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Bromance close non-sexual relationship between two or more people


Bromance (Russian bromance ) is a close non-sexual relationship between two or more people, usually men, a form of homosocial intimacy [1]. The emergence of this concept is associated with an increasing openness of society and the general tendency to revise the concepts of gender and sexuality [2].


  • 1Etimology
  • 2Characteristics
  • 3 celebrities
  • 4SM. also
  • 5Notes


The word bromance comes from the English words bro (colloquial form brother - brother ) and romance ( romance, romance ). The term was coined in the 1990s by Dave Carney, editor of the Big Brother Magazine skateboarding magazine . He used this word in several cases to describe the specific relationship between skateboarders, who spent a lot of time together [3].


The modern circumstances of the bromance distinguish it from other phenomena of homosocial practice and historical romantic friendship [4] [5]. Aristotle's classic treatise on friendship, written about 300 BC. er often taken as a prototype bromance:

Those who wish good to their friends and do everything for their sake are true friends, for everyone loves the other for what he is, and not for random qualities [1].

There are many well-known examples of zealous male friendship throughout most of Western history, and such relationships are also common. At the end of the 19th century, the spread of Freudianism and the fear of being suspected of homosexual relations led to the fact that heterosexual men tried to avoid expressive manifestations of affection [4].

Friendship and masculinity researchers have found that the latest generations of men who grew up in families of feminist mothers in the 1970s are more emotionally open and expressive. In addition, they have fewer concerns about homosexuality, so they feel more comfortable exploring deep friendships with other men [6] [7]. Studies conducted by American scientists show that the tendency to abandon "traditional ideas of masculinity" is most common among men of Anglo-Saxon origin and the least among immigrants from Africa, and the Spaniards are between them. In addition, scientists have found that those who strongly support the “traditional notions of masculinity” are most prone to alexithymia [8].

  Bromance close non-sexual relationship between two or more people

Hugs with several young men

Another factor affecting bromance is the fact that men began to marry at a later age. According to the US census for 2010, the average age of a married man for the first time is 28 years, compared with 23 in 1960. Scientists also found that men with higher education are waiting to be 30 years old before marrying [7].

Male-to-male friendships are often based on joint activities, including gaming, playing musical instruments, shopping, smoking, talking by the fire, watching movies, fishing, relaxing, various sports activities, gambling, drinking alcohol and using psychedelic substances. Emotional exchange (which is a common manifestation of female friendship) can also be considered a type of joint activity [9].


A significant number of celebrities had relationships to which the notion of bromance applies.

Ben Affleck and Matt Damon are often described as “the brocene pioneers in the history of show business” [10]

see also

  • Sisterhood
  • Buddy Movie
  • Homosociality


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