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Disruption of the emotional sphere with local brain damage.


3 areas in which there is a violation of the emotional sphere.

1) the frontal regions of the brain

  1. with massive lesions of the frontal lobes. It is expressed in complacency, uncriticality, euphoria, the disappearance of a sense of responsibility, emotional indifference.
  2. if basal structures are affected, the patient has a hot temper, irritability. Even in the lungs of patients - a violation of socially-conditioned emotions: a sense of humor, responsibility. Socially deterministic emotions are violated.
  3. left-side lesions of the forehead: lethargy, lethargy, passivity, depression, even depression
  4. if the right forehead is damaged - complacency, euphoria, the patient is doing well, anosognosia (denial of one’s own defect), uncriticality, carelessness, impulsivity. If a patient is shown pictures with people experiencing any emotions, then left-sided patients will show a preference for emotionally negative words, a maximum of negative emotions, neutral emotions they will also attribute to negative ones. With right-sided injuries of the forehead - the preference for positive emotions. As many emotions as possible are considered positive.

2) temporal areas:

  • left
  • right
  • media basal

- If the lesions are in the media temple, the patient shows aggressiveness, negativism up to the state of socially dangerous.

- If the left temple - the patient manifests a constant emotional disorder - as a background. Mostly depressive in nature. Weeping, anxious phobic disorders.

- If the right temple is damaged - paroxysmal affects of fear, anguish, horror. Obvious shifts of the vegetative system are observed: redness, blanching, sweating, trembling. There are also paroxysms (attacks) of rage, anxiety.

Maybe depersonalization. If combined with auditory agnosia, derealization may develop.

3) Diencephalic areas: pituitary, hypothalamic.

• in rough cases, pituitary dementia occurs. Against the background of dementia - general mental excitement, euphoria, or vice versa excitement with aggression. The gradual impoverishment of the emotional sphere. The voice is not intonated, there is no intonation. In the emotional sphere, there is fatigue, lability - a person becomes touchy. Asthenia, increased emotional lability. Tendency to depressed mood increases. With amplification, agitated depression may occur with anger, anxiety. All this against the background of low mood. Criticality is preserved.

Adipose-genital dystrophy. Associated with pituitary hypofunction. Many changes on the body level. May be immature. May occur at different age stages. The emotional sphere is mostly sluggish, drowsiness, indifference, or dull euphoria. Epileptipical seizures are possible - loss of consciousness, and not seizures. Gradually, the depletion of the emotional sphere.

Hypothalamic syndrome . May suffer from many factors. Even from minor, but later progresses. For example: dysfunction of the adrenal glands, sex glands. Violation of sexual behavior. Disinhibition craving. Often there is a change of sleep and wakefulness.

Emotional sphere - the close connection of the hypothalamus with the forehead. Decreased sense of responsibility, tendency to depression, depressed mood, drowsiness, tearfulness. In this case, criticality is preserved. Vegetative shifts are possible.


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Terms: Neuropsychology