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Attention. Types of properties. foreshadowing


Types : arbitrary, involuntary, post-arbitrary (it was at first arbitrary, and then became involuntary).

Properties of attention :

-selectivity (selectivity - attention is a searchlight that highlights something and can move, the property reflects the ability to direct and concentrate attention;

-the volume is always limited, a certain amount can be in the control field, there are limits of voluntary attention,

-distribution - the ability to control several activities at once,

- stability - the ability to keep attention on one object for a long time,

- switching (moving attention from one object to another).

Information processing processes occur in the brain continuously and automatically. They are unconscious, but still this attention is involuntary.

Characteristics of information processing processes that occur automatically - they do not require effort, are not limited by the amount of information, and do not interfere with current activities.

The approximate reflex (innate reaction) is the basis of involuntary attention. It refers to automatically proceeding information processing. Goes on the novelty.

The conditional orienting reflex (acquired reaction) is the basis of voluntary attention. This is the sum of activation processes, goes on a conditional stimulus. The response to the stimulus + instruction, which makes this stimulus signal.

Another example of automatically proceeding processes — foreboding — is that which precedes but does not boil down to any attention. This is a preliminary stage, which may not go into it. The term coined by Naatanen. He repeated Sokolov’s experiments on extinction and disinhibition, but took 2 stimuli — standard, often repeated, and deviant, differing from the standard 1 characteristic. They alternated in a random sequence with an interval of less than 1 second. He suggested that a rarely repeated stimulus causes a stronger reaction. Everything looked at the EP, and not on the pupillary reflex, GSR, a-rhythm depression. Frequently repeated stimulus caused a reaction that was different from reaction to a deviant stimulus. From the evoked potential for the deviant stimulus, the potential for the standard was subtracted and the mismatch negativity was obtained (VPD - VPS = NR). That is, in the composition of the VPD there is an additional negativity - the brain remembers the stimuli, constantly compares what it remembers with what it receives. When a rare stimulus comes, it does not coincide with the standard one, whose image has taken shape, and the image of the rare has not yet taken shape, therefore negativity arises. This proved that there is an automatic fixing process, even when the presentation of incentives is very frequent. The more deviant differs from the standard one, the greater the negativity of the mismatch. If you increase the intervals of presentation, then HP will not be, since the images will not be formed for any. The amplitude depends only on the difference in the characteristics of the stimuli (true for all types of sensitivity). The greater the difference, the earlier HP appears.

HP is the result of an automatically proceeding process of calculating the stimulus difference It does not depend on voluntary attention. HP registers in a dream. Depends on individual threshold of distinctive sensitivity. The amplitude of the HP grows with training (at first, the brain does not detect differences in the complex sound pattern, then gradually begins, and by the end the amplitude is very good).

HP is absent in patients with dyslexia on semantic stimuli (there is a norm on the sounds of HP, and there is practically no syllables on syllables). The same method is used to test the hearing of children who are still unable to answer the question whether they hear; in case of a hearing loss simulation.

PR - process negativity reflects voluntary attention. It is measured as the difference of the EP on the signal deviant stimulus (in the experience of performing the task) minus the EP on the deviant stimulus (in the indifferent experience). Reflects the subject's effort with the subject's focus on information. In the experiment, the deviant stimulus is neutral at first (just served), and then becomes signal (it must be considered). Shows arbitrary processes reflected in VIs.

The basis of voluntary and involuntary attention is made up of similar activation processes, which are reflected in the parameters of the electrical activity of the brain (EP, EEG), autonomic and motor reactions.

Arbitrary and involuntary attention is distinguished by the initial link - initiation (where the process starts from - innate components or arbitrary activity).

Activation processes that make up the essence of attention are necessary for the realization of all other psychological processes (perception, memory, imagination, thinking, and others).


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Terms: Psychophysiology