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Essential theories of genius


ІV. Essential Theories of Geniality
Essential (from Lat. Essentia - essence) theories reveal the essence and basic universal dimensions of genius, as well as the fundamental, deep-seated determinants of its manifestation.

The world-centered approach reveals the essential criteria of genius on the basis of qualitatively specific patterns and characteristics of its manifestation in relatively independent phenomenological worlds, unique, autonomous realms of reality.
1. Personality (from Lat. Persona - personality, person) theory of genius defines genius as the pinnacle of evolution and the crown of creation, as an original, unique individuality, as a self-contained holistic personality, characterized by extraordinary development and a special combination of such integral components as intelligence, traits, motivation and productivity.
2 Charismatic theory (from the Greek. Charisma - mercy, gift, grace) argues that the essential characteristic of a genius is his magical gift of influence, spiritual charm, hypnotic power, the ability to inspire, infect, enthrall and lead people.
3. Forming, transformative theory - sees the essence of genius in the shaping power and genius of the genius, in his ability to pacify chaos, create new symbolic systems, artificial languages, artistic means and techniques, as well as freely operate and play with symbols, give raw material shape and transform existing content into more advanced.
3.1. The game theory of genius - represents the work of genius as free from the bonds of everydayness, a bold, spontaneous and enjoyable game with forms, symbols and meanings. It is based on a symbolic representation of reality, which opens up the possibility of a special, fundamentally creative, playful interaction with the world.
4. Activity theory considers the essence of genius from the point of view of a creative product produced by a genius, its volume, significance, influence on contemporaries and descendants, as well as contribution to the sociocultural evolution of humanity. According to the definition of the author of the activity (behavioral) theory of R. Albert (R. Albert), the genius is: "A person who for a long period of time performs an enormous amount of work that has a significant impact on other people for many years."
5. The culture-creative theory directly links the manifestation of genius with creativity, which is the deep true nature of genius, the substantial way of its existence and implementation. In turn, creativity constitutes the very essence, the very fabric of genius, in which it reaches its highest and perfect level of manifestation.
5.1. The theory of the universal creative method states that the integral, effective core of genius is a holistic, dynamic system of techniques built on the basis of the awareness of universal pairs of opposing, but complementary, mechanisms of creativity, which, in turn, reflect the deepest structures, laws and tendencies of existence and development of the world.

The universal approach to genius assumes that it is based on universal generative and semantic primary essences, which are the metatheoretical and supercultural explications of the Absolute.
1. The heroic theory of genius regards genius as a hero with spiritual majesty, magical gift, unlimited courage and fearlessness of mind, demonic power and absolute, nothing and no one conditioned, free will.
1.1. The demonic (from the ancient Greek daimon - deity) theory of genius represents genius as a rebel, a destroyer, a subverter of concepts, values, fundamentals and principles. Absolutization of the ideas of unconditioned freedom, self-contained activity, struggle and strength led to the transformation of the hero-genius into a rebel genius and a great destroyer.
2. Metapotentialist theory (from the Greek. Meta - after, through; from the Latin. Potentia - power, opportunity) - sees the essence of genius in his aspiration, gift and ability to expand horizons and conquer new content spaces, in the ability to build new worlds and integrity, the creation of new concepts, paradigms and trends in art, to the discovery of new semantic measurements and plowing the boundaries of possibilities.
3. The theory of universality (from the Latin. Universalis universal, universal, related to the universe) states that genius is distinguished by a unique fusion of creative talents, a kind of spiritual organization, which reflects the invariant structure of the Universe. At the same time, an essential feature of a genius is its universality, which consists in the breadth of its outlook, the versatility of talent, the diversity of interests, extraordinary erudition, and the ability to achieve outstanding results in a wide variety of activities.
4. The congregational theory (from Lat. Congregatio - unification) theory of genius suggests that the essence of genius is manifested in its desire and universal ability to unite various layers and spheres of reality, in linking, bringing together and gathering worlds, in productive combination of various directions, forms and genres in art.
5. Universally-personalistic theory (from the Latin. Universum - single Universe (Latin. Unio - unity, versum - towards ... or verso - twist, rotate) and from Latin persona - person, person) genius claims that a genius possesses a universal gift to capture, experience, transmit and embody in his work the spirit of Universum and Eternity, fill his works with the highest human values ​​and ultimate meanings, as well as the ability to reach the state of creative consciousness, to gain a vision of reality from the point of view of the Absolute, to embody It is this vision a reality and transmit it to other people.
The theory of the embodiment and personification of the Absolute and co-creation with universal evolution represents genius as the embodiment of the Absolute, the personological manifestation of superconsciousness and higher intelligence, subject to the categorical imperative of creativity and generating new meanings.
5.1. Imperatively - substantial - (from Lat. Imperatum - order, command, prescription and from Lat. Substantialis - essential, having an independent existence) theory of genius asserts that a genius is determined by universal personalistic determinants, which represent a steady resonant interaction of awakened inner creative structures with isomorphic creative plans of the Universe, the merging and hardening of the energy of the creative instinct and the interiorized sociocultural creatine imperative. At the same time, the very unfolding of inner universal creative structures, which is the realization of creative attraction, brings deep inner pleasure and genuine supreme joy.
5.2. The transpersonal theory (from the Latin trans through, through the personality and the personality) asserts that the condition of genius is the experience of the identity with the "cosmic mind" and the "world soul", the ability to reach and maintain the state of transpersonal consciousness, creative inspiration and ecstasy, samadhi , satori or their psychological correlate is the highest creative inspiration.
Genius manifests itself as the ability to enter new creative states, to achieve hypersensitivity to the influence of information and semantic fields, to awaken dormant creative reserves in oneself and to use internal and external possibilities to the maximum.
5.3. Visionist theory (from Lat. Visio - vision, vision, representation) theory asserts that the basis for genius is the ability for a universal, holistic, planetary, creative vision of the world, the ability to perceive reality in all its novelty, freshness, immediate relevance and bottomless inexhaustibility, the ability to mentally manipulate its forms, entities and time and, through inner vision and the gift of foresight, to generate from within a self-contained, unconditional and independent of the old novelty.
5.3.1. The theory of universal vision asserts that genius is understood as the realization of a universal spectral, multi-level, complex vision, based on a combination of different types of vision, generated by universal primordial essences.
It is a holistic spectrum of unmixed, qualitatively original visions, a powerful laminar flow, including absolute, spiritually transforming, eidetic, liberating, potentiating, holistic and immediative, as well as its own, original, individual, unique in history and in the Universe itself, the vision of reality . At the same time, this multidimensional, total, scooping up the entire content of being, the vision of the world, consists in simultaneous activation of all types of vision, as well as flexible switching between them, the realization of each level alternately or the creation of patterns of perception rays, depending on the design, purpose or features of the situation.
5.3.2. The theory of creative vision asserts that the fundamental basis of genius, its source and body is a creative vision that can be easily and naturally acquired by each person through an occupation correlated with the Absolute of the Creative position, the achievement of the highest Creative state and the realization of the universal Creative method. At the same time, a genius is understood as a person with a universal creative vision, which manifests itself not only as impartial witnessing and hovering over being and not even as eidetic, heartfelt, spiritual contemplation, but also as spontaneous, powerful, crumbling into many different levels of subtle efforts and flexible mental actions like directional manipulation and free play with images and models of reality. The creative vision of a genius is a synthesis of a higher creative state and a creative method, which is a holistic, isomorphic universal multiplying matrix, a system of creative techniques.


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