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Major neuropsychological syndromes.


Indromes - a natural combination of symptoms, based on the violation or loss of a particular   factor, due to local brain damage.

Syndromes depend on localization:

1) Syndrome lesions parietal-occipital :

modal-specific factor, visual. Optical spatial analysis and synthesis.

  1. visual agnosia
  2. visual memory impairment - narrowing of the volume, increased attention to interference.
  3. violation of visual attention (violation of the right hemisphere - left-sided ignoring in visual information)
  4. in the intellectual sphere - constructive intelligence, those intellectual operations that require an analysis of spatial relationships.
  5. motor sphere - spatial apraxia. Violation of the motor act associated with space.

2) TPO lesion syndrome.

  1. factor violation: simultaneous and spatial analysis and synthesis. Integrity and space.
  2. Symptoms - disorientation of orientation in space (right, left), motor-spatial, constructive apraxia, specularity in the display of letters is disturbed.
  3. semantic aphasia
  4. intellect - primary acalculia, a violation of the account due to the decay of the digit structure of a number
  5. violation of visual-figurative thinking. The patient can not read the map scheme.

3) Parietal syndromes.

Upper-and lower-tempered. The modal specific factor is the skin kinesthetic factor. Everything connected with tactile, simultaneous synthesis.

There are mnestic violations, namely a decrease in tactile memory. Tactile inattention. Ignoring any side in terms of skin-kinesthetic perception.

- Upper tetem syndrome is associated with proprioception and simultaneous synthesis. In case of violation, somatoagnosis occurs. A person cannot navigate with the positions of body parts.

Somatoparagnosia - somatic deception (for example: it seems that the hands to the floor ...).

- Lower syndrome - associated with individual parts of the body: articulation apparatus and hands. There is a tactile agnosia, kinesthetic apraxia (the hand is like a shovel, it cannot fold a hand as it should).

Violation of articulation in the form of afferent motor aphasia.

Oral apraxia (part of the afferent motor) - a violation of the movement of the mouth.

4) Temporal syndromes.

The temple is responsible for modal-specific factors. Auditory perception, hearing-speech memory. Analysis of auditory information. There are 2 temporal syndromes:

  1. syndrome - T1 zone damage - Wernicke zone - sensory aphasia - impairment of phonemic hearing (sensory aphasia - decay of reading, writing, alienation of the meaning of words).
  2. Syndrome - T2 zone damage - middle temple and lower. Violation of hearing speech memory. With his defeat there is an acoustic-mnestic faziya. Violation of the letter, violation of the understanding of long texts, oral accounts.
  3. syndrome of lesion of the right temple. Factor - auditory perception. All that is associated with auditory analysis, and in perception and in memory will be disturbed. Auditory agnosia, arrhythmia, amusia, impaired intonation aspect of speech. Violation of auditory attention.

5) Frontal sections

(For the central sulcus in the premotor regions) - premotor syndromes - precentral gyrus - motor system. Violation of the modal-specific factor that ensures the cortical organization of movements.

2 syndrome: upper, lower.

  • With the defeat of the upper premotor parts kinetic apraxia occurs (switching from one movement to another). Motor inattention. Intellectual disturbances in the form of dynamic violations. Difficulty switching. Inertness Decreased mobility of mental processes.
  • Lower premotor departments. Kinetic apraxia is less common. Broca's zone and speech impairment in the form of motor efferent aphasia (Broca's aphasia). May be observed in some cases - dynamic aphasia.

6) Prefrontal lesion syndrome

(frontal syndromes). Goal setting, programming. Violation of the general behavior and personality of the patient.

Behavior becomes spontaneously impulsive. A lot of stamps. The same reaction to anything. Change in motivation. Violation of arbitrary motivation and activities in general. Disruption of the emotional sphere: euphoria, depression. In terms of movement - regulatory apraxia. There are systemic perseverations. Dynamic aphasia. Adynamy of cognitive activity. Inertness, rigidity is characteristic. Violation of mnestic activity (memory), pseudo-amnesia.


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Terms: Neuropsychology