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An offer of marriage


Common to many cultures around the world is the timing of the proposal for special occasions or other holiday events. [1]

  An offer of marriage

lassic marriage proposal on your lap, approx. 1815

  An offer of marriage

Adolphe William Bouguereau, Offer of the Hand and Heart (1872)

The proposal of the hand and heart: the rules and norms of behavior

Women believe in the institution of marriage and the fairy tale that is expected from the most tender childhood in the form of a fairy-tale prince on a noble horse.

Even if cohabitation with the chosen one has more than one year, and you are firmly certified - this is the best choice of your life partner and your reliable rear, this does not end there. In the real sense, family life begins with banal, from the male point of view, but magic for the beloved words. We note that with such an important proposal, the situation and tonality itself is not unimportant, and it is worth remembering the etiquette of such an action. We will do our best to provide all possible assistance at such an important stage of life, and if, while reading the article, you have already had a similar ritual act, then share your personal experience, look at the situation with the next generation in the comments below.

Ways beautiful and correctly present an invitation to marry a great many. This is one of the unspoken and obligatory ceremonies of the public, passing from generation to new generation, a tradition that cannot be avoided. Remember that the offer itself can be sent in the most banal way with rather simple words, the main thing is that the process should be extremely romantic.

By the way, approximately 80% of ladies believe that an invitation to marry them was not done in a romantic way, and this is not the main pleasant event in their lives. Undoubtedly, there is no need to make a costly event and order a plane, you need to impress with romance, and then this magical and rather formal story will be told by your wife to your envious friends, children, grandchildren, maybe even great-grandchildren.

We advise you to be and remain, at least, yourself, the way you are known, loved, and with which you are connected with a thread of harmony and feelings. Of course, it is permissible to be slightly nervous, it will give some excitement to her feelings, and the chosen one will see that this step is just as important to you as she is. Many details, scenarios, actions and other things are yours, and yet it is recommended to adhere to certain norms of behavior and some rules, which we set forth with our own thoughts a bit lower.

Some nuances concerning offer culture and established rules

In the culture of offering hands and hearts, a man traditionally dominates, that is, not a girl takes the initiative. Although in modern society everything is permissible, but remain a man in the end.

The invitation to marry, as well as much promising in life, must be accomplished in a timely manner. It often happens that the first year of living together is sweet and saturated, in the second year of living the girl is ready to become your spouse and to cherish all of your conscious upcoming life, love you and have children. Unfortunately, by the third year, psychologically, a girl begins to cool off in a zeal for marriage, a vague disappointment ensues in the satellite, and many couples are pushed towards separation and misunderstanding.

Naturally, intending to take such an important step, proceed from the nature of your future half, and its lifestyle. It is not unimportant to know the tastes and preferences of his lady. Even a million roses will not be pleased if the life partner in principle does not like roses, and make her jump with a parachute if she takes the height of the panic and does not even lean out onto her own balcony on the sixth floor.

The etiquette of an important action lies in some rules, which we will discuss below.

Pre-informing parents or next of kin

Etiquette, of course, requires you to inform her parents about the intended step. But this absolutely does not mean that you need to ask, because if her father says the final “no”, then the lady who filled your heart will not have the right to choose.

Under favorable circumstances, if your marriage is approved, the girl's parents can be attracted to participate in a rather important event in the life of her daughter. If there is no close communication between your darling and her relatives, then it is not at all necessary to even inform them about it. In such a situation, we even recommend strongly not to involve her parents in the immediate process.

Symbolic gift for the betrothal

The event in which, in secret conversation, a man asks the lady of his heart about the family creation and the decision to conclude a marriage union with him, is marked by a betrothal. This event accompanies a special ritual, the presentation of a symbolic gift to the future spouse. In many countries, these are different gifts, a special fabric can be both, and in our country it is customary to present it in the form of a ring. Traditionally, it should be somewhat gentler and more graceful than a wedding, that is, the one that you will dress your spouse in a famous institution with a ring finger.

  An offer of marriage

It is not necessary to attract a potential spouse to the selection of the engagement ring, because this event should wear a veil of mystery and act as a pleasant surprise for her. If your general reasoning has already reached the point of discussing marriage, then any girl of this kind of situation can show personal preferences.

If this discussion did not occur, then rely on personal observations, acumen and memory. Well, really, if you think very tightly, then resort to helping to assist her closest friend, sister or other relative.

The most important invitation and tone

Stick to a certain degree of formality and more formal proposals. It should not sound like, as the expression was said, between common phrases, and even more so, not a desire, like this “I want us to get married.” Immediately drop the sentence like "Let's get married", not a single lady, even the most creative will not forgive.

The girl needs romanticism, which is most often hidden in formalism. For example, rising on the left knee, presenting flowers and a symbolic gift in the form of a ring, with the accompanying words “Will you become my faithful companion and loving wife for the rest of your long life?”. It may be old-fashioned, not original, but it is marked by romance. Maybe this is what she, your only one, expects.

Main composure

Not everyone will be able to immediately hear a firm “Yes”, even without interdependence on the circumstances and ideality of a well-thought-out proposal process. You must be mentally prepared for the answer and do not lose your head if you hear “I need time to think” or “No.” Your companion is also a person with a certain set of feelings and sensations, because you have been walking for some time to this step, and let her come to a correct and final conclusion.


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