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Violation of reading and writing with local brain lesions.


Reading and writing are special forms of speech activity. Reading is an impressive form of speech, writing is an expressive form of speech. When writing, the process goes from thought to word, when reading from word to thought, from grapheme to thought.

Primary and secondary violations of writing and reading.

Violation of the letter - agrafiya. Reading failure is alexia.

Primary agraphies and alexia.

Primary disorders arise directly as a result of damage to a specific area of ​​the brain and act as a definite disorder.

Agraphies: amnesic, optical.

Amnesia occurs when the occipital-temporal divisions are affected. The patient can not remember the written letters. The alienation of graphic images from its phonemic meaning. Cheating is much better. The patient may confuse the order of the letters (literal paragraph - the replacement of letters), the rearrangement of letters. The patient confuses words by the similarity of writing.

When apraxia occurs aprakticheskaya agrafiya. Combination with kinesthetic apraxia (low-temperature departments, lower post-central departments) - the patient cannot write at all, because he cannot accept the corresponding posture proportion of writing. If you manage to take a pen, the patient cannot write the letter correctly. There may be dashes and hooks instead of letters.

Violation of the proprioceptive orientation. The basis of the violation of proprioceptive orientation of movement. Without visual control the letter is impossible at all.

1) Primary Alexia - those reading disorders that occur directly during brain damage.

  • literal alexia - occurs when the defeat of the occipital parts. Considered as one of the types of agnosia. It is the letter agnosia. Recognition of letters is broken. Copy the patient can, but what it means - the patient can not say. In milder cases, the letters of the same type are mixed. To identify the erased form, there are samples of noise (for example, the letter D is written, and K is superimposed on it from above). In this case, the patient will not be able to recognize.
  • verbal alexia - is described as simultaneous agnosia (occipital-parietal divisions). The patient can recognize individual letters, but he cannot cover the whole word. Reading occurs letter by letter. There is an alienation of the meaning of the read. If it is associated with right-side violations, left-sided ignoring occurs. The basis of the narrowing of visual perception.

2) Secondary alexia, agraphies .

They are part of neuropsychological syndromes as a concomitant symptom. That is, the formation mechanism depends on the main defect.

  • In sensory aphasia - the upper temple (Wernicke zone) - in terms of dictation, a violation is manifested. Replacing letters similar in sound. Possible missing and replacing letters. Independent letters are also violated, and the cheating is not violated. Violation of reading out loud.
  • In afferent motor aphasia , the lower parietal divisions are involved. Articulation defects occur. The letter is broken again. The letter is broken in this way: the patient can even write letters. With the help of the article number. But can not clarify the composition of the word. Reading to yourself is slow - but intact. Reading out loud is disturbed.
  • In efferent motor aphasia (Broca's zone, lower parts of the premotor region), reading and writing will also be disturbed. In case of violation of the letter - the writing of individual letters - will be safe. If you need to write a whole word, the patient may miss syllables or letters. Lose the order of the letters. Often there are perseveratsii. Violation of reading: if out loud - the letters he learns great. Difficulties when merging letters into syllables. Cannot switch from one letter to another. If he reads one syllable, he will not be able to switch further.
  • In semantic aphasia , there will also be a violation of writing and reading. The basis of semantic aphasia is a violation of spatial simultaneous perception. If you violate the letter will suffer the spelling of letters. The patient will write mirror. The meaning of the letter is saved. The patient understands what word he writes. When reading, the patient will correctly read the words and pronounce, and understanding will be difficult if the text contains complex grammatical constructions, prepositions, and everything that speaks of space.
  • With acoustic-mnestic aphasia , hearing-speech memory is the basis of impairments. When writing and reading, writing long words and phrases will suffer. Copying is saved, but the meaning of the text will remain unclear.

3) Violation of writing and reading in the defeat of the frontal brain.

Frontal syndrome. Great inactivity, exhaustion. When writing, there is a tendency to micrography. Impaired tonus. When spontaneous writing - loss of intent. This applies to all activities. Often the replacement of necessary actions with perseverations (for example: Dear Professor. I want to say, I want to say ...).

The basis is a violation of regulation. The same happens in reading. Both at the level of intention and at the stage of comparison of results. Side effects are intertwined.


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Terms: Neuropsychology