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Friendship - personal relationships between people


  Friendship - personal relationships between people
The relationship of the main characters of the novel “Three Musketeers” by A. Dumas is a classic example of friendship

Druzhba - personal relationships between people based on common interests and hobbies, mutual respect, mutual understanding and mutual assistance; presupposes personal sympathy and affection and touches upon the most intimate, spiritual aspects of human life; one of the best moral feelings of man. Friendship is developed in the process of centuries-old social communication of people. People connected by friendship are called friends .

Friendship is studied in sociology, social psychology, anthropology and philosophy. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, in particular the theory of social exchange, the theory of justice, the dialectic of relationships and the theory of attachment.


  • 1 Multiple aspects
    • 1.1 Philosophical aspect
  • 2 Features
  • 3 cliches
  • 4 Lack of friendship
  • 5 Holidays
  • 6 See also
  • 7 Notes
  • 8 Literature
  • 9 References

Multidimensionality [ ]

Ferdinand Tönnis identified two types of social structures: a community based on immediate emotional proximity and a society based on rational calculation and the division of labor. The “first sociologist of friendship” believed that it was the embodiment of communality, characteristic of small groups with insufficiently universal social ties in patriarchal conditions.

Simmel believed that the modern man with the complication of his inner world is forced to hide more, so you can talk about the friendship of different parties "I": sympathy can be associated with someone, intellectual interests, religious feelings, or common life experience . At the same time, the need for intimate friendship, according to Simmel, arises only in antiquity, when there is a need to reveal your personality.

Philosophical aspect [ ]

In ancient Greece, the symbol of inseparable friendship was the friendship of Dioscuri - Castor and Polidevka (Pollux). According to the myth, Pollux son of Zeus, unable to bear the death of his brother and friend Castor, who died in battle, asked his father to send him death. Zeus allowed him to give his brother half of his immortality, and since then Dioscuri spent the day in the underworld, and the day on Olympus. This myth became widespread in ancient Greece, and in the Ancient Rimeage the cult of Dioscuri was honored.

In the ancient world were indicated the main signs of true friendship - unity of mind, mutual help in trouble, sincerity. Confucius, for example, taught: “There are three useful friends, and three harmful friends. Helpful friends are a direct friend, a sincere friend and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, a flattering friend and a talkative friend ... ” [1] .

In ancient Greece, the concept of friendship becomes the subject of special philosophical and ethical treatises. Democritus, Epicurus, Aristotle emphasized its earthly, sensual character, contributing to the achievement of the main, in their opinion, goal of life - rational pleasure. “Friendship,” Epicurus said, “bypasses the Universe with a dance, announcing to us all that we should awaken to the glorification of a happy life” [2] . Claiming the disinterested nature of friendship, Epicurus at the same time connected it with benefit. "Any friendship is desired for its own sake, and it takes its beginning from good" [3] .

From the time of Epicurus, this idea becomes traditional for the ancient Greek ethics. In one of his early dialogues, Lysis, Plato pointed out that friendship was possible only between good and similar people. Good ones, according to Plato, “... friends are alike; the wicked ones ... never are like themselves, as if they are frightened and unstable. And what is inappropriate to oneself and differs from oneself can hardly be likened to another, or be his friend ” [4] . For Plato, who distinguished the love of the body and the love of the soul, friendship is a kind of spiritual love, the most noble and unselfish kind of communication of people.

Aristotle also gives a detailed doctrine of friendship in the “Nikomachow ethics”. Aristotle distinguished three types of friendship: friendship based on mutual benefit; friendship, pursuit pleasure, and friendship based on virtue. The first two types of friendship are inferior; here people do not love each other, but only the benefit or the pleasure that is achieved in their communication. Such friendship cannot be long lasting, since with the disappearance of good or pleasure, friendship itself also disappears. True friendship is a friendship based on virtue. Here friendship has a goal in itself and lasts as long as the people who share it remain good, virtuous. At the same time, friendship based on virtue includes mutual benefit and pleasure. Assuming the equality of the persons participating in it, friendship is closely related to justice and the conditions of public life in which this justice manifests itself. "Friendship in all forms of government is manifested as much as justice" [5] . In accordance with this, Aristotle asserted that, under the tyrannical rule, friendship was either completely absent, or it occupied a very insignificant place. “... There can be no friendship where there is nothing in common between the ruler and the ruled; there is no place and justice ... " [5] . On the contrary, friendship manifests itself most of all in democracies, since here citizens, “... being equal, have many common interests” [5] . The perfection of social life consists, according to Aristotle, in justice, combined with friendship. Aristotle believed that friends are the good that a happy man should have, among others, he saw the goal of friendship as mutual improvement in virtue [6] .

Medieval religious ethics deprive the public sense of friendship, regarding it as one of the types of supersensual love for God. On the contrary, bourgeois ethical teachings saw the foundations of friendship in the natural inclinations of man. For example, the English philosopher of the 18th century A. Smith considered friendship as “the result of ... natural sympathy” [7] . The French enlighteners of the 18th century, who defended the principle of rational egoism, linked friendship with the universal, natural desire of people "to promote their mutual happiness," because individual interests are in harmony with friendship [8] .

The utopian socialists of the 19th century, justifying the principles of the future ideal society, pointed to friendship as one of the most "sublime and ennobling human character" feelings. They saw in friendship a perfect love for people based on equality, free communication, solidarity and mutual trust of all members of society. Sh. Fourier, separating friendship from feelings of a “material” and “distribution” nature, attributed it to the passions of affection, to the spiritual principle. According to Fourier, friendship, overcoming the hindrances of self-interest, family and class interests, is a force uniting all people into a society of social harmony [9] . Subjecting harsh criticism to capitalist society, the utopians pointed out that the dominant religion, mistrust, egoism, etc., are not conducive to the development of free communication between people. They associated the cultivation of friendship, as well as other human feelings, with the elimination of false notions, vicious laws, with the assertion of a new social system [10] [11] .

In the bourgeois teachings of the twentieth century, there is a tendency toward a supratime and abstract understanding of friendship. For example, the personalist R. T. Flüelling declares that the highest manifestation of friendship, encompassing all its forms, is “great friendship” - love for God and communication with him [12] . Some representatives of the bourges. Microsociology regards friendship as one of the primary factors allegedly determining the “internal structure of society”. J. Moreno in his theory of sociometry (socius - comrade, metrum - measurement) treats friendship as a certain “sociometric matrix” that underlies the study of forms of collectivity [13] .

Marxist ethics makes friendship dependent on the social conditions of people, their needs and interests. Marxists believed that only the unity of large public goals and high interests leads to a deep and lasting friendship. In an exploitative society, examples of such friendship are formed among the oppressed masses, among people fighting for advanced social ideals. This is what united personal friendships of such outstanding people as A.I. Herzen and N.P. Ogarev, V.G. Belinsky and N.A. Nekrasov, N.G. Chernyshevsky and N.A. Dobrolyubov. As an example of the greatest friendship, the relations of K. Marx and F. Engels are put, which, according to V.I. Lenin, were superior to "... the most touching legends of the ancients about human friendship" [14] . A.I. Herzen, recalling his friendship with N.P. Ogarev, pointed out the great importance of this feeling in education. “We raised each other,” he said. - This is my first feeling - Friendship . It gave me his deep soul, from which I could draw thought from the ocean ... ” [15] .

Features [ ]

Unlike blood relations of group solidarity, this interpersonal relationship is individually selective (with the mutual affection of the participants). Each person chooses who to be friends with.

For the development of friendship may be necessary [16] :

  • mutual sympathy
  • understanding
  • openness
  • frankness, sincerity and selflessness
  • the trust
  • common interests and hobbies
  • value orientation unity
  • support

Friendship is different from sexual and love-erotic feelings in the nature of its motivation [17] .

Cliche [ ]

Cliches related to the concept of "friendship":

  • “True, true, male friendship” (this concept formed the basis of many literary works), which is based on trust and self-sacrifice. In contrast, shallow, shallow, and unbound relationships are considered “unreal friendships.” The friendship between men is opposed to the relationship between women - while men often believe that friendship is impossible between women.
  • The contrast of "friendship" and "love"
  • The possibility or impossibility of friendship between a man and a woman. According to various statistical studies [18] , about 65-70 percent of people consider friendship between a man and a woman possible (about 90% of people answer the question about the possibility of such friendship based on personal experience). Characteristically, with age, men on average tend to believe less and less in inter-sex friendship, and women, on the contrary, are more and more [18] .

Lack of friendship [ ]

I ... would like to have a good friend much more than the best quail in the world or a rooster or, by Zeus, a horse or a dog ...

The Athenian from the Lysid Platonic Dialogue [19]

Many people suffer from the absence of a friend or friendship with anyone at all. On this basis, phobias can arise that are aggravated by the disappointments of a surrogate friendship supported by a person because of the feeling of loneliness.

Holidays [ ]

On April 27, 2011, at its 65th session, by resolution 65/275, the UN General Assembly declared July 30 as International Friendship Day, inviting international, state and regional organizations to celebrate this day in accordance with cultural traditions [20] .

In honor of the friendship named asteroid (367) Amitsitia, discovered in 1893.

See also [ ]

  • Love
  • The trust
  • Interspecific friendship


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