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The developmental rates of children under 3 years of age (for diagnosis)


Stages of normal psychomotor development.

At 2 months - fixing the gaze and eye tracking - from 18 to 25.5 cm - the vision zone. At newborns the abrupt movement of pupils is traced. There is no convergence (reduction to the nose). Contrast colors are distinguished (more interest in black and white, rather than a color picture).

At 2 months - begins to lift his head and hold it.

At 4.5 months - sitting down (pulling the hands - and he sits down). Lying on his stomach holds his head.

At 5 months - sitting with support for the waist.

In 5.5-6 months - rolls from belly to back

At 6 months - shifts the toy from hand to hand.

At 7 months - lying on his back, he lifts his legs and examines the body.

In 7.5-8 months - sitting without support, swallow on his stomach

At 8.5 months - roll from belly to back and vice versa

At 9 months - sits without support, turns his head to the side and back, clapping his hands

At 9.5 months - crawling on the stomach

At 10 months - there are chewing movements of soft food, starts to stand on all fours and stretch hands to the toy, starts to stand up

At 11 months - from a position on all fours - sits on the ass

At 12 months - pincer grip (two fingers)

At 12 months - 1 year 1 month - crawling on all fours. The main thing - the diagonal crawling. Trying to get up.

At 1 year, 1 month, they step sideways, make moving steps. They can stand without support and walk on their own.

At 1 year 2 months - squat down, stand up and move on. Responds to wet pants

At 1 year 3 months - long walk

In 1 year 4 months - can put a cube on a cube

At 1 year 6 months - climb to the dais

At 1 year 9 months - push the mold into the hole

At 1 year 10 months - asks for toilet

In 2 years - walking upstairs, you can put on a regular chair. Can string beads.

At 2 years 6 months - puts on socks, pants, shoes.

In 2.5 - 3 years - the leading hand is determined

At the age of 3, she cuts with scissors, masters a tricycle, steps over obstacles, can stand on one leg.


Walking in girls at 3-4 months, the boys may be a little later. Babbling at 10 months is pronouncing soft sounds - me, la ...

At 1 year 2 months - a repeat of the adult series of syllables, monosyllabic words.

At 1 year 6 months - echolalic speech at this age and up to 4 years is the norm.

In the 2.0-2.1 year - an elementary sentence of 2 words

At 2.6 years girls have phrasal speech with agrammatism

2.8-2.9 years old boys have a phrasal speech of 4-5 words

In 3 years will repeat the quatrain.


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Terms: Neuropsychology