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Neuropsychological diagnosis.


Purpose: the formulation of a neuropsychological diagnosis, which includes a sydromic analysis of mental disorders and a topical (topic - which area of ​​the brain is damaged) diagnosis.

  • The brain of the child is developing. It is not about damage, not about the violation of any factor, but about the insufficiency, immaturity, delayed development of any part of the brain. (Not breakage, but immaturity or lack of development). This applies to all but subcortical or stem structures.
  • Neuropsychological diagnostics should include the study of the zone of near development.
  • Accurate topical diagnostics is virtually impossible. Much in the diagnosis depends on the ability to find contact with the child (especially difficult with autists). Specific methods for the diagnosis of children does not exist. Now they use adult, adapted techniques. Everything should be at the level of age features.

Procedural requirements. Diagnosis of the child is carried out no more than 45 minutes. A child of 10-12 years old can be diagnosed a little longer - one hour. It is necessary to properly allocate the time alternation of motor tests with samples associated with memorization. The cabinet should have few distractions. Parents should motivate the child to study. The instruction should be given in a language understandable to the child. In the protocol, it is necessary to record all the tests, the child’s behavior during the trial, the literal fixation of the words in the story. In addition, for the diagnosis, additional drawings of the child, notebooks, etc. are considered.

Evaluation of the results.

Currently, it is customary to give a qualitative and quantitative assessment.

Quality - you need to analyze errors, which functions are violated, which are saved. What factor is the basis of violations. We analyze the mechanisms of failure (syndromic analysis).

Quantitative - more often needed for diplomas and etc. In real work, almost not needed.


  • Luria. Section number three.
  • Tsvetkova L.S. "Methods of neuropsychological diagnosis of children"
  • Chomsky "Album" (for adults)
  • Semenovich "Neuropsychological diagnosis and correction in childhood"


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Terms: Neuropsychology