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3.3. The definite integral and its applications 3.3.1. The concept of a definite integral


The function f ( x ) is defined on the interval [ a; b ] . Inside the segment, take n consecutive points x 1 , x 2 ,. . . x n (Fig. 12).

  3.3.  The definite integral and its applications 3.3.1.  The concept of a definite integral

Fig. 12

Denote by a = x o , b = x n + 1 . The whole segment is divided into ( n + 1) partial intervals. In each interval, take the point   3.3.  The definite integral and its applications 3.3.1.  The concept of a definite integral

Find the function values   3.3.  The definite integral and its applications 3.3.1.  The concept of a definite integral and the lengths of the intervals h 1 = x 1 - x o , ..., h n + 1 = x n + 1 - x n .

Make up the amount   3.3.  The definite integral and its applications 3.3.1.  The concept of a definite integral which is called the integral sum . Let h be the length of the longest interval, i.e. h = maxh i . Let n tend to infinity so that h tends to zero.

The final limit of the sequence S n (if it exists) as h → 0 , which does not depend on the method of dividing the segment [ a, b ] into n + 1 intervals, nor on the choice of points ξ 1 , ..., ξ n + 1 , is called a definite integral of the function f ( x ) on the interval [ a, b ] and is denoted by   3.3.  The definite integral and its applications 3.3.1.  The concept of a definite integral The function f ( x ) is called an integrable function, the number a is called the lower limit of integration , the number b is called the upper limit of integration , the segment [ a, b ] is the segment of integration .

A continuous function on the interval [ a, b ] is an integrable function on [ a, b ] .


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Mathematical analysis. Integral calculus

Terms: Mathematical analysis. Integral calculus