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Neuropsychological syndromes in childhood.


Dysgenetic syndrome - syndrome of dysfunction of brain stem formations; dysfunction syndrome subcortical formations.

Barrel and subcortex.

The development of the stem child initially with the displacement of the stages is disharmonious.

Often the teeth are formed incorrectly, not in time, but earlier. Stigmas (signs) about pathology are observed: for example, the shape of the ear, the epicantus, the Mongoloid incision of the eyes, phalanxes of fingers in the form of drumsticks, hernia, impaired development of internal organs, cryptorchism, phimosis are changed. In girls, a change in sexual development, a further violation of the cycle, difficulty in conceiving.

In stem children (if the trunk is involved and the subcortex) - reduced immunity, diathesis, disruption of the endocrine system. Externally, children are very thin or vice versa. Violation of the sleep formula, difficulty falling asleep. The problematic development of neatness skills - enuresis, encopresis.

Mental functions: major and minor motor skills suffer. For a long time is not formed selective activation. You may notice a false left-handedness Poor development of speech.

In subcortical children, the situation with mental functions is better. The subcortex takes on very early compensating functions. Kids talk a lot and intelligently.

In the case of stem children, it is difficult to correct. They study in auxiliary classes.

In the case of subcortical children, everything depends on the forehead (functionally brought up). In the process of correctional activity, the frontal lobe will be built up and the child compensates for the subcortex by connecting the frontal control. In this case, the child will be intellectually saved. If the forehead is “not brought up,” then intellectual failure occurs. "I want" - a leading position for life.

In studies, there is a long period of workability, inertia up to the repetition of the task, the difficulty of switching attention (manifested in samples to dynamic praxis), echolalia, ecopraxia. The rate of activity is reduced, low performance with true signs of fatigue, yawning, deterioration of activity, fluctuations in attention or even consciousness, hence memory deterioration. The child may experience tonic disorders in the hands.

At school, signs of cerebrosthenia, headaches, dizziness, pressure, and weak vestibular apparatus may increase. Problems with handwriting. Later, it can achieve better results, but at this stage it does not. In stem children - left-sided ignoring. Difficulties with stress, rhythmization at all levels broken. School disadaptation. The manifestation of clumsiness in physical education classes.

What can confirm stem violations?

Barrel markers:

  • speech (6-7 years)
  • abundance of different pathologies at the level of the body, stigma
  • distortion of motor development: tics, stuttering, tremor, tendency to tics (hypertonus, inertness)
  • left-handedness (false)
  • violation of the activity of cranial nerves: strabismus, astigmatism, nystagmus, salivation

Syndrome of functional insufficiency of the temporal divisions.

Left temple: auditory-speech memory suffers. If the right temple is connected, a violation of the desired word order is added, words are replaced. Confabulations - replacement by meaning. Contamination - replacement by sound. The impairment of hearing-speech memory is combined with the delay in maturation of the phonemic hearing.

Right temple: rhythm disturbance, stress setting. This is a manifestation of a violation of phonemic hearing.

Parietal areas: functional insufficiency of the parietal areas: skin-kinesthetic sensitivity (where has it touched?), From 7 years old - skin reading. Test on the kinesthetic factor (it is broken). Speech articulation is disturbed - sounds similar in speaking are confused. The letter confuses "y" and "and", "o" and "a".

Tactile memory: if we are talking about the right hemisphere, then somatogenosis is added - somatic deceptions amid a rise in temperature (it may seem that the fingers are swollen and hot).

Syndrome of functional insufficiency of the occipital parts.

By itself, the back of the head rarely suffers.

In violation of the activity of the temporal-occipital region - the difficulty of naming from 5-6 years.

When the activity of the parietal-occipital region is disturbed, when copying and reproducing geometric figures - difficulties, specularity. Disturbance of orientation in the space of elements on the letter (the line does not hold). The spatial factor, both in speech and in prepositions, is also right-left, behind or before.

Syndrome of functional insufficiency of the frontal divisions.

Violation of programming, regulation and control. Violation of dynamic practice, control. Sample: palm, fist, rib - does not remember. Speech is poor. Phrases are primitive. Words, prepositions, syllables - not added. Simplify the program. The simplest rules do not remember.

Syndrome of functional insufficiency of the right hemisphere.

Left-sided ignoring, reasoning, pretentiousness. The overall strategy is simultaneous - orientation as a whole.

Syndrome of functional insufficiency of the SRW zone.

Basically, the spatial factor and the semantic part of speech are disturbed.


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Terms: Neuropsychology