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Grooming is the behavior of a person or animal that precedes mating.


Care is the behavior of a person or animal that precedes mating.


  • 1s roles
  • 2Functions
  • 3 Behavior during courtship
  • 4Deference
  • 5SM. also
  • 6Notes


Usually, the male is the active side in grooming, and the female is the passive side. This is due to the fact that the female is of great value as responsible for the development of the offspring [1]. In traditional human societies, as a rule, man is active; showing too much energy in this regard, a woman or a man who does not want to care, are condemned. Only in some modern societies (European and North American) is a woman allowed to act as the initiator of courtship [2].

In polygamous relationships, the male during courtship is interested in early mating in order to move on to the next female, while the female tries to increase the period of courtship in order to choose the most worthy male from many options [3].


The main task of courtship is to help the female to choose the most healthy and strong male of her species [4]. In addition, courtship forces the female and the male to coordinate their actions during mating and accelerates the hormonal development of the female [1].

Behavior during courtship

  • Demonstrative behavior. The male emphasizes his health, reproductive abilities and belonging to the same species as the female.
  • Preening (for example, in humans) [4]
  • Singing (for example, in insects)
  • Dance (for example, in insects and fish) [1]
  • Submission (male expresses willingness to fulfill the requirements of the female) [3]
  • Feeding (male feeds female [1]; V. Dolnik considers kiss as a form of such behavior in humans [3])
  • Pacification (female demonstrates weakness and helplessness in order to avoid aggression from the male) [1]


Genetic mutations can cause abnormalities in courtship, leading to impossibility of mating. For example, in insects, the structure of a male's song is disturbed or it is addressed to members of its own sex [5].


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Interpersonal relationships

Terms: Interpersonal relationships