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3. The theory of universality of genius


3. The theory of universality asserts that the distinctive and at the same time essential feature of a genius is its universality, which consists in a comprehensive, planetary, inclusive look at reality, in an imperative, penetrating all forms of activity, striving for integrity, and, at the same time, in the utmost openness to the world, breadth of interests, diversity of talents and productivity in various types of creativity.
N.V. Goncharenko singled out as the most important independent characteristics of universality:
1. "The quality of worldview and creativity, which is characterized by the ability to catch the rhythm, harmony and breath of the universe, to comprehend, often hidden, a natural relationship of cause and effect, to determine the dominant direction in the development of science, art, spiritual life ..."
2. Ability to different types of creativity, complemented by the breadth of horizons and the amount of knowledge.
1. UNIVERSAL WORLD VIEW. The universal world perception and attitude to the world consists in the perception of the universe as a self-flowing, organic, living whole and in understanding things and events as manifestations, explications of this whole. The universal genius sees in every phenomenon and fact the presence of a pressure over the whole, trying to bring them under the most universal, invariant and cross-cutting laws of the structure and development of the world.
Genius has a holistic, systemic vision of the world, which involves treating objects as holistic objects and, at the same time, as parts of more complex integrity. The universality of a genius is manifested in his striving for the Infinite, Eternal, Universal, in the capacity for cognitive and spiritual resonance with the Universe, in the ability to dissolve in the world and contain it, to comprehend its fundamental principles, to experience its rhythm, beauty and harmony.
"The idea of ​​the universe and its harmony - wrote F. Schlegel - everything is for me. ... The legally organized exchange between individuality and universality constitutes the true pulse of a higher life."
Universality is such an understanding of the world, in which its objects, phenomena and events relate to the Whole, which acts as the generating primordial essence, the meaning-making and explanatory center of the universal world.
Universality, as an explication of the Whole, is the most important dimension, the cornerstone semantic axis, the essential characteristic of genius, one of the four pillars, along with Freedom, Opportunity and Interaction, on which the world of genius is built. At the same time, it is the generating center of a special meaningful space, which conditions, makes possible, fills with meaning and determines the existence of genius.
The worldview of the universal genius is distinguished by its fullness, diversity, and utmost openness and total acceptance of the world. “I adhere to all views,” wrote Johan August Strinberg, “I profess all religions, I live in all ages, and I have ceased to be myself. This state gives an indescribable feeling of happiness. ”
Separately, you can select a number of geniuses who created and created masterpieces in their field and did not necessarily have many-sided talents or were scholars, polymates and “homo universalis: Plato, Kepler, Teyar de Chardin, Shakespeare, Newton, Bach, Kant, Hegel, Mozart, Dante, Copernicus, Whitman, L. Tolstoy, F. Dostoevsky , J. Böhme, E. Swedenborg, F. Schlegel, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and William Blake, who expressed the essence of the universal attitude of the world: In one moment to see eternity, A huge world - in the grain of sand, In a single horst - infinity, and the sky - in the calyx.
These geniuses can be considered universal in their utter openness and wide openness to the whole, the correlation of their thoughts, experiences and all aspirations with the Universum, in scale, cultural and historical power and universal significance of their creations.
Universalism is understood as the ability to express "infinite in the finite", "eternal in the instant", "universal in the individual", the ability to fit the world in all its infinity, versatility and ambiguity, to create an adequate copy of it, a complex, but harmonious recursive model. Otto Weininger wrote: “The infinity of the universe corresponds to the infinity in his own breast with genius. His inner world includes chaos and cosmos. All particulars and all things common, all diversity and all unity. ”
N. Berdyaev, expressing the idea of ​​a man as a microcosm, laid down in ancient philosophy, wrote: “Personality is a microcosm, a whole universe. Only a person can contain universal content, be a potential universe in an individual form ... A person is not a part and cannot be a part in relation to any whole, even a huge whole, to the whole world ... But a person is not a part of the universe, the universe is a part of the personality, its qualities. "
The author, in fact, expresses a view of the ratio of the part and the whole, which in modern science is called the holographic, fractal or recursive approach.
The part and the whole assume and penetrate into each other, are repeatedly reflected in each other, enriching and qualitatively changing with each act and depth of recursive nesting.
In this case, the genius is understood as a creator who, by successive recursive cycles, turned the existing universe into a multidimensional point, gigantic accumulative efforts, accommodated him, deeply experienced its content and created his own distinctive life universe.
In the Eastern tradition, man is also understood as a microcosm that is dissolved and obeys the all-breeding, infinite beginning of the world - Tao, which is the path, flow, breath and rhythm of the Universe. A genius in Eastern culture is a wise man who dissolves in Tao, follows the Path, catches the rhythm of the Universe, gives all things the right to be what they really are, lives and creates unity with the cosmos.
Geniuses, who were characterized by universality and originality, - wrote M. Chiksentmihali, - found themselves inside a holistic stream of thought and action.
The highest dialectic of universality consists in the fact that the number and diversity of the facets of the mental structure of the personality increase the degree of originality and uniqueness of the individuality, which is brighter the more it accommodates the universal (SL Rubinstein)
Genius is distinguished by an amazing balance between universality and originality, between the eternal, everlasting problems raised by it and the originality of their expression, “universal humanity” and unique originality and dissimilarity.

Universum is built and operates according to the laws of beauty and creativity. Genius, comprehending its universal structures and extreme values, revealing its most common and stable connections, intuitively grasping, experiencing and expressing its meanings and cosmic harmony, becomes commensurate with the creative universe, its living embodiment and herald in phenomenal worlds.
A genius is able to grasp not only integrity in all their fullness and connectedness, but also to feel the sushchestvennye deep structures, proportions, beauty and harmony of the whole. Even Pythagoras, believing that harmony permeates the entire universe and is equally inherent in nature and art, wrote: “The same laws exist for musical lines and planets.” A genius has the ability to see the hidden harmony and beauty of things and is endowed with the gift of expressing it in his Leonardo da Vinci wrote: "The painter embodies in the form of proportions the same laws that lurk in nature, which the scientist learns in the form of numerical law."
N. K. Gavryushin analyzing the works of I. Kepler, M. Mersenne and A. Kircher, “united by the belief in the musical and mathematical harmony of the Universe ascending to the Pythagoreans,” noted that all of them dedicated special compositions to the harmony of the universe worldview. In their works, they created a magnificent picture of an aesthetically perfect plastic space based on the musical-numerical harmony, and also approved the idea of ​​universal utility and practical applicability of their theories.

The universal genius, reflecting and embracing the Universe, creates an internal universal structure, a peculiar functional spiritual organ, a magical prism through which the genius passes the inner glow and semantic currents of the world. which the genius, as if through a prism, passes the glow of the first essences. At the same time, the picture of the world constituted by genius and the internal generating matrix that is isomorphic to it are characterized by multilevelness and versatility, flexible structurality and dynamic hierarchy.
A similar universal structure possessed by I.S. Bach, who freely processed already existing melodies and, by passing them through himself, created brilliant works. “With the right of genius,” wrote S.A. Morozov, - Sebastian Bach took someone else's music and created his organ concerts with free processing. ” The work of Bach was based on the internal structure that he had grasped and constructed, which reflected the deep, universal laws of the structure of the world and was a functional organ that generated the matrix and at the same time a creative method that integrates the system of universal creative techniques.
The basis of his works was a structural principle — a symmetric concentric form, in which the polyphonic (horizontal) and harmonic (vertical) balanced each other, and the dramatic scope and freedom of form, was organized by the dominant idea of ​​deep inner concentration.
KF Emmanuel wrote that from the pen of I.S. Bach did not leave anything but masterpieces. His works, like gems in Indra's necklace, reflected the perfect Universes. Each of his creations carried, expressed, flashed and united around the stately spirit, the central sense of the whole. According to I.Forkel, Bach's creative work was distinguished by the unity and diversity of style, the organicity and completeness of the whole, polyphony, the free sound of voices and the unconstrained change of their dominance, the penetration of musical fabric by counterpoints, lightness, fluidity and purity of the melody, as well as the “all-pervading musical fabric life, as a result, sometimes it seems to the performer and the listener that the sounds have become living beings. ”
Mozart, who was called a genius in the field of form, possessed a unique ability to grasp and produce an auditory whole, in which the common contours and sovereign details are merged together, organic, alive, breathing from the inside integrity, characterized by a balance of horizontal and vertical, melody and harmony. T. Adorno wrote that in the works of Mozart the melodic elements of his music, tend to remain independent, to separate, while remaining bound by a perfect whole. "His form, wrote T. Adorno, is a proportion that tends in different directions, and not ordering." At the same time, the "organic" principle of shaping leads to the development of forms that are mutually enriched, interpenetrate into each other, not dissolving.

The theory of universality asserts that genius is distinguished by a unique fusion of creative talents, a kind of spiritual organization, in which the universal invariant structure of the Universe is reflected.
According to N. Goncharenko, the basis of universality is organic fusion, indissoluble unity of the highest intellect, intuitive insight, richness of feelings and volitional sense of purpose. "By stimulating each other, they give that special, qualitatively unique fusion of the creative possibilities of the individual, as a result of which the depth of thought, the universality of the vision of the objective world, the extraordinary acuteness of perception of its diversity is achieved."
The completeness and completeness of this structure determines the interaction, interpenetration and mutual reinforcement of various abilities, traits and personality traits. R. Arnheim (1988) Genius is a self-consistent, well-organized whole.
According to M. Epstein, today we can talk about the formation of an independent science - a university, the field of study and understanding of the universal. Universika is such a consciousness about the world, which reflects its properties as a whole, that is, is as universal as Universe itself. The category “universal” denotes the versatility, inherent in a separate phenomenon the ability of an individual to turn with different facets. In turn, the concept of "universal genius" means that many spheres of creativity are available to this individual.
The universality of genius is manifested in the extraordinary erudition, the breadth of his outlook, the diversity of interests and hobbies, the versatility of talent and the ability to achieve outstanding results in various activities. At the same time, the comprehensiveness and versatility of a genius is understood as a projection of the personality on various areas of being and thinking.
Taking into account such criteria of a creative person as diversity of interests, integrity and productivity, the following types of “universal person” can be distinguished :
1. The erudite encyclopedist is a person distinguished by the diversity and depth of knowledge.
2. Polymat, a universal person or a Renaissance person - possessing extensive knowledge and a variety of talents, manifested in various subject areas.
3. Universal genius - characterized by a wide range of interests, various talents leading to creative accomplishments of high cultural and historical significance.
I. Scrabble, encyclopedist - a person with comprehensive and deep knowledge, versatile person, whose experience covers a significant number of different subject areas.
Erudition and extensive and deep knowledge in various subject areas radically expand the creative horizons and capabilities of the individual, but do not necessarily give rise to genius, for whose development creative power and exceptional productivity are a prerequisite. Erudition is not a mandatory attribute of genius, but only one of its conditions, especially in an era of narrow professionalism and specialized skills and skills.

Ii. Universal man (homo universalis) or polymate.
2.1. Polimat (from the Greek. Rolys - a lot, and mathein - to learn) is a person who has learned a lot and knows a lot. The etymology of the word polymat implies learning not only knowledge, but skills and mastery. So they say about polymata - athletes who demonstrate high achievements in various sports (Howard Baker, George Alan Thomas, Roman Shebrle, Brian Clay) and polymata - artists ( Wooddy Allen, Rolf Harris, Barbara Streisand, Robert Anthony Rodriguez).
2.2. A universal person (from the Latin homo universalis) is a person who not only has extensive knowledge, but also a wide variety of abilities, which allows him to achieve high results in a wide variety of subject areas.
Renaissance man is the personification of the fundamental principles of humanism of the Renaissance, affirming the creative power and unlimited potential of human development. The meaning of this principle is expressed in the words of one of the first geniuses of the Renaissance of Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472): "A man can do everything if he wants."
The universalism of the personality implies a fruitful combination of different or several humanitarian and natural sciences or their areas at once, a demonstration of high achievements simultaneously in the field of science, art, state and public activity.
The originality, originality and degree of correlation of a universal person with a genius can be revealed with the help of the following essential characteristics:
1. The versatility of talent, the number of areas of application of creative forces.
2. The multi-level, diversity and completeness of the spheres of creative activity.
• Philosophy
• The science
• Art
• Social sphere
• Management and practice.
• Self-development, moral self-improvement
As a rule, a genius shows the most productively in one sphere that dominates his life, demonstrating successes and achievements in other areas of culture.
3. The size and significance of the contribution to the culture and development of mankind. It is this essential criterion that transforms, transforms a uvery person into a universal genius.

Table 10 List of geniuses polymers

Geniuses Philosophy, religion The science Art Social sphere Management and practice
one. Cicero
(106 –43 BC)
philosopher lawyer, linguist stylist politician, speaker statesman
2 Archimedes (c.287 – c.212 BC) mathematician, physicist, astronomer, inventor engineer
3 Zhuge Liang
astrologer, scientist, inventor commander, statesman,
four. Abbas ibn Firnas (810–887) chemist, inventor, doctor poet, musician, philanthropist engineer, technologist, aviator
five. Nagarjuna (ca. 150–250) philosopher doctor chemist writer monk
6 Al-Biruni
philosopher mathematician, physicist, anthropologist, astronomer, historian, pharmacologist, philologist teacher traveler
7 Omar Khayyam (1048-1131) philosopher astronomer, mathematician poet courtier
eight. Shen Ko (1031-1095)mathematician, astronomer, meteorologist, geologist, zoologist, botanist, pharmacologist, cartographer,
poet, musician diplomat, general, finance minister, engineer
9. Nikolay Kuzansky
philosopher, theologian lawyer catholic cardinal
ten. Leon Battista Alberti (1404–1472) philosopher mathematician, inventor, cryptographer architect, artist, poet, sculptor, musician, writer catholic priest
eleven. Akbar the Great (1542–1605) theologian inventor writer, architect, artist ruler, commander, gunsmith, blacksmith, engineer
12. Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) philosopher mathematician, physicist, astronomer
13. Robert Hooke (1635–1703) philosopher physicist, biologist, chemist architect
14. Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) physicist, geographer, political scientist, inventor writer, musician, journalist public figure, politician, publisher diplomat, statesman
15. Albert the Great
philosopher, theologian chemist, botanist, astronomer, geographer, zoologist, minerologist bishop
sixteen. Maria Gaetana Agnesi
philosopher, theologian linguist, mathematician, logician philanthropist
17 Roger Bacon (1220–1292) philosopher optician, linguist alchemist, astronomer mathematician

Voltaire (1694-1778)

philosopher writer, poet publicist, human rights activist entrepreneur

Ernst Theodore Amadeus Hoffman (1776-1822)

writer, playwright, composer, musician,
20. Thomas Jung (1773 –1829) оптик, механик, физиолог, лингвист, теоретик музыки, египтолог
21. Руджер Иосип Бошкович
(1711 –1787)
философ, теолог физик, астроном, математик монах дипломат
22 Александр Гумбольдт (1769-1859) физик, метеоролог, географ, ботаник, зоолог путешественник
23. Герберт Спенсер (1820-1903) философ социолог, психолог, биолог,
антрополог, экономист, политолог
24 Дмитрий Менделеев (1834-1907) химик, физик, метролог, экономист, технолог, геолог, метеоролог общественный деятель, педагог приборостроитель, воздухоплаватель
25 Александр Бородин (1833–1887) химик composer профессор
26 Рабиндранат Тагор
философ поэт, драматург, художник, композитор, музыкант общественный деятель путешественник
27. Vladimir Vernadsky
philosopher geologist, crystallographer, mineralogist, geochemist, biologist public figure President of the Academy of Sciences
28 Alexander Chizhevsky (1897 - 1964) philosopher cosmobiologist, heliobiologist, biophysicist poet, artist
29. Albert Schweitzer (1875–1965) philosopher, theologian doctor musician peace fighter philanthropist missionary
thirty. Pavel Florensky
philosopher, theologian mathematician, inventor a priest Electrical Engineer
31. Jean Cocteau (1889–1963) writer, poet, artist, director, screenwriter, designer sports manager
32. Umberto Eco
(born 1932)
philosopher semiotics, historian writer. critic Professor

Отдельной сферой совершенствования и приложения творческих усилий гения, самостоятельным миром культуры, является сама личность, внутренний мир творца. К гениям, которые уделяли исключительное внимание собственному моральному самосовершенствованию, самотворчеству и саморазвитию можно отнести Конфуция , Будду, Марка Аврелия, Альберта Швейцера, Льва Толстого, Михаила Зощенко, Павла Флоренского, М. Ганди, Н. Рериха. В то же время существуют гении – святые, у которых собственная жизнь, личность, внутренний мир являлись их главным шедевром, произведением. Н. Бердяев писал о Серафиме Саровском: «Святой творит самого себя, иное, более совершенное в себе бытие. Гений творит великие произведения, совершает великие дела в мире. Лишь творчество самого себя спасает. Творчество великих ценностей может губить. Св. Серафим ничего не творил, кроме самого себя, и этим лишь преображал мир». P.A. Флоренский писал о апостоле Павле: «Умереть для мира - означает великую тайну… Да, можно оставаться среди людей и делать вместе с ними дела жизни, но быть мёртвым для мира и руководить деятельностью своего тела, находясь уже не в нём, а со стороны, из горнего мира».

Iii. Универсальный гений – это полимат, универсальный человек, который в своем творчестве продуктивно проявил универсальность подхода и видения, сделал высокозначимый вклад в культуру, историю и развитие человечества. К таким универсальным гениям относятся Имхотеп, Аристотель, Пифагор, Чжан Хэн, Леонардо да Винчи , Микеланджело, Авиценна, Ибн Халдун, Декарт, Паскаль, Лейбниц, Гете , Ломоносов, Рерих.

Tab. 11. Список универсальных гениев

Гении Философия, религия Наука Art Social sphere Управление и практика
one. Имхотеп (2650–2611 до н.э.) верховный жрец врач, ученый архитектор визирь, верховный сановник
2 Aristotle
(384–322 до н.э.)
философ, метафизик биолог, зоолог, логик, теоретик литературы и театра,политолог воспитатель, учитель
3 Пифагор
(c. 580–490 до н.э.)
философ математик исследователь музыкальной гармонии создатель религиозно-философской школы
four. Чжан Хэн
философ, мыслитель, энциклопедист историк, математик, изобретатель, географ, картограф, астроном, сейсмолог поэт, художник, скульптор государственный деятель
five. Леонардо да Винчи (1452–1519) философ анатом, астроном, биолог, геолог, физик, изобретатель художник, скульптор, архитектор писатель гуманист engineer
6 Микеланджело (1475–1564) мыслитель архитектор, скульптор, художник, поэт, писатель
7 Авиценна (980-1037) философ астроном, химик, геолог, логик, физик, психолог палеонтолог, математик поэт педагог
eight. Ибн Халдун (1332-1406) философ, богослов социолог, историк, историограф, демограф, экономист, языковед, политолог дипломат, государственный деятель
9. Рене Декарт
философ математик, физик, физиолог
ten. Блез Паскаль
философ, богослов математик, физик конструктор
eleven. Готфрид Лейбниц
философ, теолог физик, логик, математик, историк, библиограф
12. Иоганн Вольфганг Гете
(1749 - 1832)
философ ученый, естествоиспытатель поэт, писатель, драматург дипломат, государственный деятель
13. Михаил Ломоносов (1711-1765) философ химик, физик, минералог, историк, астроном, филолог, географ писатель, поэт ритор, профессор академик, приборостроитель, металлург
14. Николай Рерих
(1874 -1947)
философ, мистик археолог художник, писатель, поэт founder of international cultural movements, teacher traveler


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