In psychology, attention is defined as the process and state of setting up a subject for the perception of priority information and the performance of assigned tasks.
The focus and concentration of mental activity with attention provides a more effective perception of information. In general, there are two main types of attention: involuntary and voluntary (selective, selective). Both types of attention have different functions, are differently formed in ontogenesis, and they are based on different physiological mechanisms.
It is considered that the physiological basis on which involuntary attention develops and functions is an approximate reaction.
An indicative reaction (RR) was first described by I.P. Pavlov as a motor reaction of an animal to a new, suddenly appearing irritant. It included turning the head and eyes towards the stimulus and was necessarily accompanied by inhibition of the current conditioned reflex activity. Another feature of the OR was to extinguish all its behavioral manifestations with the repetition of the stimulus. Extinguished PR, it was easily restored at the slightest change in the situation (see Chrestomat. 6.2).
The physiological indices of OR. The use of polygraphic registration has shown that the PR causes not only behavioral manifestations, but also a whole range of vegetative changes. The reflection of these generalized changes are the various components of the OR: motor (muscular), cardiac, respiratory, skin galvanic, vascular, pupillary, sensory, and electroencephalographic (see topic 2). As a rule, upon presentation of a new stimulus, muscle tone increases, the respiration rate and pulse change, the electrical activity of the skin increases, the pupils dilate, and sensory thresholds decrease. In the electroencephalogram at the beginning of the orienting reaction, a generalized activation occurs, which is manifested in the blockade (suppression) of the alpha rhythm and the change in its high-frequency activity. At the same time, the possibility arises of combining and synchronous work of nerve cells not according to the principle of their spatial proximity, but according to the functional principle. Thanks to all these changes, a special state of the body's mobilization readiness arises.
More often than others, in experiments aimed at studying OR, indicators of the skin-galvanic reaction (GSR) are used. It has a special sensitivity to the novelty of the stimulus, it is modal non-specific, i.e. does not depend on what kind of stimulus causes the PR. In addition, KGR quickly dies away, even if the PR is caused by a painful stimulus. However, RAG is closely related to the emotional sphere, therefore, the use of the RAG when studying PR requires a clear separation of the actual indicative and emotional components of the response to a new stimulus.
Nervous stimulus model. The mechanism of emergence and suppression of PR was interpreted in the concept of a nervous stimulus model proposed by E.N. Sokolov. According to this concept, as a result of repetition of the stimulus, a “model” is formed in the nervous system, a specific trace configuration in which all the parameters of the stimulus are fixed. An approximate reaction occurs in cases where there is a mismatch between the active stimulus and the formed trace, i.e. "nervous model". If the acting stimulus and the nerve mark left by the preceding stimulus are identical, then there is no PR. If they do not coincide, then the orienting reaction arises and turns out to a certain extent, the stronger, the more the previous and new stimuli differ. Since the PR occurs as a result of a mismatch of afferent irritation with the “nervous model” of the expected stimulus, it is obvious that the PR will last as long as this difference exists.
In accordance with this concept, the PR should be fixed for any tangible discrepancy between two successively presented stimuli. There are, however, numerous facts that indicate that the PR does not always necessarily occur when the parameters of a stimulus change.
The significance of the stimulus. The approximate reflex is associated with the adaptation of the organism to changing environmental conditions, therefore, the "law of force" is true for it. In other words, the more the stimulus changes (for example, its intensity or the degree of novelty), the greater the response. However, not less, and often more, a reaction can be caused by insignificant changes in the situation, if they are directly addressed to the basic human needs.
It seems that a more significant and, therefore, in something already familiar to a person stimulus should, other things being equal, cause a smaller RR than a completely new one. The facts, however, tell a different story. The significance of the stimulus is often crucial for the occurrence of the PR. A highly significant stimulus can cause a powerful orienting reaction, having a slight physical intensity.
Almost all incentives pass the first level of assessment, the second and third registers operate in parallel. Having passed either of these two registers, the stimulus enters the last one and its significance is evaluated there. Only after this final act of assessment does the whole complex of the orienting reaction develop.
Thus, the PR does not arise on any new stimulus, but only on one that is previously assessed as biologically significant. Otherwise, we would experience the PR every second, as new stimuli act on us constantly. When evaluating the PR, therefore, it is necessary to take into account not the formal amount of information contained in the stimulus, but the amount of semantic, relevant information.
Another point is also significant: the perception of a significant stimulus is often accompanied by the formation of an adequate response response. The presence of motor components indicates that the PR provides a unity of sensing and actuating mechanisms. Thus, the PR, traditionally regarded as a reaction to a new stimulus, is a particular case of orientation activity, which is understood as the organization of new activities, the formation of activity in the changed environmental conditions (see Chrestomat. 6.1).
One of the most outstanding achievements of neurophysiology in the twentieth century. This was the discovery and systematic study of the functions of the nonspecific system of the brain, which began with the appearance in 1949 of the book by G. Moruzzi and G. Megun "The Reticular Formation of the Brain Stem and the Activation Reaction in the EEG".
The reticular formation along with the limbic system form a block of modulating systems of the brain, the main function of which is the regulation of the functional states of the body (see topic 3, p. 3.1.3). Initially, only reticular formations of the brainstem were attributed to the nonspecific system of the brain, and diffuse generalized activation of the cerebral cortex was considered their main task. According to modern concepts, the ascending nonspecific activating system extends from the medulla oblongata to the visual hillock (thalamus).
Functions of the thalamus. The thalamus, which is part of the diencephalon, has a nuclear structure. It consists of specific and non-specific nuclei. Specific nuclei process all sensory information entering the body, so the thalamus is figuratively called the collector of sensory information. The specific nuclei of the thalamus are mainly associated with the primary projection zones of the analyzers. Non-specific nuclei direct their ascending paths to the associative zones of the cerebral cortex. In 1955, G. Jasper formulated the idea of the diffuse-projected talamic system. Based on a number of facts, he argued that the diffuse projection thalamic system (nonspecific thalamus) can, within certain limits, control the state of the cortex, exerting both excitatory and inhibitory effects on it.
In animal experiments, it was shown that when a non-specific thalamus is stimulated, an activation reaction occurs in the cerebral cortex. This reaction is easy to observe when registering an encephalogram, but the activation of the cortex during stimulation of a non-specific thalamus is pleased to differ from the activation that occurs during stimulation of the reticular formation of the brain stem.
Table 6.1.
Reactions activation of brain structures
Reaction characteristics | EEG brain stem activation | EEG activation of the thalamus |
Distribution area | Generalized | Local |
Reaction type | Tonic | Phasic |
Temporal dynamics | Slowly fading away | Fast fading |
Functions front areas. The reticular formation of the brainstem and the non-specific thalamus are closely related to the cerebral cortex. The frontal zones of the cortex occupy a special place in the system of these connections. It is assumed that the excitation of the reticular formation of the brain stem and nonspecific thalamus along the direct ascending pathways extends to the anterior sections of the cortex. When a certain level of excitation of the frontal zones is reached along the descending paths that go into the reticular formation and the thalamus, the inhibitory effect is realized. In fact, a self-regulation circuit takes place here: the reticular formation initially activates the frontal cortex, and that in turn inhibits (reduces) the activity of the reticular formation. Since all these influences are gradual, i.e. change gradually, then with the help of bilateral connections, the frontal areas of the cortex can provide exactly the level of excitement that is required in each particular case.
Thus, the frontal cortex is the most important regulator of the state of wakefulness in general and attention as an electoral process. It modulates the activity of the stem and thalamic systems in the right direction. Thanks to this, we can talk about the phenomenon of controlled cortical activation.
The system of attention in the human brain. The above scheme does not exhaust all ideas about the brain providing attention. It characterizes the general principles of the neurophysiological organization of attention and is addressed mainly to the so-called modal non-specific attention. A more detailed study allows you to specialize attention, highlighting its modal-specific species. The following types of attention can be described as relatively independent: sensory (visual, auditory, tactile), motor, emotional and intellectual. The clinic of focal lesions shows that these types of attention can suffer independently of each other and different parts of the brain take part in providing them. In the maintenance of modal-specific types of attention, the zones of the cortex, directly associated with the provision of the corresponding mental functions, take an active part (E. Homskaya, 1987).
A well-known researcher of attention M. Pozner argues that in the human brain there is an independent system of attention, which is anatomically isolated from the systems for processing incoming information. Attention is maintained due to the work of different anatomical zones that form a network structure, and these zones perform different functions that can be described in cognitive terms. Moreover, a number of functional subsystems of attention are highlighted. They provide three main functions: targeting sensory events, detecting a signal for focal (conscious processing), and maintaining alertness, or the waking state. In the provision of the first function, the posterior parietal region and some of the nuclei of the thalamus play an important role, the second - the lateral and medial parts of the frontal cortex. Vigilance is maintained through the activity of the right hemisphere.
Indeed, a lot of experimental data indicate a different contribution of the hemispheres to providing not only perception, but also selective attention. According to these data, the right hemisphere basically provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and relatively little connection with the peculiarities of a particular activity. The left is more responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the characteristics of the task.
An experimental study of the physiological correlates and mechanisms of attention is carried out at different levels, starting from the nerve cell and ending with the bioelectric activity of the brain as a whole. Each of these levels of research forms its own ideas about the physiological basis of attention.
Neurons of novelty. The most interesting facts illustrating the functions of neurons in the mechanisms of attention are connected with the provision of an orientation reaction. Back in the 60s. During neurosurgical operations, G. Jasper singled out special neurons in the human thalamus - the “detectors” of novelty, or attention, which responded to the first presentations of stimuli.
Later in the neural networks, nerve cells were identified, called neurons of novelty and identity (EN Sokolov, 1995). Neurons of novelty allow you to select new signals. They differ from others in their characteristic feature: their background impulses increase with the action of new stimuli of different modalities. With the help of multiple connections, these neurons are connected to detectors of individual areas of the cerebral cortex, which form plastic excitatory synapses on the novelty neurons. Thus, under the action of new stimuli, the impulse activity of novelty neurons increases. As the stimulus repeats and depending on the strength of the excitation, the response of the novelty neuron is selectively suppressed, so that the additional activation disappears in it and only the background activity remains.
The neuron of identity also has background activity. These neurons receive impulses from detectors of different modalities through plastic synapses. But unlike novelty neurons, in neurons of identity, communication with detectors is carried out through inhibitory synapses. Under the action of a new stimulus, the background activity in the neurons of the identity is suppressed, and under the action of habitual stimuli, on the contrary, it is activated.
So, the new stimulus excites the neurons of novelty and inhibits neurons of identity, thus the new stimulus stimulates the activating system of the brain and suppresses the synchronizing (inhibitory) system. The habitual stimulus acts in exactly the opposite way - enhancing the work of the braking system does not affect the activating one.
The features of the impulse activity of human neurons when performing psychological tests that require the mobilization of voluntary attention are described in the works of NP. Bekhtereva and her staff. At the same time, in the anterior sections of the thalamus and a number of other structures of the nearest subcortex, rapid outbreaks of pulsed activity were recorded, 2-3 times higher in frequency than the background level. It is characteristic that the described changes in the impulse activity of neurons persisted throughout the execution of the entire test, and only after its completion did the level of activity of these neurons return to the original one.
In general, in these studies it was established that various forms of human cognitive activity, accompanied by the stress of voluntary attention, are characterized by a certain type of neuronal activity, clearly comparable to the dynamics of voluntary attention.
Electroencephalographic correlates of attention. It is well known that upon presentation of a stimulus in an encephalogram, there is a suppression (blockade) of the alpha rhythm, and it is replaced by an activation reaction. However, this does not exhaust the changes in the electrical activity of the brain in a situation of attention.
The study of total electrical activity in the mobilization of intellectual attention has revealed regular changes in the nature of the joint activity of different zones of the cortex. When assessing the degree of distant synchronization of biopotentials, it was found that the level of spatial synchronization increases significantly in the frontal areas of the left hemisphere compared to the background. Similar results are obtained by using another indicator derived from an encephalogram, coherence (see Topic 2, Section 2.1.1). In the situation of waiting for the stimulus, regardless of its modality, an increase in coherence is observed in the alpha-rhythm band, moreover, mainly in the anterior (premotor) zones of the cortex. Высокие показатели дистантной синхронизации и когерентности говорят о том, насколько тесно взаимодействуют зоны коры, в первую очередь передних отделов левого полушария, в обеспечении произвольного внимания.
The study of attention using VP. The first study of attention by the EP method used simple behavioral models, for example, the counting of stimuli. It was found that attracting the attention of subjects to the stimulus is accompanied by an increase in the amplitude of the EP components and a decrease in their latency. On the contrary, the distraction of attention from the stimulus is accompanied by a decrease in the amplitude of the EP and an increase in latency. However, it remained unclear what caused these changes in the parameters of the EP: changes in the general level of activation, maintenance of vigilance or mechanisms of selective attention. For the breeding of these processes, it was necessary to construct an experiment in such a way that its organization would allow to isolate the effect of mobilizing selective attention "in its pure" form.
В качестве такой модели можно привести эксперименты С. Хильярда, которые получили в 70-е гг. широкую известность. При предъявлении звуковых стимулов через наушники в левое и правое ухо испытуемому предлагается мысленно реагировать (считать) редко встречающиеся ("целевые") стимулы, поступающие по одному из каналов (только в правое или левое ухо). В результате получают вызванные потенциалы в ответ на 4 варианта стимулов: часто встречающиеся в релевантном (контролируемом) и иррелевантном (игнорируемом) каналах и редко встречающиеся (целевые) в том и другом каналах. В этом случае появляется возможность сравнивать эффекты канала и стимула, которые являются объектом внимания. В экспериментах такого типа, как правило, применяются очень короткие интервалы между стимулами (немногим более или менее одной секунды), в результате усиливается напряженность и устойчивость избирательного внимания испытуемого к быстро чередующимся стимулам разной информационной значимости.
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Слуховые вызванные потенциалы, отражающие привлечение селективного внимания к одному из каналов в ситуации различения звуковых сигналов (700 или 300 Гц) (по H. Hansen & S. Hillyard, 1982). Высоко- и низкочастотные тоны предъявлялись в случайном порядке (приблизительно три раза в сек.). Испытуемые каждый раз обращали внимание только на один канал, пытаясь выделить сигнальные стимулы, имевшие большую длительность ВП в канале, к которому было привлечено внимание, имели выраженную негативную волну. Эта волна отчетливо выступает при вычитании ответа на сигнальный стимул из ответа на несигнальный - на рис. on right. |
Было установлено, что привлечение внимания к одному из каналов ведет к увеличению амплитуды первой отрицательной волны с латентным периодом около 150 мс, обозначаемой как компонент N1. Целевые стимулы сопровождались появлением в составе ВП позднего положительного колебания Р3 с латентным периодом около 300 мс. Высказывалось предположение, что негативная волна N1 отражает "установку" на стимул, определяющую направленность произвольного внимания, а компонент Р3 — "установку на ответ", связанную с выбором варианта ответа. В дальнейшем компонент Р3 (чаще определяемый как Р300) явился предметом множества исследований (см. тему 10).
В более поздних исследованиях с помощью специального приема вычитания потенциалов, регистрируемых в ответ на сигнальные и стандартные стимулы, обнаружилось, что первая отрицательная волна N1 представляет собой неоднородный корковый феномен сложной структуры, в котором можно выделить особое отрицательное колебание, так называемую — "негативность, отражающую обработку информации". Это колебание с латентным периодом около 150 мс и длительностью не менее 500 мс регистрируется при несовпадении редко предъявляемого целевого стимула со "следом внимания", образуемым в ассоциативной слуховой зоне и лобной области при частом повторении и воспроизведении стандартного стимула. При этом, чем меньше разница между этими стимулами, тем больше латентный период и тем длительнее отрицательное колебание, развивающееся в ответ на целевой, нестандартный стимул.
Кроме этого, описано еще одно отрицательное колебание, в ряде случаев сопровождающее ситуацию сравнения стимулов. Этот компонент, обозначаемый как "негативность рассогласования", возникает в слуховой коре с латентным периодом 70-100 мс и отражает автоматический процесс сравнения физических признаков звукового стимула со следом стандартного стимула, хранящемся в течение 5-10 сек в сенсорной памяти. При отклонении физических свойств стимула от следа многократно предъявляемого стандартного стимула развивается "негативность рассогласования".
Предполагается, что в образовании волны N1 могут участвовать оба компонента ("негативность, связанная с обработкой информации" и "негативность рассогласования"). Причем первый из этих компонентов связан с предсознательной, непроизвольной оценкой признаков необычного звукового стимула, осуществляемой путем сравнения их с нервной моделью часто повторяющегося стимула, а второй компонент отражает процессы обработки сенсорной информации на сознательном уровне, а именно: произвольного внимания, фокусирования субъектом сознания на определенных критических признаках стимула и сравнения его со "следом внимания", хранящемся в рабочей памяти.
Таким образом, с помощью метода ВП было показано, что на целевые звуковые стимулы (в ситуации выбора стимула и канала) возникает два типа компонентов, один из которых отражает процессы сенсорной памяти, другой — селективного внимания.
Временные характеристики внимания. С помощью метода ВП можно оценить динамику развития процессов внимания в реальном времени. Вопрос заключается в следующем, на каком этапе обработки информации включаются процессы внимания? Поскольку начало первой негативной волны, возникающей в ответ на сигнальные стимулы, в основном приурочено к 50 мс от момента предъявления стимула, пятидесятимиллисекундная граница довольно долго рассматривалась как временной рубеж, после которого развертываются процессы селективного внимания.
Более детальные исследования, однако, показали, что в слуховой и, по-видимому, соматосенсорной системах произвольная регуляция процессов обработки поступающей информации включается не позже, чем через 20-30 сек. после предъявления стимула. Эффекты внимания в зрительной системе обнаруживают себя позднее, начиная с 60 мс. Не исключено, что и эти временные границы по мере совершенствования методов изучения будут изменены. Суть, однако, в том, что хронометрия переработки информации и включения внимания как одного из главных регуляторов этого процесса с такой точностью может быть изучена только в психофизиологических экспериментах.
Какую функцию выполняют фронтальные доли мозга в обеспечении внимания?
Внимание - это «направленность психики (сознания) на определенные объекты, имеющие для личности устойчивую или ситуативную значимость, сосредоточение психики (сознания), предполагающее повышенный уровень сенсорной, интеллектуальной или двигательной активности» [2, C. 83].
Таким образом, фронтальная кора - важнейший регулятор состояния бодрствования в целом и внимания как избирательного процесса. Она модулирует в нужном направлении активность стволовой и таламической систем. Благодаря этому можно говорить о таком явлении, как управляемая корковая активация.
Bibliography for answering questions
2. Kondakov, I.M. Psychological dictionary. - M., 2000. - 427 p.
.Maryutina, TM Psychophysiology. - M .: Publishing house MGPPU, 350 p.
.Pryazhnikov, N.S. The psychology of labor and human dignity. - M .: Academy, 2004. - 318 p.
.Stolyarenko, LD, Fundamentals of Psychology. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2002 - 672 p.
.Physiology of higher nervous activity / HH Danilova, A.L. Krylov. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2005. - 478 p.
Верно ли утверждение, что к модально-неспецифическому вниманию относятся следующие виды внимания: сенсорное (зрительное, слуховое, тактильное), двигательное, эмоциональное и интеллектуальное? |
1. нет |
2. да
Верно ли утверждение, что особенность ориентировочной реакции заключалась в отсутствии угашения ее поведенческих проявлений при повторении стимула? |
1. да |
2. нет |
Верно ли утверждение, что согласно концепции нервной модели стимула, предложенной Е.Н. Соколовым, если действующий стимул и нервный след, оставленный предшествующим раздражителем, идентичны, то возникает ориентировочная реакция? |
1. нет |
2. да |
Выберите правильный вариант ответа. |
1. И.М.Сеченовым |
2. Г.Селье |
3. И.П.Павловым |
4. Дж.Уотсоном |
Выберите правильный вариант ответа. |
1. блокаде дельта-ритма и смене его высокочастотной активностью |
2. блокаде альфа-ритма и смене его высокочастотной активностью |
3. блокаде бета-ритма и смене его низкочастотной активностью |
4. активизации альфа-ритма |
Выберите правильный вариант ответа. |
1. 1949 г |
2. 1959 г |
3. 1969 г |
4. 1979 г |
Выберите два правильных варианта ответа. |
1. projection areas of the cortex |
2. reticular formation |
3. limbic system |
4. pituitary gland |
Choose the correct answer. |
1. reticular formation |
2. cerebellum |
3. hypothalamus |
4. thalamus |
Choose the correct answer. |
1. the left hemisphere provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is relatively little connected with the peculiarities of a specific activity, and the right one is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the peculiarities of the task |
2. the left hemisphere provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is associated with the peculiarities of a specific activity, and the right one is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the peculiarities of the task |
3. The right hemisphere provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is relatively little connected with the peculiarities of a specific activity, while the left one is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the initial level of arousal. |
4. The right hemisphere provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is relatively little associated with the characteristics of a specific activity, and the left is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the characteristics of the task |
Choose the correct answer. |
1. alpha rhythm |
2. beta rhythm |
3. gamma rhythm |
4. theta rhythm |
Test_Data [0] = new Array ( “Is it true that the following types of attention are related to modal non-specific attention: sensory (visual, auditory, tactile), motor, emotional and intellectual?”, ".. \ 6.html # p11", "not", "Yes", 1.0, 0.0 ); Test_Data [1] = new Array ( “Is it true to say that the peculiarity of the orientation reaction was the absence of the extinction of its behavioral manifestations when the stimulus was repeated?” ".. \ 6.html # p2", "Yes", "not", 0.1, 0.0 ); Test_Data [2] = new Array ( "Is it true that, according to the concept of a nervous model of a stimulus proposed by EN Sokolov, if the acting stimulus and the nerve mark left by the preceding stimulus are identical, then an indicative reaction occurs?" ".. \ 6.html # p5", "not", "Yes", 1.0, 0.0 ); Test_Data [3] = new Array ( " Choose the correct answer. Approximate reaction as a motor reaction of an animal to a new, suddenly appearing stimulus, was first described: ", ".. \ 6.html # p1", "I.M.Shechenovym", "G.Selje", "I.P.Pavlov", "J.Watson", 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,0 ); Test_Data [4] = new Array ( " Choose the correct answer. At the beginning of the orientation reaction, a generalized activation occurs, which in the electroencephalogram is manifested in: ", ".. \ 6.html # p3", "the blockade of the delta rhythm and the change of its high-frequency activity", "blockade of the alpha rhythm and the change of its high-frequency activity", "the blockade of the beta rhythm and the change of its low-frequency activity", "activating the alpha rhythm",, 0,0,0,0 ); Test_Data [5] = new Array ( " Choose the correct answer. The book of G. Moruzzi and G. Megun \ 'The reticular formation of the brain stem and the activation reaction in the EEG \' appeared in: ", ".. \ 6.html # p7", "1949" "1959" "1969", "1979 g", 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 ); Test_Data [6] = new Array ( " Choose two correct answers. The block of modulating systems of the brain, the main function of which is to regulate the functional states of the body, includes: ", ".. \ 6.html # p8", "projection zones of the cortex", "reticular formation", "limbic system", "pituitary", 0,1,1,0, 0,0,0,0 ); Test_Data [7] = new Array ( " Choose the correct answer. The mechanism of attention is provided by the activity: ", ".. \ 6.html # p12", "reticular formation", "cerebellum", "hypothalamus", "thalamus", 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 ); Test_Data [8] = new Array ( " Choose the correct answer. In selective attention processes: ", ".. \ 6.html # p13", “the left hemisphere provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is relatively little connected with the peculiarities of a specific activity, and the right one is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the peculiarities of the task”, “the left hemisphere provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is connected with the peculiarities of a specific activity, and the right one is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the peculiarities of the task”, “the right hemisphere provides a general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is relatively little associated with the characteristics of a specific activity, and the left is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the initial level of arousal”, “the right hemisphere provides the general mobilization readiness of a person, maintains the necessary level of wakefulness and is relatively little associated with the characteristics of a specific activity, and the left is responsible for the specialized organization of attention in accordance with the characteristics of the task”, 0,0,0,1, 0,0,0,0 ); Test_Data [9] = new Array ( " Choose the correct answer. In the situation of waiting for the stimulus, regardless of its modality, mainly in the premotor zones of the cortex, an increase in coherence is observed in the band: " ".. \ 6.html # p15", "alpha rhythm", "beta rhythm", "gamma rhythm", "theta rhythm", 1,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0 );
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Terms: Psychophysiology