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Relationship between individuals based on descent from a common ancestor or arising from marriage


Kinship - relationships between individuals based on descent from a common ancestor or resulting from marriage [1], organizing social groups and roles. Persons in a relationship of kinship are called relatives.

Consanguinity in a straight line

In the next generations

  • Parents is a generic term for father and mother.
    • Father ( Dad . Dad ) - a man in relation to their children.
    • Mother ( mom ) - a woman in relation to their children.
  • Children is a generic term for sons and daughters.
    • The son is a boy / man in relation to his parents.
    • Daughter is a girl / woman in relation to her parents.
    • Illegitimate children (illegitimate children, bastards, bastards) - children whose parents were not married.
      • Bastards (in Western Europe in the Middle Ages) - extramarital children of an influential person (king, duke, etc.), are now often used in a vulgar, offensive sense: bastards.
      • Chipped children - in Pomorie XIX - early XX century children born premarital.
    • Morganatic children are children born in a marriage between a member of a royal, royal, etc. family with a person of no royal or royal origin. Do not have the right to the throne.

After a generation

  • Grandfather ( grandfather ) - a man in relation to the children of a son or daughter, father of father or mother, husband of grandmother.
  • A grandmother is a woman in relation to the children of a son or daughter, the mother of a father or mother, the wife of a grandfather.
  • The grandson is a boy / man in relation to a grandfather and grandmother, a son of a son or daughter, a son of a nephew or niece.
  • A granddaughter is a girl / woman with respect to her grandparents, a daughter of a son or daughter, a daughter of a nephew or niece.

After two generations

  • Great-grandfather , great-grandfather - a man in relation to the children of a grandson or granddaughter, the father of a grandfather or grandmother, the grandfather of a parent.
  • Great-grandmother , great-grandmother - a woman in relation to the children of her grandson or granddaughter, the mother of her grandfather or grandmother, the grandmother of the parent.
  • Great-grandson - a boy / man in relation to the great-grandfather and great-grandmother, the son of a grandson or granddaughter, the grandson of a child.
  • Great -grandchild - a girl / woman in relation to the great-grandfather and great-grandmother, the daughter of a grandson or granddaughter, the granddaughter of a child.

After many generations

  • Ancestor - an ancient predecessor of the genus, as well as a compatriot from previous generations.
  • Ancestor - the father of a great-great-grandfather or great-great-grandmother, or even a distant ancestor.
  • Great -grandfather - the mother of great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, or even a distant ancestor
  • Ancestor ( ancestor , forefather ) - the first known representative of the genus, which is the lineage.
  • The progenitress ( ancestor, mother ) is the first known representative of the genus from which the genealogy is derived.
  • Proband ( propose ) - a person with whom the compilation of the pedigree begins.
  • A descendant (outdated offspring ) is a person born by birth from someone (opp. Ancestor). In mn. including ("descendants") - people of future generations.
  • (Pra) k dead , (great) kfabka , (great) kvnuk , (great) kvnuchka (eg, great-grandfather) - ancestors and descendants after k + 1 generations.

It should be noted that in Russian genealogy, kinship is considered exclusively along the male line [the source is not indicated 951 days ]: “downward from father to son”; this rule is well illustrated by the irrelevant status of belonging to the nobility, which, as we know, was not inherited through the mother, that is, the ancestors and descendants on the maternal line are not in direct relationship (it is the only and last in its line direct descendant) . It is no coincidence that there is an expression: “the race is cut short,” which means, above all, the absence of sons. Another example of rigor in the understanding of direct kinship is the rules of succession.

Indirect blood relationship (along the lines of mother and father)

In one generation


Full-blooded, blooded - brothers and sisters (relative to each other), derived from the same father and mother.

  • Brother - boy / man in relation to another child (children) of their parents [2]
    • Older brother (outdated. Bro ) - boy / man in relation to the younger child (children) of their parents.
    • The younger brother ( ustar . Brother ) - a boy / man in relation to the older child (children) of their parents.
    • Cried brother ( outdated ) - a brother born before the marriage of parents and recognized by them.
  • A sister is a girl / woman in relation to another child (children) of her parents.
    • The elder sister is a girl / woman in relation to the younger child (children) of her parents.
    • The younger sister is a girl / woman in relation to the older child (children) of their parents.
    • The married sister ( outdated ) is a sister born before the marriage of the parents and recognized by them.
  • Twins are children of the same mother who developed during one pregnancy. There are identical (one gender and absolutely similar in appearance) and fraternal twins. Sometimes twins are called only identical (identical) brothers or sisters, in this case fraternal brothers and sisters are called twins , triplets ... depending on the number (two, three, etc.).
  • Siblings ( sibs ) - practically not used in Russian (BTS; TS Efremova) is a general term for brothers and sisters (relative to each other), originating from the same parents.

Full - having only one common parent. In turn, half brothers and sisters are divided into:

  • Uniform ( homogeneous ) - originating from the same father, but different mothers.
  • Uniform utero -monomatics ( monotubic ) - originating from the same mother, but different fathers.


Step brothers and sisters are children from the previous marriages of one of the spouses in relation to children from the previous marriages of the other spouse, not connected with any of them. blood ties [3]; their position in the genealogy, social and legal status are classified as necrotic kinship . Direct family relationships between stepbrothers and sisters (and their descendants) will be regarded as peculiar (see below) until their parents have common children - their one -blood and half- brothers and sisters. All brothers and sisters will become blood relatives through descendants, as the descendants of stepbrothers and sisters and descendants of their common (half-and-one) brothers and sisters will be related by blood, by definition , to the parents of brothers and sisters (that is, through a generation), and with the brothers and sisters themselves, and among themselves, respectively.


Cousins (relatives) - children of parents' brothers and sisters in relation to each other:

  • A cousin (or cousin [4], from Fr. cousin ) is a boy / man in relation to a child's uncle and / or aunt, the son of an uncle or aunt.
    • Stryichich ( stryy ) - ( outdated ), cousin by father, son of uncle.
    • Uychich ( vuychich , wui ) - ( outdated. ) Maternal cousin, son of aunt.
  • A cousin (or cousin , from Fr. cousine ) is a girl / woman in relation to a child's uncle and / or aunt, a daughter of an uncle and / or aunt.
    • Stryichka - ( outdated ) cousin after her father, daughter of her uncle.

Second cousins

Second cousins ​​- children of cousins ​​and sisters in relation to each other:

  • Second cousin - grandson of a brother or sister of a grandfather or grandmother; the son of a great-uncle or aunt, the great-nephew of the parent.
  • The second cousin is the granddaughter of a brother or sister of a grandfather or grandmother; the daughter of a great-uncle or aunt, great-niece of the parent.

Fourth cousins

Four -cousins, sometimes four - curts, are children of second cousins ​​with respect to each other.

Siblings have common parents, cousins ​​have a common grandfather and grandmother, second cousins ​​have a common great-grandfather and great-grandmother, and four cousins ​​have a common great-great-grandfather and great-great-grandmother, and so on.

Starting from the fourth generation and onwards, the number of “knees” between relatives is usually indicated. For example: the seven tribes are the seven-knee brothers, and so on.

It should be noted that the meaning of the words "cousin" and "cousin" is actually broader than "cousins ​​/ sisters" - it also meant "a distant blood relative in the same knee with someone" [4].

In the next generations

Parent's brothers and sisters (and their spouses):

  • The uncle ( uncle ) is a man in relation to the children of a brother or sister, the brother of a father or mother (the husband of the aunt is considered not to be his own uncle, but an uncle inherent).
    • Stry ( stry , stroytsy ) - ( outdated. ) Father-uncle (father's brother).
    • Uy ( wui ) - ( outdated. ) Uncle by mother (mother's brother).
  • Aunt ( aunt , razg. Aunt, aunt ) - a woman in relation to the children of a brother or sister, the sister of a father or mother (the uncle’s wife is considered not a native aunt, but an aunt peculiar) ..
    • Stryya ( striya , strynya , stryyna ) - ( outdated ) aunt after her father (sister of father).
    • Vuyna - ( austere . ) Aunt by mother (mother's sister).

Children brother or sister:

  • Nephew ( nephew , netiy ) - a boy / man in relation to an uncle or aunt, the son of a brother or sister.
    • Bratych ( brother , brother , son ) - ( outdated ) son of his brother, nephew of his brother [5].
    • Bratanich - ( ustar . ) Nephew, son of elder brother. The son of the younger is Bratelnich .
    • Sister ( sisterly , sister , sister ) - ( outdated ) sister's sister's sister’s nephew.
  • Niece ( nephew , nester ) - a girl / woman in relation to an uncle or aunt, the daughter of a brother or sister.
    • Bratanina ( bro , bro , son ) - ( outdated ) brother's daughter, brother's niece.
    • Sister ( sister ) - ( outdated. ) Sister's daughter, sister's niece.

Parent's cousins:

  • A cousin uncle ( small fellow ) is a boy / man in relation to the children of a cousin or sister, that is, a cousin of a father or mother.
  • A cousin is a woman in relation to the children of a cousin or sister, that is, a cousin of a father or mother.

Cousin or sister children:

  • A cousin nephew is a boy / man in relation to a cousin, uncle or aunt, the son of a cousin or sister.
    • Dscherich - nephew of aunt.
  • A cousin is a girl / woman in relation to a cousin, uncle or aunt, daughter of a cousin or sister.
    • Daughter - niece of aunt.



Aunt Uncle)

Uncle Aunt)



Cousin daughter in law
(Cousin in-law)

Cousin nephew
(Cousin niece)

Parent cousins:

  • A second cousin is a boy / man in relation to the children of a second cousin or second cousin, a second cousin of his father or mother, the husband of a second cousin.
  • A second cousin is a girl / woman in relation to the children of a second cousin or second cousin, the second cousin of a father or mother.

Second cousin or sister children:

  • A second cousin is a boy / man relative to a second cousin or second cousin of a parent, a son of a second cousin or second cousin.
  • A second cousin is a girl / woman relative to a second cousin or second cousin of a parent, a daughter of a second cousin or second cousin.

See also nephew and niece

After a generation

Siblings grandmother and grandfather:

  • Cousin grandfather (ustar. Great uncle ) - a man in relation to the grandchildren of a brother or sister, the brother of his grandfather or grandmother, the uncle of the parent.
    • The old great ( ustar. ) - the elder brother of his grandfather or grandmother, great-uncle.
    • Old Small ( outdated ) - the younger brother of his grandfather or grandmother, great-uncle.
  • The grandmother (obsolete. Great aunt ) is a woman in relation to the grandchildren of a brother or sister, the sister of her grandfather or grandmother, the aunt of a parent.
  • A grandchild's nephew is a boy / man in relation to the parent's uncle or aunt, the grandson of a sibling or sister, the son of a nephew (s), a great-uncle.
  • A granddaughter is a girl / woman in relation to a parent's uncle or aunt, a granddaughter of a sibling or sister, a daughter of a nephew (s), a great-granddaughter.



Great Uncle / Great Uncle
(Great-uncle / Great Aunt)



Cousin aunt
(Cousin uncle)

Cousin uncle
(Cousin aunt)


Second cousin
(Second cousin)

Cousins ​​and sisters grandmother and grandfather:

  • The second cousin is a man in relation to the grandchildren of a cousin or sister, a cousin of a grandfather or grandmother, a cousin of a parent.
  • The grandmother is a woman in relation to the grandchildren of a cousin or sister, a cousin of a grandfather or grandmother, a cousin of a parent.
  • A grand-uncle cousin is a boy / man in relation to a parent cousin or aunt, a grandson of a cousin or sister, a son of a cousin nephew (tsy), a second cousin.
  • A grand-uncle is a girl / woman in relation to a parent's uncle or aunt, a granddaughter of a cousin or sister, a daughter of a great-nephew (ci), a second cousin.

Relatives through a larger number of generations are called the addition of the prefix "great." For example: “great-great-grandfather”, “great-great great-niece”.


Property (Kinship)


  • Spouses - persons married.
    • Husband ( spouse ) - a man in relation to a person who is married to him.
    • A wife ( spouse ) is a woman in relation to a person who is married to her.

Spouse parents

  • Father in Law - the father of her husband.
  • Mother-in-law - the husband's mother.
  • Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  • Mother-in-law - the wife's mother.
  • Swat is the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse, that is, the son-in-law or father-in-law of the daughter.
  • Svatiya (matchmaker) is the mother of one spouse in relation to the parents of the other spouse, that is, the mother-in-law of the son or the mother-in-law of the daughter.

Spouse Brothers and Sisters

  • Maiden - brother of her husband.
  • The sister-in - law is her husband's sister.
  • Brother-in-law - the wife's brother.
    • Shurich ( ustar .) - son of brother-in-law.
  • Sister-in-law ( ustar . Svoyachina ) - wife's sister.

Mother in law
husband's mother

husband's father

wife's mother

wife's father

Brother husband

Little sister
husband's sister



wife's sister

Brother in law

daughter in law
brother's wife
or son
(daughter in law) [6]

a son


sister's husband
or daughters

Terms denoting blood relatives of the wife (pink) in relation to the husband, and blood relatives of the husband (lilac) in relation to the wife

Spouse of a close relative

  • In-law - the husband of a daughter, sister. In other words, the son-in-law is a man in relation to his wife's family: to her parents (father-in-law and mother-in-law), her sisters (sister-in-law), her brothers (brother-in-law) and the last wives (daughter-in-law yatrovka), as well as her wife’s grandparents [7 ].
    • Primak ( priymak , vdniknik , vlazhen , prizyachenny , vabiy ) - son-in-law, adopted in the family of the wife of the father-in-law or mother in the house for one household.
  • The daughter-in - law (the etymology of Dahl: son - son of wife - is now considered erroneous [8]) - the wife of his son in relation to his father (in-law) [9].
  • Bride is the wife of a son, brother, deire, brother-in-law. In other words, the daughter-in-law is a woman in relation to her husband's family: his father (father-in-law), mothers (mother-in-law), brothers (devoshy) and sisters (sister-in-law), wives of brothers (yatrovkam, mate) and husbands of sisters (sons-in-law), and also to grandparents and grandmothers husband.
    • Yatrovka ( yatrov , brother ) - the wife of a brother, maidens , brother-in-law. In other words, yatrovka is a woman in relation to her husband's family: his brothers (maids) and his sisters (sisterhoods), wives of brothers (yatrovka) and husbands of sisters (sons). Hatches (daughters-in-law) are women whose husbands are brothers.
    • Snoshnnitsa - a woman in relation to the wife of deuter (maid). In other words, girls are women whose husbands are brothers.

Iatrovki = Snowmakers

  • Svoyak - sister-in-law husband = wife's sister's husband. In other words, brother-in - law - men whose wives are sisters. See also Matchmaking.
  • Uyka , vuyka (obsolete.) - the wife of yu, that is, the wife of a maternal uncle, the wife of a brother of a mother.
  • A brotherhood (cousin-in-law) is the wife of a cousin (the husband's cousin for a wife is a first cousin).

Unrelated relationships

In the life of people, close unrelated relationships are of great importance, which are reflected in terminology. It should be remembered about the external proximity of these terms to the terms of blood relationship and not to confuse them.

Before marriage

  • A sweetheart is a girl / girl / woman who is the object of someone's love for someone who is in love with her.
  • A haxal is a boy / young man / man who cares or is in love with a female, towards her. ( rude )
  • The groom is a man intending to marry with respect to his future wife (bride).
  • The bride is a woman who intends to get married in relation to her future husband (groom).
  • Suicide (outdated) is a man (often abstract, perfect), in relation to a woman with whom he will marry in the future, the future husband.
  • A married woman (outdated) is a woman (often abstract, ideal), in relation to a man with whom she will marry in the future, the future wife.

Wedding and marriage

  • Matchmaker - a woman engaged in matchmaking, matchmaking, marriage arrangements (may not be a relative).
  • Planted parents - the person replacing the wedding of the parents of the groom or bride.
    • A planted mother is a woman who replaces the mother of the bride or groom at a wedding.
    • A seated father is a person who acts instead of the father of the bride or groom at a wedding.

Out of marriage

  • Сожитель ( вульг. сопостельник) — мужчина, проживающий совместно со своей партнёршей и состоящий с ней в близких отношениях без официальной регистрации (см. Незарегистрированный брак).
  • Сожительница (конкубина) — женщина, проживающая совместно со своим партнёром и состоящая с ним в близких отношениях без официальной регистрации (см. Незарегистрированный брак).
  • Любовник ( вульг. хахаль) — мужчина, находящийся в близких отношениях со своей партнёршей, не поощряемых законом или моралью данного общества, общины, родственников.
  • Любовница ( вульг. зазноба) — женщина, находящаяся в близких отношениях со своим партнёром, не поощряемых законом или моралью данного общества, общины, родственников.

Отношения при втором (и последующих) браке

  • Единокровный брат , единокровная сестра — дети, у которых один отец, но разные матери.
  • Единоутробный брат , единоутробная сестра — дети, у которых одна мать, но разные отцы[10].
    • Сводный брат , сводная сестра — дети от первых браков лиц по отношению друг к другу, то есть не родные, не единокровные и не единоутробные, а только «сведённые» в одну семью.
  • Отчим ( устар. вотчим) — мужчина по отношению к ребёнку жены, рождённому в другом браке, муж матери, но не родной отец.
  • Мачеха — женщина по отношению к ребёнку мужа, рождённому в другом браке, жена отца, но не родная мать.
  • Пасынок — представитель мужского пола по отношению к партнёру своего родителя в другом браке, неродной сын мужа или жены.
  • Падчерица — представительница женского пола по отношению к партнёру своего родителя в другом браке, неродная дочь мужа или жены.

Отношения при усыновлении/удочерении или потере родителей

  • Приёмыш — усыновлённый (удочерённый) ребёнок.
    • Приёмная дочь (названая дочь, удочерённая) — лицо женского пола по отношению к приёмным родителям (удочерителям).
    • Приёмный сын (названый сын, усыновлённый) — лицо мужского пола по отношению к приёмным родителям (усыновителям).
  • Приёмная мать (названая мать) — неродная мать приёмышу.
  • Приёмный отец (названый отец) — неродной отец приёмышу.
  • Опекун — человек, которому вверена опека над кем-либо.
  • Соопекун — человек, исполняющий обязанности опекуна совместно с другим лицом, по отношению к подопечному.
  • Подопечный — лицо, в отношении которого осуществляется опека или попечительство, по отношению к опекуну/опекунам и попечителям.
  • Попечитель — человек, которому вверено попечительство над кем-либо.

Духовные отношения

  • Крёстный отец ( крёстный ) — мужчина по отношению к тому, за духовное воспитание которого он отвечает, то есть по отношению к крестнику.
    • Кум — крёстный отец по отношению к родителям крестника и к крёстной матери, также восприе́мник [11]. Отец ребёнка по отношению к крёстному отцу и крёстной матери.
  • The godmother ( godmother ), coca - a woman in relation to the one for the spiritual education of which she is responsible.
    • Kuma is the godmother to the parents of the godson and to the godfather, also a priest . Mother of the child in relation to the godfather and godmother.
  • Godfather ( godson ) - a male person in relation to those who baptized him.
  • The godfather ( goddaughter ) - a female in relation to those who baptized her.
  • Godfather is the father of the godfather or godmother.
  • The godmother is the mother of the godfather or godmother.
  • Крёстный брат — сын крёстного отца или крёстной матери.
  • Крёстная сестра — дочь крёстного отца или крёстной матери.
  • Крестовые братья (братья по кресту, братья названые, побратимы) — мужчины, обменявшиеся нательными крестами, по отношению друг к другу.
  • Крестовые сёстры ( сёстры по кресту , сёстры названые , побратимки , сестёрны ) — женщины, обменявшиеся нательными крестами, по отношению друг к другу.

Биологические связи

  • Донор — лицо, дающее для переливания свою кровь, ткань, клетки или орган для пересадки другим людям.
  • Реципиент — лицо, которому пересаживают какой-либо орган, ткань или клетки другого организма.
    • Химера — организм с прижившимся трансплантатом[12].
  • Молочная мать (мамка, кормилица) — женщина, вскормившая чужого ребёнка своей грудью, по отношению к этому ребёнку.
    • Молочный брат — мальчик/мужчина по отношению к человеку, с которым они были вскормлены грудью одной женщины, но не являющемуся сестрой или братом по матери.
    • Молочная сестра — девочка/женщина по отношению к человеку, с которым они были вскормлены грудью одной женщины, но не являющемуся сестрой или братом по матери.
  • Суррогатная мать — женщина, родившая ребёнка для других лиц в результате имплантации ей эмбриона, по отношению к рождённому ей ребёнку.

Индивидуальный статус

  • Холостяк — мужчина, не вступивший в брак, неженатый мужчина.
    • Бобыль — как правило, младший ребёнок в семье, который остался холостым, чтобы присматривать за родителями и вести их семейное ремесло. Кроме того, бобылями в XV—XVIII веках называли разорившихся крестьян, не способных нести государственных повинностей — см. Бобыль.
  • Дева , девица , также Холостячка — женщина, не вступавшая в брак. Термин «девица» (устар.) указывает на целомудрие девушки.
    • Старая дева , бобылиха — женщина, никогда не бывавшая в браке, вступление в брак которой не ожидается по причине возраста или личных особенностей.
  • Разведённый — мужчина, расторгший брак и не женившийся повторно.
  • Разведённая — женщина, расторгшая брак и не вышедшая замуж повторно.
  • A widower is a man who has not been married after the death of his wife.
    • A straw widower is a man who has been separated from his wife for a long time for a reason dependent on her.
  • A widow is a woman who has not entered into marriage after the death of her husband.
    • A straw widow is a woman who has been separated from her husband for a long time for a reason dependent on him.
  • A soldier is a woman whose husband serves in the soldiers.
  • A single mother is an unmarried woman raising one or more children.
  • A single father is an unmarried man raising one or more children.
  • The orphan is a child whose one parent has died.
    • A round orphan is a child whose parents both died.
  • Подкидыш — ребёнок неизвестных родителей, подкинутый чужим людям.
  • Найдёныш — ребёнок, брошенный неизвестными родителями и найденный чужими людьми.
  • Подменыш — неродной ребёнок, которым втайне от родителей был заменён во младенчестве их родной ребёнок.


  • Дядька , мама ( мамка )[13], няня (нянька) — человек (соответственно мужчина или женщина), приставленный для ухода и надзора за ребёнком.
  • Кунак ( тюрк., ср. тат. qunaq) — у кавказских горцев — лицо, связанное с кем-либо обязательством взаимного гостеприимства, дружбы и защиты; друг, приятель.
  • A named brother, a named sister is a person who is not in a biological relationship with this person, but has agreed to brotherly (sisterly) relations voluntarily. Usually such agreements are bilateral.


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Interpersonal relationships

Terms: Interpersonal relationships