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The concept of beating the path - as the basis for the formation of associations


The concept of clearing the path is the basis for the formation of associations (the connection of Pavlov’s cortical centers of conditioned and unconditioned stimulus and the connection of Asratyan’s unconditional stimuli of cortical centers). Two conditioned reflexes can be linked into an association.

Hypothesis about the role of pulse reverberation in a closed neural network as the basis for plastic changes in synapses, which cause the formation of Fessard associations.

The point closure hypothesis of the Anokhin conditioned reflex is a conditioned reflex as a memory model.

The history of the discovery of synapses: neurons communicate with each other through special contact zones - electrical and chemical synapses. Electric synapse holds charge instantly. Due to this, all the neurons surrounding such a synapse are excited synchronously, without delay.

Synapses can change the conductivity of a signal from a neuron to a neuron, which is the basis of learning. There are active synapses, there are not active, but which can become active. This property is called plasticity .

The neuron axon grows in the direction from which there is more growth factor. If the contact is not found, then the neuron dies according to the law of apaptosis. The function determines the contacts and dominance of a particular network.

The role of calcium ions in the generation of PD and plastic changes at the level of a presynaptic neuron.

Calcium ions transport vesicles with a mediator to the presynaptic membrane. The dependence of the excitation of a neuron on the content of calcium ions in the environment. Calcium ions trigger a chain of chemical reactions within the presynaptic cell that alter the conductivity of the signal to the postsynaptic neuron.

The presence of calcium ions in the external environment is a necessary condition for the operation of a neuron, it is possible that there is no calcium in the outside, but its artificial injection inside.

The discovery of two types of mediators: high-speed (acetylcholine, glutomat) (ms) and slow (from tens of seconds to hours).

The discovery of slow mediators (catecholamines: ON, YES, serotonin) predetermined the subsequent discoveries of modulatory neurons. The brain modulating system works with them.

created: 2014-10-08
updated: 2021-03-13

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Terms: Psychophysiology