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3.4.4. Change the order of integration


Let a double integral be given   3.4.4.  Change the order of integration . If the integration domain is D (Fig. 15), given by the inequalities   3.4.4.  Change the order of integration is also correct with respect to the OS axis, i.e. the boundary of the domain D is intersected by the straight line y = c ( c constant) at no more than two points, then the domain D can be given by other inequalities:

  3.4.4.  Change the order of integration .

Here α and β are the largest and smallest values ​​of y in the domain D , respectively;
x = 1 ( y ) is the left side of the boundary;
x = ψ 2 ( y ) is the right side of the boundary of the domain D.

Then in the double integral you can change the order of integration:

  3.4.4.  Change the order of integration

  3.4.4.  Change the order of integration

Fig. 15


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Mathematical analysis. Integral calculus

Terms: Mathematical analysis. Integral calculus