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The method of searching for means of solving inventive problems is still in its infancy. Creating such a technique makes it difficult for a number of objective reasons:

  • the inventive problem can usually be solved by using several, in some cases a large number, principles;
  • each principle of solving an inventive problem can be found for the most part by several heuristic methods; on the other hand, often the same search principle is brought about by different search methods;
  • along with the objectively existing laws of the creative process, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each person;
  • There are stereotypical methods for finding solutions to most inventive problems, leading to solutions in most cases. The solution found through the use of the stereotyped method is often less original than that achieved by applying a method that has not been previously used to solve similar problems;
  • any choice of methods for finding a solution to an inventive problem is associated with limiting their number. The choice of a number of stereotypical methods often means the elimination of the optimal method to achieve a solution with the brightest originality.

However, the creation of a methodology for selecting means for solving inventive problems is quite possible, although such does not guarantee the optimal selection of the mentioned means in each individual case. A number of such selection methods have long been used in inventive practice.

The choice of means of solving problems of inventors carry out differently: some use the methods of selection of tools they have mastered, others consciously intensify past experience in solving similar problems, others carry out the choice more or less intuitively.

Methods of choice of solutions based on the conscious use of mental operations for the optimal choice of methods and methods of action.

Prerequisites for the correct choice of means are the discretion of the problem situation, semantic interpretation of the problem, for example, in the form of a sketch, graph, structural diagram of the components of the task, actualization of past experience and knowledge in the field of tools for solving inventive problems.

Consider the most common methods of selecting tools for solving inventive problems.

The method of linear arrangement of means for solving an inventive problem is the simplest method of this kind. Its essence is to compile a list of simple heuristic means for solving inventive problems known to the inventor, from which individual means are chosen to solve a specific problem.

The most common lists of heuristic methods for solving the problem, which are compiled according to various principles. Some inventors group them alphabetically, others according to the frequency of use in a particular area of ​​technology, others according to the degree of universality of application, the fourth according to the conditional originality or triviality of the expected result, and some make several lists according to the chosen criterion for classifying methods (for example, method sets, list of complex methods, list of simple universal methods, list of special methods).

Some inventors use one universal list of linear arrangement of methods for all cases, others to solve a specific problem form a special list of methods selected according to a preliminary assessment of the possibility of their application in specific conditions. However, it should be noted that a preliminary assessment of methods for solving problems in terms of their effectiveness and applicability may lead to the exclusion of the most effective of them. In technical creativity, not everything comes down to rational thinking. In addition, the best methods for solving trivial technical problems are rarely the best for solving creative problems, even if they are similar. Therefore, a technique that some experienced inventors use when choosing the means to solve a problem is quite justified: they try to solve the inventive problem not by the most typical method for it, but by the least reliable method, whose expected performance in solving similar problems is the lowest. There is a methodical rule: the traditional typical methods for solving inventive problems are more effective, non-traditional give more original solutions.

The method of linear arrangement of methods for solving inventive problems is widely used in the USA. One of the American lists of methods is as follows:

  1. checklist method A. F. Osborne;
  2. the characteristic list of characteristic features (the method of "dismemberment") R. P. Crawford;
  3. a method for analyzing the costs and benefits of Yu. K. Fang;
  4. association chain method;
  5. the method of clarifying the opinions of others (the method of a folding mind) G. V. Gabriel;
  6. brainstorming method (method of using unexpected thoughts) A. F. Osborn;
  7. Synectic method of V.J. Gordon.

American experts also recommend methods of inversion, empathy, consideration of the technical object from the inside, the analogy.

The method of linear arrangement of the solution due to the simplicity of its application is recommended to beginner inventors.

The method of tabular (matrix) location of means for solving inventive problems provides for some predetermined, deterministic application of methods from any criterion. It is based on the assumption that inventive problems are solved, as a rule, by standard methods.

One of the simple varieties of tables is recommended by the honored inventor of the RSFSR A. N. Trusov. The selection table of the most effective methods for solving inventive problems was created by him empirically based on the creative experience of solving inventive problems and is used at seminars on the methodology of invention.

Table A. N. Trusov

No. of paragraphs. Improved object performance The most commonly used method of invention
one Length Spheroidal methods, crushing, pneumatic and hydroconstructions, changes in the structure, dynamism, replacement of the mechanical scheme, transition to another dimension, "anti-weight", pre-stress
2 Square Methods of pneumatic and hydrostructures, the use of flexible shells, spheroidality, transition to another dimension, dynamism, changes in the environment, impulse action, making ,, crushing
3 Volume Methods of using pneumatic and hydroconstructions, the method of "matryoshka", dynamism, changing the environment, crushing, changing the structure, making, moving to another dimension, rejecting used parts

The tabular arrangement of methods for solving inventive problems proposed by the engineer G. S. Altshuller is widely popularized. The proposed table, in the opinion of its author, reflects typical technical contradictions between the conditions of the problem and the known methods for solving them. Vertically, the table contains elements of a technical object, which, according to the conditions of the problem, need to be improved - increased or decreased (weight, length, area, volume, temperature, stability, lightness, ease of repair, etc.). Horizontally have parameters that are unacceptably worsened if the solution is implemented in a trivial way. At the intersection of the corresponding horizontal and vertical lines of the table lead the principles of solving the problem.

The tabular arrangement of methods for solving inventive problems of the above-considered universal type can be more or less successfully used mainly for solving trivial technical problems, for example, problems of ordinary design according to generally accepted principles. Attempts to expand the tables in practice lead to their cumbersome, many alternative readings, inconvenience of use. For use in a particular field of technology or to solve individual stereotypical problems, special tables can be successfully used.

Attempts are known to apply for selecting methods for solving the table, which have lists of inputs and outputs along the edges, eliminated shortcomings and desirable advantages, indicate the technical purpose, unknown components of the tasks, their characteristics, etc.

What needs to be improved under the conditions of the problem What worsens if the problem is solved in trivial ways
performance readiness for action etc.
Weight Principles of unification, universality, "vice versa" and equipotentiality Principles of unification, imposition, impulse action, "anti-weight"
Length Principles of replacing the mechanical scheme, "vice versa" Principles of continuity of performance, replacement of mechanical withdrawal scheme or modification of parts

Sometimes to select a method for solving an inventive problem, matrix tables are compiled, for example, of the following form:

No. of paragraphs. Private method Likely outcome Assessment of the difficulty of use The expected degree of originality of the decision The decision on the choice of method

The methods of hierarchical arrangement of methods for solving inventive problems are based on the concept that various particular methods for solving inventive problems are based on several basic operations of thinking.

The choice of a specific method for solving an inventive problem is carried out in several stages. The first duty is to choose one of the basic operations of thinking or the main groups of methods for solving inventive problems (for example, analogy, association, dismemberment, etc.). Then, from the list of methods, for example, analogies, the method of solving the problem that is most suitable for specific conditions is selected.

Such a hierarchical arrangement of methods based on the tree principle has proven to be very effective in the practice of invention and can have universal significance.

Another method of hierarchical arrangement of means for solving inventive problems is the method of the star system. A specific method of finding a solution to an inventive problem is also chosen in several stages.

First, the decision guideline is selected, which is determined by analyzing the goals and development trends of the industry and a specific technical object (analogue or prototype). Such guidelines can be, for example, the principles of universality, specialization, intensification, continuity, standardization, reliability, etc. The guiding principle can be implemented by various heuristic stereotypical methods. So, for example, the principle of specialization can be carried out using heuristic partitioning, selection, elimination, simplification, reduction, autonomization, splitting social needs into sub-needs, analogies with wildlife, bifurcation (dividing the process or production flow into two parts). The principle of standardization is usually carried out by the methods of aggregation, multiplication of standard elements, permutation of standard elements, transposition of standard elements, modular elements, micromodules, etc.

After choosing the principle and the method of its implementation most suitable for the specific conditions, it is sometimes necessary to choose a specific variety or method of the method found. The method of aggregation, for example, is carried out by several methods: an increase in the number of working bodies, working positions or the number of parts processed in one position; as well as the creation of flow lines of aggregate with branching flows, linear and rotary layout.

Using the star system method, you can create both universal and specialized systems for selecting means for solving inventive problems. A distinctive feature and advantage of this selection method is a focused consideration of trends and principles of technology development.

Of interest are the methods of the combined arrangement of means for solving inventive problems in groups that can be constructed according to the list, tables, star system, tree principle, etc.

The group of traditional rational methods of invention also includes methods based on heuristic analogy, inversion, integration, dismemberment and reduction, transposition, transformation, combination, etc.

The group of stochastic methods for solving inventive problems is reduced by the methods of brainstorming, focal objects by Ch. S. Wayting, the Serendip method (using side results of the search), methods of chains of free or forced associations, empathy (presenting oneself as a technical object), and psycho-heuristic activation of intellectual activity (the method of V. V. Chavchanidze), the method of the sylectics of V. Gordon, etc.

The group of creative standardization methods includes the methods of aggregation, permutation of standard elements, transposition of standard elements, duplication and multiplication of standard elements, modular elements and micromodules, partitioning and spatial splicing, etc.

A separate group consists of complex methods, sets of methods for solving inventive problems and methods, for example, I. Muller’s algorithmic system heuristic method, R. Crawford’s list of characteristic features, F. Zwicky’s morphological approach, cost and results analysis method Yu. K. Fange, methods of creative engineering design G. R. Buhl and others.

Group lists, tables, star systems for locating tools for solving inventive problems include not only methods for finding a solution. In the same way, separate groupings of heuristic principles, guidelines, recommendations, and techniques can be put together. 5. SOME RECOMMENDATIONS TO BEGINNERS OF INVENTORS

The inventor must not only understand the methods of technical creativity, but also master them. Therefore, each innovator, both beginner and experienced, you must practice yourself in applying different methods to solving technical problems. A well-known role for beginners can play the solution of training tasks.

Technique of technical creativity helps to invent, but by itself does not invent. Should not overestimate its value. It only indicates some of the shortest ways to solve a technical problem, but it does not even guarantee that these paths are always the shortest and necessarily lead to the goal. New ideas are not born as often as desired and in any desired direction - they mature in a certain sequence and appear only when they are sufficiently prepared by acquired knowledge, observations, and experience.

It is necessary to study the materialist dialectic and use it creatively. Without philosophical understanding of reality, fruitful inventive activity is impossible.

Do not be afraid of the views of authorities. The only true authority for the inventor is the great laws of nature.

It is very important to look for the flaws of your decisions, to pay particular attention not to what confirms the idea put forward, but to what contradicts it. Should not be despised delusions. The history of technical creativity knows thousands of great inventions that have arisen on the basis of false hypotheses and reckless delusions. It is always necessary to carefully analyze the results of their observations, studies and data obtained in the search for the so-called false path, you can never pass by incomprehensible phenomena.

Own creative proposals should be developed in a new direction, even when another direction is known and practically tested. In technology, there is a continuous competition of parallel directions of development.

It is impossible to lose sight of the possibility of further improvement and development of their own inventions. There are no inventions that cannot be improved.

Constant analysis of the actions of well-known technical objects in terms of their compliance with the trends in the development of the industry of technology, compliance with quality requirements allows to identify significant shortcomings. This is the basis for setting the creative task of improving the well-known technical objects.

It is important to boldly tackle the task that no one has yet solved. The theory of technical creativity proves that every rationalizer is a potential inventor, you just need to be able to use the arsenal of tools and techniques of the theory of technical creativity. The whole history of technical creativity to a certain extent is the history of the struggle for the transformation of the impossible into the possible.

Any significant idea, as a rule, at first seems "crazy" and "crazy." Invention is a revolutionary transformation of nature, and revolutions are a natural phenomenon, despite their apparent surprise.

The main enemies of the innovator are the laziness of the imagination, the reappraisal of the role of inspiration, the belief in the legend of the “happy event”, the lack of purposefulness of the search, the inertia of thinking. The birth of a new invention often depends on overcoming this inertia. HG Wells once said that the shadow of a horse runs in front of every locomotive.

In the history of great inventions inspiring, as a rule, is moral, spiritual impulse; These inventions are being introduced most often based on economic considerations. Потому-то так важно проверять экономическую целесообразность предложенного технического решения.

"Если верно, что будущее каждой страны зависит от состояния в ней науки, тогда верно, что будущее нашего народа зависит от состояния в стране класса и профессии изобретателей. Безусловно, та страна окажется в будущем самой сильной в борьбе за существование, в которой будет наибольшее число самостоятельно и продуктивно работающих изобретателей", - писал еще в 1912 году академик П. Вальден. В создании прекрасного будущего нашей страны и народа огромное значение имеет дальнейшее развитие теории изобретательства и практическое использование объективных закономерностей технического творчества, открытых наукой.


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Creative methods

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