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Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI


For distributed memory systems, MPI — the Message Passing Interface — is widely used.

 Others are used: PMV (Parallel Virtual Machine) or SHMEM.

MPI is based on the message passing mechanism.

MPI is a common medium for creating and executing parallel programs.

Message passing

 Method of transferring data from the memory of one processor to the memory of another

Data sent as packets

The message may consist of one or several packets.

 Packages usually contain routing and management information

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Process :

 Set of executable commands (program)

The processor can run one or more processes.

Processes exchange information only via messages.

To improve performance, it is desirable to run each process on a separate processor.

 On a multi-core PC, processes can be performed on separate cores.

Message PassingLibrary

 Collection of functions used by the program

 Designed to send, receive and process messages

 Environment of parallel program execution

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Send / receive

In the transmission of data, the interaction of two processors, the transmitter and receiver, is required.

Transmitter determines data position, size, type, receiver

Receiver must match the transmitted data.

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Synchronous / Asynchronous

The synchronous transfer is completed only after the receiver confirms receipt of the message.

 Asynchronous transfer is performed without quitt (less reliably)


Address space containing data to be transmitted or received (for example, a data memory area storing some variable)


System memory for storing messages

Depending on the type of message, the data from the ApplicationBuffer can be copied to the SystemBuffer and vice versa.


The function is completed only after some event

Non-blocking Communication

The function is completed without waiting for any communication events.

Using the system buffer after performing a non-blocking transfer operation DANGER!


Special objects that determine which processes can exchange data.

Process may be part of a group.

The group communicates using the communicator

 Within the group, the process gets a unique number (identifiers)

Process can belong to several groups (different identifiers!)

Messages sent in different communicators do not interfere with each other

Supports 2 programming styles:

MIMD -MultipleInstructionsMultipleData

• Processes execute different program code

• It is very difficult to write and debug.

• Difficult to synchronize and manage the interaction of processes

SPMD -SingleProgramMultipleData

• The most common option

• All processes run the same software code.

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

MPI is both a collection of libraries and a runtime environment.

 Compiling and linking with mpicc script MPI_Hello

 Run the program for execution using 5 processes

mpiexec-n 5 MPI_Helloс

Adding host addresses is done with the parameters “-hosts”, “-nodes”, “-hostfile”:

mpiexec – hosts

MPI feature set for data exchange between process groups


 in the reception-transfer mode all processes work

The collective function works simultaneously on reception and transmission.

 values ​​of all parameters in all processes (except the buffer address) must match


MPI_Bcast () - message broadcast

MPI_SCATTER () - distribution of data to different processes

MPI_Gather () - collecting data from all processes into one process

MPI_Allgather () - collecting data from all processes in all processes

intMPI_Barrier () - point sync

MPI_Bcast (* buffer, count, datatype, root, comm)

buffer data buffer

count - data transfer counter

datatype data type

root - data source process


MPI_Barrier ( comm )

 Suspends the process until the moment when all group processes do not reach the barrier (synchronization point)

Processes are waiting for each other.

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

MPI_Scatter (* sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, * recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype, root, comm)

Transfers data from the source process array to all process drives

sendbuf-buffer source with an array of broadcast data

sendcnt-data transfer counter

sendtype data type

recvbuf-receive buffer

recvcnt-received data counter

recvtype type of received data

root-number of the process sending the data


MPI_Gather (* sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype, * recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype, root, comm)

Collects data from the buffers of all processes in the accumulator of the collector process.

sendbuf-buffer source of broadcast data

sendcnt-data transfer counter

sendtype data type

recvbuf-receive buffer for data collection

recvcnt-received data counter

recvtype type of received data

root-collecting process number


MPI function set for exchanging data between separate processes

One branch calls the transfer function and the other the receive function.

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

The bottom line:

Task 1 transmits:

intbuf [10];

MPI_Send (buf, 5, MPI_INT, 1, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

Task 2 accepts:

intbuf [10];


MPI_Recv (buf, 10, MPI_INT, 0, 0,

MPI_COMM_WORLD, & status);

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Create an application from N processes

Create and fill with a large array of data in the process 0

 Transfer the part of the array to each process

 In each process, we will sort the local array in ascending order.

In process 0, copy the local array to the output array

In process 0, in turn, we take local arrays from other processes and merge with the output array

Secondary functions:

• Buffer creation and filling with numbers

• Sort ascending specified buffer

• Print buffer items in the terminal window

• Merge two ordered arrays in ascending order

Функций Function Prototypes

double * generate1 (int);

double * processIt1 (double *, int);

voidshowIt1 (double *, int);

double * merge (double * arr1, double * arr2, intl1, intl2);

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI

Distributed memory systems using the example of MPI


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Highly loaded projects. Theory of parallel computing. Supercomputers. Distributed systems

Terms: Highly loaded projects. Theory of parallel computing. Supercomputers. Distributed systems