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The main classes of modern parallel computers Parallel Vector Systems (PVP)


The main feature of PVP systems is the presence of special vector-conveyor processors, in which commands of the same type of processing independent data vectors are provided that are effectively executed on conveyor-based functional devices.


NEC SX-4 / SX-5, CRAY vector-conveyor computer line: from CRAY-1, CRAY J90 / T90, CRAY SV1, Fujitsu VPP.SX-5T90CRAY SV1VPP series


As a rule, several such processors (1-16) work simultaneously on shared memory (similar to SMP) within multiprocessor configurations. Several such nodes can be combined using a switch (similar to MPP) .SMPMPP

Programming model

Effective programming implies vectorization of cycles (to achieve reasonable performance of a single processor) and their parallelization (for simultaneous loading of several processors by one application).


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Highly loaded projects. Theory of parallel computing. Supercomputers. Distributed systems

Terms: Highly loaded projects. Theory of parallel computing. Supercomputers. Distributed systems