Stolyarenko, LD, Fundamentals of Psychology. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2002 - 672 p.

.Physiology of higher nervous activity / HH Danilova, A.L. Krylov. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005. - 478 p.


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Terms: Psychophysiology