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3.3.8. Improper integral


Integrals with infinite limits and integrals of functions with infinite discontinuities on the integration interval are called improper integrals .

The improper integral of the function y = f ( x ) in the range from a to + ∞ is determined by the equality   3.3.8.  Improper integral .

If this limit exists and is finite, then the improper integral converges; if the limit does not exist (or is equal to infinity), then the improper integral diverges .

Similarly, the following improper integrals are calculated:

  3.3.8.  Improper integral

If the function y = f ( x ) has an infinite discontinuity at the point   3.3.8.  Improper integral and continuous for a ≤ x <c and c <x ≤ b , then   3.3.8.  Improper integral .

The improper integral of a function that has an infinite discontinuity on the integration interval is called convergent if both limits exist:   3.3.8.  Improper integral and divergent if at least one of these limits does not exist (or is equal to infinity).


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Mathematical analysis. Integral calculus

Terms: Mathematical analysis. Integral calculus