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Project - classifications types classes


1. Basic concepts

In today's world, companies face an unprecedented increase in competition. Those companies that do their business in the most efficient way survive and succeed. One of the most modern and successful models of management, allowing to achieve competitive advantages, is project management.

A project is a time-limited, purposeful change of a separate system with established requirements for the quality of results, possible limits for the expenditure of funds and resources, and specific organization

Project management is an activity aimed at achieving the objectives set, the implementation of certain plans, using the available resources - time, capital, people.

Project participants are individuals and organizations that are directly involved in the project or whose interests may be affected by the project.

2. Classification of projects

Projects can be classified for the following reasons:

• Project Type
• Project class.
• Duration of the project
• The complexity of the project

2.1. Type of project

The main types of activities in which the project is carried out include the following types:
• organizational,
• investment,
• research,


2.2. Project class

Depending on the scale (in ascending order) and the degree of interdependence, the following types of purposeful changes are distinguished:

- work operations;

- Work packages - complexes of technologically interconnected operations;

- projects;

- multiprojects - a project consisting of several technologically dependent projects, united by common resources;

- programs - a complex of operations (activities, projects), linked technologically, resourcefully and organizationally and ensuring the achievement of the goal;

Portfolios of projects - a set of not necessarily technologically dependent projects, implemented by the organization in the context of resource constraints and ensuring the achievement of its strategic goals

2.3. Duration and complexity of the project

• Duration of the project
the duration of the project period is divided into:

short-term (up to 3 years),

medium term (from 3 to 5 years),

long-term (over 5 years).

• The complexity of the project
the degree of complexity distinguish projects:

simple, complex, very complex.


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software project management

Terms: software project management